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To understand the history of Gotland, the home of the Varangians, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Farmers’ Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its relations mainly... more
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      Russian LiteratureRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
This paper was given at the British Comparative Literature Association summer graduate reception in June 1016. In his outline of “first-wave ecocriticism”, Lawrence Buell considers it as ‘keen to celebrate nature rather than querying... more
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      Swedish LiteratureNatureEcocrtiticism
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      Reception StudiesHistoriographyMedievalismBaltic Studies
This article analyzes three characters created by Astrid Lindgren, Pamela L. Travers, and Jan Brzechwa. Pippi Longstocking, Mary Poppins, and Mr. Inkblot, the title characters of classic fantasy fiction for children, are discussed through... more
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      Children's LiteratureSwedish LiteratureChildren's literature (Classics)Polish Literature
The aim of this paper is to show the Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer's mystic attitude expressed in his own words. It also contains a translation of his short prose piece called The Name. Bilingual text sections: English/Swedish
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This article analyzes the representation of linguistic variation in the Finnish translations of four Swedish coming-of-age stories depicting migrant or minority perspectives: Mikael Niemi’s 2000 Popular Music from Vittula, Jonas Hassen... more
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      SociolinguisticsAuthenticityCritical Discourse AnalysisSwedish Literature
This is an article about acceptance of Astrid Lindgren's books in The Soviet Union and their influence on Russian children's literature.
Published in Bookbird. Vol.42, No1-2004.
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureSwedish LiteratureAstrid Lindgren
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      Nordic StudiesSwedish LiteratureMagical RealismSweden
Denna masteravhandling fokuserar på att undersöka olika transtextuella relationer mellan tre samtida svenska romaner – Gregorius (2004), Mordets praktik (2009) och Dosan (2013) – som alla har en gemensam hypotext, nämligen Söderbergs... more
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      Nordic StudiesNordic LiteraturesSwedish LiteratureHypertext theory
Moa Martinson was a Swedish proletarian feminist autobiographical novelist of the 1930s. This article reviews her life and work.
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      Women's writingWomen's LiteratureSwedish LiteratureScandinavian Studies
Denna essä är en beskrivnings analys av Tomas Tranströmers dikter som inkluderar Preludium, Minusgrader samt April och tystnad. Essän ska börja med att ta reda på vad miljön, vem huvudpersonen är och när de tre dikterna utspelar sig.... more
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      LanguagesTranslation of PoetrySwedish LiteratureSwedish Language
The discussion about Bram Stoker's possible contribution to Mörkrets makter, the Swedish version of Dracula, and about the identity of the anonymous Swedish editor/translator, has reached no definitive conclusions yet. This paper... more
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      Translation StudiesGothic LiteratureGothic StudiesSwedish Literature
Diplomová práce mapuje překlady a recepci švédské literatury v českém prostředí v období let 1948-1989. Na pozadí změn ve společnosti a v kulturní politice zkoumá, kdy, kým, proč a za jakých okolností byla díla švédské literatury do... more
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      Translation HistorySwedish Literature
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      LiteratureSwedish LiteratureFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
In 1951 Swedish writer Stig Dagerman wrote an autobiographical essay titled "Our Need for Consolation is Insatiable." It is a remarkable poetic meditation on the life-and-death stakes of the literary imagination from a writer who was... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionNon Fiction WritingWorld Literatures
Ist die Stunde naiver Kunst, nach Hegels Einsicht, dahin, so muß sie die Reflexion sich einverleiben und so weit treiben, daß sie nicht länger als ein ihr Äußerliches, Fremdes über ihr schwebt; das heißt heute Ästhetik.
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      PoeticsSwedish LiteraturePer Olov EnquistScandinavian Studies
’Hallandia Landæmærkæ’, kaldet Hallandslisten, blev sandsynligvis til i Valdemar II Sejrs regeringstid (1202-1241) og plausibelt i et dertil oprettet kancelli. Oplistning af grænsens landemærker fra syd mod nord, har været et stort og... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
Il presente lavoro mira a fornire un approfondimento dell’opera di Ingmar Bergman e dei contesti filosofici, biografici e storico-culturali in cui prende forma, ponendo altresì l’accento sugli sviluppi del modernismo letterario svedese e... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureSwedish LiteratureImmanuel Kant
Through the translation from Swedish to Italian of an excerpt of Ormen (“The Snake”) by Stig Dagerman, the paper aims at analysing the author’s point of view under two aspects: the existential one and the political one, which were two... more
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      Translation StudiesFearSwedish LiteratureSocialism
This paper traces the peculiar literary reception of L. M. Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables" in the life and texts of Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, with a special focus on her "Madicken" stories. Apart from lots of minor parallels... more
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      Reception StudiesChildren's LiteratureCanadian LiteratureIntertextuality
MA thesis. The work includes the analysis of the problems associated with the reception of selected novels by Henning Mankell in Poland and Sweden.
