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Precie to Post-Aristotelian Philosophy
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      PhilosophyLogicAristotleAristotelian Logic
WOMEN IN PRAGMATISM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (University of Barcelona, 28 - 30 January 2020) The Ladd-Franklin formula is a simple mathematical expression that represents the logical form of syllogisms in a completely general way. The... more
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      Argumentation TheorySyllogismsLogical Diagrams
Kant and Aristotle reassesses the prevailing understanding of Kant as an anti-Aristotelian philosopher. Taking epistemology, logic, and methodology to be the key disciplines through which Kant’s transcendental philosophy stood as an... more
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► JOHN CORCORAN, What syllogisms are: three views, eight centuries. Philosophy, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA E-mail: [email protected] At issue is the nature of “the syllogisms” in Prior Analytics [1]. For... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyLogicAristotleHistory of Logic
Capitolo tratto da Logica & Argomentazione, 2008. Con esercizi
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      AristotleDeductive reasoningAncient LogicSyllogisms
Archivo para repasar las reglas con una página que trae la combinatoria de los 256 modos posibles, mas otra pestaña que contiene una rutina aleatoria para repasar.
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BACKGROUND Existential Import Today: New Metatheorems; Historical, Philosophical, and Pedagogical Misconceptions John Corcoran & Hassan Masoud To cite this article: John... more
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This chapter discusses the relation between Kant’s views on the foundations of syllogistic inference in ‘The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures’, the views of eighteenth-century German authors who wrote on syllogism, and the... more
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      KantHistory of Logic18th Century PhilosophyEmmanuel Kant
Cuadro con las 4 figuras y los 19 modos válidos fuertes y los 5 modos válidos débiles. Las reglas del silogismo en general y de cada figura en particular. Las letras mnemotécnicas que permiten la reducción de modos  al de primera figura.
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Estudio sobre la proposición categórica asertórica, las inferencias inmediatas y el silogismo categórico. Texto fundamental para la historia de la lógica. Tan vigente hoy como cuando fue escrito. Con abundantes notas del traductor.... more
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      LogicMedieval HistoryBoethiusPropositions
An explication of the significance and function of the syllogism in Hegel's philosophy, specifically as presented in the Encyclopaedia Logic.
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      PhilosophyLogicContinental PhilosophyGerman Idealism
Dialectical method has certain roots in the Greek philosophical thought before Plato. Such roots may be traced back from Heraclitus and Parmenides to Sophists. There, the first regular uses made of it may be found in Socrates. Though,... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPlatoAristotleSocrates
The analogy of being was introduced by Aristotle, and later thematised by Thomas Aquinas, as a special mode of grammar in which one term may signify two or more meanings, but in which each of the signified meanings derives its primary... more
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      PlatoAristotlePhenomenologyGerman Idealism
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      Islamic LawLegal HistoryLegal TheoryIslamic Philosophy
Aqui será exposto o caminho que faz o pensamento lógico na linguagem hegeliana para se configurar como silogismo racional. Silogismo que é significado por Hegel como o conceito completamente posto, objetivo e racional, e que só aparece... more
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      MetaphysicsGerman IdealismHegelG.W.F. Hegel
This PhD thesis focuses on two chapters of the Miscellaneorum centuria secunda, a work Politian was composing during his last years as Philosophy Professor at the Florentine Studio (1493-1494): chapter 53 (Universale) and chapter 55... more
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      Aristotle's CommentatorsSyllogismsEnthymemeProblem of Universals
The Equivalence Analogy which was first propounded in Euclid's book of Principles consists of two premises (Φ=Ψ and Ψ=Θ) and a conclusion (Φ=Θ). This form of syllogism is greatly similar to the first form of Aristotelian categorical... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyLogicAristotleMathematical Logic
From the mid-1600s to the beginning of the 18 th century, there were two main circles of German scholars which focused extensively on diagrammatic reasoning and representation in logic. The first circle was formed around Erhard Weigel in... more
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      LogicHistory of LogicPhilosophy of LogicGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
This PhD dissertation explores and suggests ways to ‘unfuzz’ the progress mechanisms of design processes, focussing on ill-defined problems. Based on empirical studies of 10 Master’s design students’ projects from industrial and fashion... more
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      Fashion designCreativityCritical RealismDesign Methods
In his incarnation as 'Morus' in Utopia, Thomas More asserts his profound disagreement with his fictional character, Raphael Hythlodaeus. Whereas Hythlodaeus extols the merits of commonality and the moral value of pleasure, Morus... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryIntellectual History
Dans des travaux recents, Marion et Ruckert (2016) ont montre que la conception aristotelicienne des quantificateurs, telle que presentee dans les Topiques (Θ, 2, 157a 34-157b2), est fondee sur un cadre dialectique de meme portee... more
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In domestic logic textbooks (which are still in use for this high schools ubject, although they are more than fifty years old) from authors Gajo Petrović and Mihajlo Marković, the main focus is on traditional, syllogistic logic. Leaving... more
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      LogicReferenceConceptsTextbook Research
The Uniformity Principle is the notion that relationships between future events will resemble the relationships between similar events in the past. The principle is essential to inductive reasoning. The primary objection to the Principle... more
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      LogicInductive ReasoningSyllogisms
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Barbara, Baroco, and Bocardo. This is the first of a series of lecture abstracts about decoding syllogistic mnemonics. The next four are tentatively titled as follows. Decoding syllogistic mnemonics:... more
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      LogicAristotleMnemonicsHistory of Logic
In this paper, I aim to understand the position expressed by Locke in the Fourth Book of the Essay concerning Human Understanding about the syllogism and the Aristotelian-Scholastic deductive logic: the use of the syllogism as necessary... more
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      Intuitionistic Logic17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPhilosophical LogicJohn Locke
Epitteto (50-135 ca.) conta tra i massimi pensatori di scuola stoica. Come Socrate, non ha mai scrit-to niente (il Manuale e le Diatribe sono opera di Arriano, storico e magistrato romano che ne seguì le lezioni a Nicopoli). La versione... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Bu metinde, Aristoteles'in Organon'una yazmış olduğu telhis bağlamında, İbn Rüşd'ün mantık ve bilgi teorisi ele alınmaktadır. Aristoteles'in mantıkla ilgili tüm eserlerine geniş yorum ve şerhler yazan ilk Müslüman mantıkçının Farabi... more
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Presentation of Aristotle's invaluable syllogisms with the even more valuable consolidation of those syllogism.
