Most downloaded papers in Synaesthesia
The ability to select and apply type sensitively is an art form that requires an astute knowledge of the communicative complexity of letterforms. However, as a designer and design educator, I have observed that many designers frequently... more
Synästhesie als ästhetisches Phänomen verweist zunächst auf eine Durchdringung der ver-schiedenen Sinne. Die meist in einem Modell isolierter Wahrnehmung untersuchten Sinne geraten hierbei in einen Austausch, wobei sich häufig die Frage... more
This book is about representations of the body in all fields (fine art, medicine, ethnography, racial studies, biology). It is intended for artists, art students, and people interested in theories of art. This is the 2021 revision. Every... more
Este libro quiere proporcionar una imagen actualizada de los conocimientos adquiridos en dos siglos de estudio, desde comienzos del siglo XIX hasta hoy, sobre la sinestesia. Está dirigido a los estudiosos, a los estudiantes de... more
Luke, D. (2015, July). Psychedelic synaesthesia: New light on an old phenomenon. Paper presented at Breaking Convention: The 3rd International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness, University of Greenwich, London, 10-12th July.... more
The audiovisual history charted in chapter two is here revoiced in terms of spatial expansion. It is argued that video technology did not initiate a new form of creative engagement with its performance spaces, but rather represented the... more
This paper is currently being revised. Main topic and almost all information will remain but revised version should be uploaded soon. Thanks!
In this article, the rapidly growing body of research that has been published recently on the topic of crossmodal correspondences that involve auditory and gustatory stimuli is critically reviewed. The evidence demonstrates that people... more
It is axiomatic that colour is about more than just lightwaves hitting the retina. In ancient philosophical circles, colour was often described as the primary object of vision: it was the external ‘skin’ that existed at the surface of an... more
Ce livre développe, à partir de Merleau-Ponty, Henry et Sartre, une phénoménologie décrivant la vie perceptive du point de vue du désir d'éprouver qui s'y déploie. L'auteur interroge, selon différents chemins tout à la fois opposés et... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
By means of Vivian Sobchack's semiotic film phenomenology, we may examine our immediate perceptual acts in film experience in order to determine the ways that the primordial language of embodied existence found at this primary level... more
Although examples of work investigating the perceptual relationship and possibilities of sound and image are common, relatively little work has been carried out into multimedia works combining sound and three-dimensional objects. A... more
The grotesque image is 'opposed to all that is finished and polished, to all pomposity, a collectively enacted bodily mode that resists against every ready-made solution in the sphere of thought and world outlook'. 1
Considering the interrelations between sight, touch, and imagination, this book surveys classical, late antique, and medieval theories of vision to elaborate on how various spheres of the Byzantine world categorized and comprehended... more
Terhune, D. B., Luke, D. P., & Cohen Kadosh, R. (2017). The induction of synaesthesia in non-synaesthetes. In O. Deroy (Ed.), Sensory blending: On synaesthesia and related phenomena. (pp.215-247). Oxford: Oxford University Press.... more
Internally focalized passages in narrative often employ metaphors to capture the experiential states of the focalizing character. My investigation of these metaphors—‘phenomenological metaphors’, as I call them—has two important... more
How is creativity related to health and mental illness? What is the relationship between the nature of the unconscious and the predisposition to both creativity and mental illness? These questions are explored with reference to research... more
justify the forum almost entirely on their own. Then there is the book. It inaugurates its own sub-discipline which reaches into several disciplines besides mainstream music theory, such as music perception and cognition, human... more
Click the file to see the Table of Contents and Preface.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Synesthetes are people who report having perceptual experiences that are very unusual, such as “seeing” sounds as colors or “smelling” colors as odors. It is commonly assumed these days that such synesthetic experiences must be instances... more
Today an enriching museum visit is likely to leave a great many visual and increasingly also auditory and tactile impressions. Different genres of museums go about the challenge of engaging visitors sensuously in different ways, and... more
Slide 1] The first mention of the poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) is often followed by the familiar tale of this figure's involvement with nineteenthcentury Pre-Raphaelitism. A young Rossetti, courageous and... more
The purpose of this article is to develop a critical and extended understanding of practices in organization from a phenomenological point of view. It explores the relevance of Merleau-Ponty’s advanced phenomenology and ontology for... more
This keynote paper for Workshops on Psychoanalysis & Art History raises questions about the ability of neuroscientific theory to replace older psychoanalytic models. On the one hand, scholars in the arts and humanities have raised... more
"Dalla IV di copertina Sentire il design significa cogliere sensazioni con l'orecchio, ma anche tastare, odorare, vedere, gustare il progetto. L'abilità del progettista visivo sta certo nel far vedere, nel definire gerarchie percettive... more
Terhune, D. B., Luke, D. P., Kaelen, M., Bolstridge, M., Feilding, A., Nutt, D., Carhart-Harris, R., Ward, J. (2016). A placebo-controlled investigation of synaesthesia-like experiences under LSD. Neuropsychologia, 88, 28-34.... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
This article is an attempt to synthesize the current knowledge about synaesthesia from many fields such as literature, arts, multimedia, medicine, or psychology. The main goal of this paper is to classify various types and forms of... more
A historical "dual systems" perspectives on dreaming is revisited. Some contemporary perspectives are outlined in which dreams are considered in terms of : virtual reality simulations; memory processing; a way of "thinking". Reference is... more
This chapter examines the earliest fully realised abstract animated films, produced in Germany in the 1920s by Hans Richter, Viking Eggeling and Walther Ruttman. The time-based medium of film offered these artists an opportunity to... more
"Synaesthesia: The Mystical Sense of Law." In Routledge Research Handbook on Law and Theory. Ed. Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos. Lonon: Routledge, 2018. 179-201. For to everyone who senses something there comes about, in addition... more
Synaesthetic experience and kinaesthetics, the experience of the posture and the movement of the body, are key concepts in the understanding of the interplay between the habitus of the organism and its habitat. Both denote synthetic... more
This paper explores the intersections of, and interactions around, sound, space, and policing and popular resistance in the pre-restoration Pelourinho Historical Center of Salvador, Brazil. It focuses on theories of agency,... more
I compiled this bibliography for a seminar in Fall 2013.
Clinical synesthesia is commonly defined as the experience of having perceptions in one sensory modality triggered by a stimulus from another. This paper adopts a particular orientation toward synesthesia, exploring it as a cultural... more
The condition of ‘genuine perceptual synaesthesia’ has been a focus of attention in research in psychology and neuroscience over the last decades. For subjects in this condition stimulation in one modality automatically and consistently... more
Synaesthesia is considered here as a cognitive phenomenon in the context of developmental, neuropathological and linguistic perspectives. Developmental synaesthesia seems to arise as an effect of interplay between genotype and phenotype,... more