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      Swedish LiteratureBook ReviewsScandinavian Literature
Serien Svenska språkets historia höll 13-15 juni 2018 sin femtonde sammankomst vid Tartu universitet, grundat 1632 av Gustav II Adolf som Sveriges andra universitet. Arrangör var Institutionen för skandinavistik. Ca 90 personer deltog i... more
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      Swedish LiteratureScandinavian languagesSwedishScandinavian Studies
The second part of the book draws a sketchy historic outline of Swedish travel writing on Africa. I attempt to show two things: first, how the Swedish writers allied themselves with the rest of the Western world in the imperial enterprise... more
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      African LiteratureSwedish LiteratureTravel LiteratureChinua Achebe. (Things Fall Apart)
Like a wild bird in a cage: Identity, love, freedom and melodramatic features in Alfhild Agrell's, Victoria Benedictsson's and Anne Charlotte Leffler's plays of the 1880's.
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      Swedish LiteratureAesthetics and PoliticsReception HistoryTheatre Historiography
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      Translation StudiesItalian StudiesItalian LiteratureSwedish Literature
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      Swedish LiteratureLiteratura NordicaKarin Boye
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      European CinemaSoundtrack StudiesFilm Music And SoundSwedish Literature
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      Swedish LiteratureSelma LagerlöfAugust StrindbergLiterary Analysis
Astrid Lindgren è una delle scrittrici per l'infanzia più conosciute al mondo, ma il suo impegno si è speso anche nella difesa dei diritti dei bambini, degli animali, della pace e della convivenza, contro ogni forma di sopraffazione. Il... more
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      Women's StudiesChildren's LiteratureWomenSwedish Literature
An attempt was made to list as many of the notable, great, or at least very good books written in the last century. The books have to be notable in some way or another, such as winning a best books of the year award or any major literary... more
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      American LiteratureScottish LiteratureHistorySociology
A narrative impulse and a scenic impulse: as Fredric Jameson persuasively argues in The Antinomies of Realism, the history of literary realism has been shaped by the dialectic between these two competing drives, each identified by a... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureRussian LiteratureAesthetics
To understand the history of Gotland, the home of the Varangians, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Farmers’ Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its relations mainly... more
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      Russian LiteratureRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryBaltic Sea Region Studies
I Ingela Visuris studie av autistiska andliga upplevelser (Visuri, I. (2019). Sensoriska övernaturliga upplevelser inom autism. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 10(2): 151-165.), är det som slog mig den mycket distinkta karaktären hos... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyEmotion
Ur ett visst perspektiv-konceptuellt är kärnan och essensen av "Livet" verkligen och verkligen Energi!! Livet är energi-psykologiskt & vetenskapligt. Det betyder att ursprunget till livskraft som energi ligger utanför räckvidden för... more
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      SociologyCognitive PsychologyEmotional intelligenceJungian and post-Jungian psychology
Faktum är att om man ser förbi den moderna framställningen av mänskligheten som rationell individualism, som den irländska poeten och andliga ledaren John O'Donohue påpekade i sin bok, Anam Cara, enligt keltisk tradition lyser själen runt... more
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      Swedish LiteratureSwedish HistoryAntropología SocialHistory of Sweden
Den helige Ande i evangelierna De synoptiska evangelierna har i allmänhet mindre att säga om den Helige Ande än Johannesevangeliet. Markusevangeliet har minst att säga och nämner den Helige Ande endast sex gånger. Liksom alla evangelier... more
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      Swedish LiteratureSwedish HistorySwedenPsykologi
To understand the history of Gotland, the home of the Varangians, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Farmers’ Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its relations mainly... more
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      Russian LiteratureRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
Kay Deaux identifierade det kritiska problemet med kraftfulla känslor 1996. Ingenting har gjorts. I ljuset av det och Mannheims argument tycker jag att det är på fast grund att framställa teorin om social identitet som en form av vit... more
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      Swedish LiteratureSwedish HistoryKültürel çalışmalarPsykologi
Al giorno d’oggi vi sono nella cultura diversi “Uomini della sabbia” nati come riscritture del racconto del 1817 Der Sandmann di E.T.A. Hoffmann. Ognuno di essi presenta sia analogie con il testo originario dell’autore tedesco, sia... more
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      German LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureComics
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      Gender and SexualitySwedish LiteratureAugust Strindberg
Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment is the first English language anthology that presents ecocritical research on northern European literatures and cultures. The contributors examine specifically Nordic narratives of nature... more
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      Climate ChangeNordic StudiesLiteratureNordic Literatures
To understand the history of the Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its... more
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      Russian LiteratureRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
To understand the history of the Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its... more
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      Russian LiteratureRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
History of Crucifixes The real development of crucifixes starts with small crucifixes carved in ivory from the 800s in the Byzantine empire. At the same time crucifixes in wood appear on Gotland with the ivory ones as model. At that time... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
*FOR CITATIONS PLEASE USE "SHEILA LOUISE WRIGHT"* This paper was written as documentation for the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism), Kingdom of An Tir Bardic Championships 2010 (and before I really knew what I was doing...) The... more
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      Swedish LiteratureBalladsOld swedish literatureScandinavian Balladry