Recent papers in Synagogues
English version of Hebrew article published in Roni Weinstein ed. Italiyah [Italy], Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem 2012: 143-150.
The article examines the interwar period in the life and work of two architects, Usher Chiter (1899–1967) and Elyukim Maltz (1898–1973), both graduates of the Odessa School of Architecture.During that time the architects were doing work... more
Sanctifying Texts, Transforming Rituals © , , | . / _ The titles published in this series are listed at Brill's Studies in Catholic Theology
The aspect of gematria in the architecture of Judaism is dealt with in detail in the author's doctoral thesis written under the supervision of Professor Małgorzata Chorowska. The doctoral thesis was defended in 2016 at the Faculty of... more
Le monument mis au jour en 1976 dans la cour du palais de justice de Rouen est le plus important vestige archéologique de la présence juive médiévale sur le territoire de la France actuelle. C’est la « butte témoin » d’une présence... more
In this article I shall examine Oriental-style synagogues built in Austria-Hungary during the second half of the nineteenth century in the context of the architectural and cultural history of Hapsburg lands, putting forward three theses:... more
Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci of Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation brings together the papers that were read at an international conference at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in May 2018. The contributions to... more
History of the synagogues in the Wielkopolska Region
Images 10 (2018)
סדרה של תמונות שצולמו - ככל הנראה - כדי לתעד את ההריסה הזדונית בידי הנאצים ועוזריהם של בית הכנסת הגדול והמפואר שנבנה בעיר בעלזא על ידי אבי השלשלת כ"ק מרן מהר"ש זי"ע ונהרס בתקופת המלחמה העולמית השניה Analysis of a series of photographs... more
The article analyses the character and contents of the periodical "Beit Ha-Knesset" (= the Synagogue), published under the initiative of the Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv in the years 1946-1948 – practically, the only periodical in... more
This article examines how public prayer was conducted at the Hebrew university in 1917-1948, and the changes that took place regarding that issue throughout this period: From the early years, when no organizied prayer took place at the... more
סדרה נוספת של תמונות שצולמו - ככל הנראה - כדי לתעד את ההריסה הזדונית בידי הנאצים ועוזריהם של בית הכנסת הגדול והמפואר שנבנה בעיר בעלזא על ידי אבי השלשלת כ"ק מרן מהר"ש זי"ע ונהרס בתקופת המלחמה העולמית השניה Analysis of a series of... more
Many scholars view the choral synagogues in the Russian Empire as Reform synagogues, influenced by the German Reform movement. This article analyzes the features characteristic of Reform synagogues in central and Western Europe, and... more
מידע כלל אודות בית הכנסת המפורסם שבנה כ"ק מרן ה"שר שלום" זי"ע בבעלזא עם תמונות נדירות מראשית ימיה ועד להריסת בית הכנסת בידי הנאצים במלחמה העולם השניה
The article investigates the semantics of the leonine reliefs on the Torah ark of 1522/23 of the synagogue built by Jewish exiles from Catalonia in Rome by permission of Pope Leo X. The proposed interpretation of the lion is derived from... more
The study deals with liturgical texts from the Cairo Geniza that contain vestiges of the ancient Palestinian rite and later revisions, some of which can be attributed to the influence of authorities who were loyal to the Babylonian... more
Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt was offered an opportunity that would make any performer swoon: a star role in the ground-breaking film The Jazz Singer (1927). Yet Rosenblatt refused this artistic opportunity of a lifetime. This paper... more
Ochwat Magdalena. (2016). Katedra - synagoga - meczet : o
odczytywaniu symboli religijnych na lekcjach polskiego. "Z Teorii i Praktyki
Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego" T. 25 (2016), s. 39-60
odczytywaniu symboli religijnych na lekcjach polskiego. "Z Teorii i Praktyki
Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego" T. 25 (2016), s. 39-60
Este libro aborda el estudio de la Arquitectura y Decoración de dos sinagogas medievales: la de Córdoba y la del Tránsito (Toledo), los dos exponentes más destacados del legado artístico hispano-judío que conserva hoy el Patrimonio... more
This book is dedicated to the study of the archaeological and architectural remains of the Medieval Synagogue found in the Spanish town of Hijar (Aragon). Throughout 2017, several archaeological studies were conducted in and around the... more
This research is a case study of the Ramban Synagogue in Jerusalem's Greek colony. The research was conducted in 2014 and refers to the communal development process in the synagogue between the years 2000-2014. In light of this unique... more
Author: Shmuel Safrai Publisher: CBE International Today, public worship can take place in a synagogue only if at least ten adult Jewish males are present. Women do not qualify as part of this quorum. Furthermore, women are separated... more
This article explores the synagogues which emerged during the time between the Old and New Testaments and continued to be used into the first century AD. What happened in those nearly 400 years that changed how and where the Jews gathered... more
Jewish Religious Architecture explores ways that Jews have expressed their tradition in brick and mortar and wood, in stone and word and spirit. This volume stretches from the biblical Tabernacle to Roman Jerusalem, synagogues spanning... more
T he p hys ica l a nd s ym bolic embodiment of the autonomous Jewish community in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was the building of a synagogue, which defined and represented the community both in the eyes of its own members and in... more
The article talks about the life and works of an outstanding St. Petersburg architect Yakob Gevirtz (1879-1942), whose heritage to a great extent is connected to the edifices erected for the needs of the Jewish community. Gevirtz’s... more
The study of ancient Judaism has enjoyed a steep rise in interest and publications in recent decades. However, much of this study has focused on the ideas and beliefs represented in ancient texts, with only limited study regarding the... more