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      Visual StudiesPerceptionFilm TheoryContemporary Art
“‘The Underlying Gesture’. Towards the Notion of Gesture in Jean d’Udine and Sergei Eisenstein”. In: Rossella Catanese, Francesca Scotto Lavina, Valentina Valente (eds.), From Sensation to Synaesthesia in Film and New Media. Cambridge... more
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      Gesture StudiesSynaesthesiaGestureGiorgio Agamben
Slide 1] The first mention of the poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) is often followed by the familiar tale of this figure's involvement with nineteenthcentury Pre-Raphaelitism. A young Rossetti, courageous and... more
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      SynaesthesiaAestheticismPre-Raphaelite PaintingRossetti, Dante Gabriel
Luke, D., Terhune, D & Friday, R. (2012). Psychedelic synaesthesia: Evidence for a serotonergic role in synaesthesia. Seeing and Perceiving, 25, 74. The neurobiology of synaesthesia is receiving growing attention in the search for... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyNeuropsychology
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural Science
The most common form of synaesthesia is grapheme-colour synaesthesia. However, rarer forms of synaesthesia also exist, such as word-gustatory and olfactory-gustatory synaesthesia, whereby a word or smell will induce a specific. In this... more
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      SynaesthesiaFMRISingle Case Study
People with synaesthesia not only have – by definition – unusual experiences (e.g., numbers triggering colour), they also have a different cognitive profile (e.g., in terms of their memory and perceptual abilities) and a bias towards... more
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      Personality PsychologyPerceptionCreativityEmpathy (Psychology)
Synaesthetic metaphors and sound This paper analyses a phenomenon called synaesthetic metaphors, in which one sensory modality is described in terms of another (e.g. bright sound, sharp taste, sweet smell). The aim of the research, based... more
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      MusicSynaesthesiaConceptual MetaphorMetaphor
'Accordingly, just as we say that a body is in motion, and not that motion is in a body, we ought to say that we are in thought and not that thoughts are in us' Charles Saunders Peirce, Writings 2: 227.
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      Philosophy of MindSynaesthesiaComplexity TheoryEmbodied Cognition
Within the strategies built upon the intentional weakening of the diegetic efficiency a group apart is formed by those films which try to reach this gesture of destruction by resorting to the diegetically weaker, in this sense... more
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      SynaesthesiaIntermedialityIntermediality In CinemaSilent Cinema
Click the file to see the Table of Contents and Preface.
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureGerman Literature
Les contenus de la revue Interfaces sont mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
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      PsychologySynaesthesiaLiterary StylisticsNeuroaesthetics
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      NeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural ScienceClinical Psychology
A Basic Design course in Colour with an attempt to bring to table local cultural theories along with the western theories of colour.
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      SynaesthesiaColor Psychology and Use of ColourColour and Music
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      ArchitectureSynaesthesiaUtopian StudiesPsychoanalysis and art
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      AestheticsMedia and Cultural StudiesTextilesSynaesthesia
Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon involving the stimulation of multiple senses. In this work, we determine the presence of sound-gustatory synesthesia by looking at the possible effects of background music on the perceived taste of a... more
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McKenna, D. (2022, January). Psychedelics and evolution: The stoned ape theory . Invited talk for the Psychedelicacies Salon at the Viktor Wynd's Museum of Curiosities & Last Tuesday Society (online), 30th January. Hosted and curated by... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyHuman EvolutionLanguages and Linguistics
The drive for a theoretical integration of psychotherapy arises out of is dissatisfaction with the inadequacy of single systems/theories. It has been suggested that there is a need for a 'meta-theory' that provides a framework to... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyPlay Therapy
This paper is currently being revised. Main topic and almost all information will remain but revised version should be uploaded soon. Thanks!