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      Probability TheoryAnalytic PhilosophyDeductive reasoningCategory Theory
The syllogistic mnemonic known by its first two words Barbara Celarent introduced a constellation of terminology still used today. This concatenation of nineteen words in four lines of verse made its stunning and almost unprecedented... more
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      LogicAristotleMedieval StudiesMnemonics
Call the following argument the 'scandal of deduction'. (1) If a deductive argument is valid, then the conclusion is not novel. (2) If the conclusion of an argument is not novel, the argument is not useful. So, (3) if a deductive argument... more
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      EpistemologyLogicAristotleJaakko Hintikka
As with most dichotomies between the world, religions, traditions, beliefs, superstitions, convictions, missions, etc. and our fascination with whatever the truth may be, consistency and objectivity rest not in the power of substitution,... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindRhetoric
This article presents a novel reading of Descartes's critique of the traditional syllogistic. The reading differs from those previously presented by scholars who regard Descartes's critique as a version of a well-known argument: that... more
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      LogicDescartesPort Royal LogicSyllogisms
Sylogizm retoryczny Arystotelesa -na pograniczu retoryki i teorii argumentacji -Refleksja nad rozmaitymi aspektami budowania skutecznych komunikatów perswazyjnych (psychologicznymi, logicznymi, etycznymi, estetycznymi) rozwijana była i... more
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      RhetoricAristotleArgumentationArgumentation Theory
The syllogistic mnemonic known by its first two words Barbara Celarent introduced a constellation of terminology still used today. This concatenation of nineteen words in four lines of verse made its stunning and almost unprecedented... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsMedieval PhilosophyLogicAristotle
Major ideas found in philosophy of logic and by implication Nathan Coppedge's philosophy.
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      Critical TheoryModal LogicMetaphysicsOntology
El presente artículo trata de llamar la atención sobre ciertos problemas que encuentra el razonamiento jurídico en el manejo de la prueba y que ha soslayado un tanto la llamada teoría estándar de la argumentación jurídica. Busca encarar... more
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      LogicLegal argumentationLógicaSyllogisms
Rather than reducing original terms and their complements to three terms so traditional rules of the syllogism apply, the paper proposes emended rules to assess the validity of arguments containing original terms and their negative... more
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      Venn diagramsLogic TeachingSyllogismsCategorical Logic
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      LogicHistory of LogicDiagrammatic ReasoningPhilosophy of Logic
Cooijmans summarizes Asperger's definition of what was later called Asperger's syndrome: "It is a narrowing of one's relation to the world outside. It is a disturbance of instinct; an impairment of the ability to relate to or interact... more
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La Conciencia Infeliz es el tercer y último momento de la configuración fenoménica y espiritual: " La Libertad de la Autoconsciencia ". Ésta conciencia es esencialmente una conciencia escindida entre lo Singular y lo Universal que en el... more
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      Early ChristianityGerman IdealismGeorg Friedrich Wilhem HegelG.W.F. Hegel
In Essentialität und Notwendigkeit: Avicenna und die Aristotelische Tradition Fedor Benevich presents the key doctrine of Avicenna’s (d. 1037) metaphysics and epistemology: his theory of essence and the scientific determination of... more
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      Modal LogicMetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceMedieval Philosophy
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLogicRhetoric
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      Medieval PhilosophyAristotleHistory of LogicMedieval logic
The logician Lewis Carroll (1832–1898) invented a diagrammatic scheme for syllogisms and described how it could be used for logic problems involving more than 3 terms. Curiously, he never provided in print any diagrammatic solution for... more
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      History of LogicDiagrammatic ReasoningLewis CarrollSyllogisms
CORCORAN ON THE BIRTH OF LOGIC [IN ENGLISH] The last two decades have witnessed a debate concerning whether Aristotle's syllogistic is a system of... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsLogicAristotleHistory of Logic
The effects of the initial preheating perturbation on the dynamical behaviors of FGC wave propagation instability for low-velocity FGC in packed bed are studied numerically. The behaviors of the flame front inclination, break, and... more
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      PhilosophyLogicPhenomenologyHistory of Logic
Logical reasoning in any form is an important aspect of life; it is persuading or convincing others with logic through writing or speech, for example, scientists, politicians, businessmen, financiers, solicitors and many others do this.... more
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      SociologyMathematicsNumber TheoryComputer Science
A complete list of Corcoran's publications through mid-February  2017.
CONTENTS: I. Articles, II. Abstracts, III. Books, IV. Miscellaneous, V. Reviews
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      HistoryMathematicsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy
By Scholasticism, we understand the application of Aristotle to theology, or the expression of the facts and realities of revelation in the mindlanguage of the peripatetics." (Tyrell, The Faith of the Millions, 1901: 224) • unique blend... more
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Aristotle (384–322 BCE), the inventor of syllogistic, is the undisputed founder of logic: the field that, among other things, asks of a given conclusion whether it follows from a given set of premises; and, if it follows, how we determine... more
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      LogicAristotleJan LukasiewiczSyllogistic