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      French LiteratureMusic HistorySynaesthesiaLiterary Symbolism
"Dalla IV di copertina Sentire il design significa cogliere sensazioni con l'orecchio, ma anche tastare, odorare, vedere, gustare il progetto. L'abilità del progettista visivo sta certo nel far vedere, nel definire gerarchie percettive... more
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      Design CreativityDesign and Emotion (Architecture)SynaesthesiaBasic Design
The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of the body in the design project, as a body capable to feel and reacts with pleasure or suffering during the interaction with objects and environment all around. Basic Design,... more
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      DesignSynaesthesiaBasic Design EducationSensoriality
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      SynaesthesiaInterdisciplinary StudiesIconologyAntonio Vivaldi
"Dalla IV di copertina Capita, talvolta, di percepire sensazioni multiple o, meglio, contemporanee, come per esempio un suono o un gusto che ha una valenza di colore, un azzurro alla voce di un flauto, uno scarlatto con un sapore... more
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      Design CreativityDesign and Emotion (Architecture)SynaesthesiaBasic Design
A forced choice paradigm was employed, similar to that of a recent experiment conducted by Hubbard (1996) using paired greyscale patches and pitch intervals, which provided evidence of a universal mapping of lightness value relative to... more
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      Experimental PsychologyMusicMusic EducationMusic Technology
This paper focuses on synaesthetic shift occurring in translation of Emily Dickinson's poetry into Ukrainian and Russian. The research is in line with Redka's (2009) view of verbal and poetic synaesthesia, a trope which is structurally... more
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      Emily DickinsonSynaesthesiaPoetryTranslation of Poetry
Una riflessione sull’impatto culturale delle tecnologie nell’esistenza dell’uomo e del Pianeta, sull’evoluzione dello statuto del corpo, nella duplice accezione di organismo biologico e culturale. Sullo sfondo della fittizia dicotomia tra... more
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      Cultural StudiesSynaesthesiaTechnology and SocietyArt and technology
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      SynaesthesiaAvant-GardeSonority-based structure20th century Avant-Garde
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Building on the one hand on the link between immersion and peripheral vision, and on the other hand on the visually induced perceptual illusion of self-motion (vection), the author examines synesthesia through the relationship between... more
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      SynaesthesiaImmersionProprioceptionPeripheral and Indirect Vision
Synästhesie als ästhetisches Phänomen verweist zunächst auf eine Durchdringung der ver-schiedenen Sinne. Die meist in einem Modell isolierter Wahrnehmung untersuchten Sinne geraten hierbei in einen Austausch, wobei sich häufig die Frage... more
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      SynaesthesiaIntermodal perceptionIntermodality
La perception synesthésique est la règle, et, si nous ne nous en apercevons pas, c'est parce que le savoir scientifique déplace l'expérience et que nous avons désappris de voir, d'entendre et, en général, de sentir, pour déduire de notre... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicArtSynaesthesia
In this paper I will describe and present examples of my live audio-visual work for 3D spatial environments. These projects use motion-tracking technology to enable users to interact with sound, light and video using their body movements... more
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      Virtual EnvironmentsSynaesthesiaLive ArtReal-time Systems
The grotesque image is 'opposed to all that is finished and polished, to all pomposity, a collectively enacted bodily mode that resists against every ready-made solution in the sphere of thought and world outlook'. 1
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      Visual StudiesContemporary ArtSynaesthesiaRace and Ethnicity
In 1911, Ricciotto Canudo labeled the cinema as the Seventh Art and claimed that it was superior to the other so-far existing art forms. In 2012, the British filmmaker Peter Greenaway directed yet another film that makes use of all these... more
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      Film StudiesNarrativeSynaesthesiaIntermediality
f synesthesia is rare in "Le Spleen de Paris", it is also differently constructed and shaped than in the Fleurs du Mal. This article aims to demonstrate that this evolution points out a shift in Baudelaire's esthetics, that from Unity of... more
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      SynaesthesiaBaudelaireSynaesthesia and Memory
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsReligionNew Religious Movements
The Kiki-Bouba effect comprises a relation between two abstract figures and two non-words: the star-shaped figure is called 'Kiki' and the rounded figure 'Bouba'. The effect is explained by a sound-vision synaesthesia: certain sounds are... more
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    • Synaesthesia
Per un altro verso, è possibile riscontrare divergenze notevoli 7 : PARTE PRIMA. RICOSTRUZIONE STORICO-FILOSOFICA 26 6 In realtà troviamo delle oscillazioni sia tra i sensibili comuni che tra le qualità primarie. Per quanto riguarda i... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPhilosophy Of LanguagePerception
In this article, the rapidly growing body of research that has been published recently on the topic of crossmodal correspondences that involve auditory and gustatory stimuli is critically reviewed. The evidence demonstrates that people... more
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      Sensory NeuroscienceAuditory PerceptionSynaesthesiaMusic Psychology
justify the forum almost entirely on their own. Then there is the book. It inaugurates its own sub-discipline which reaches into several disciplines besides mainstream music theory, such as music perception and cognition, human... more
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      MusicFilm Music And SoundSynaesthesiaMultimedia
The dissertation was written in 1997-1998 for my Master's degree when I was a student of poetry at the Sorbonne University in Paris. It was the first step of a philosophical research, which continued later with cognitive psychology and... more
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      SynaesthesiaRomantic English poetry
This keynote paper for Workshops on Psychoanalysis & Art History raises questions about the ability of neuroscientific theory to replace older psychoanalytic models. On the one hand, scholars in the arts and humanities have raised... more
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      NeurosciencePsychoanalysisArt HistorySynaesthesia
Este libro quiere proporcionar una imagen actualizada de los conocimientos adquiridos en dos siglos de estudio, desde comienzos del siglo XIX hasta hoy, sobre la sinestesia. Está dirigido a los estudiosos, a los estudiantes de... more
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Wenn Montage als ein Vorgang der Synchronisierung begriffen wird, rücken die Verfahren und Techniken der Kohärenzherstellung ins Blickfeld: Wie werden die einzelnen medialen Ebenen zu einer Einheit synchronisiert? Traditionell wurde... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsReligionNew Religious Movements
The ability to select and apply type sensitively is an art form that requires an astute knowledge of the communicative complexity of letterforms. However, as a designer and design educator, I have observed that many designers frequently... more
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      Popular CultureSynaesthesiaVisual RhetoricGraphic Design
Luke, D. (2015, July). Psychedelic synaesthesia: New light on an old phenomenon. Paper presented at Breaking Convention: The 3rd International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness, University of Greenwich, London, 10-12th July.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePerception