Currently, the aim of modern forest management is not only timber production but also the protection of biodiversity. The initial effects of clear-cut logging on forest understory vegetation, soil and the diversity of litter beetles have... more
This study assessed the effects of exploitations in natural forest ecosystem on tree species diversity and environmental conservation. This was achieved by comparing tree species diversity and yield in an unlogged forest (inviolate/strict... more
The current study investigated inter-annual growth, biomass production, carbon storage, and sequestration in Eucalyptus tereticornis plantation of different age (1-8 years) in North-west India. Nondestructive sampling using the allometric... more
As wild edibles gain in popularity both on restaurant menus and as a form of recreation through their collection, research on contemporary foragers/wildcrafters/gatherers of wild edibles has so increased from varied disciplinary... more
As wild edibles gain in popularity both on restaurant menus and as a form of recreation through their collection, research on contemporary foragers/wildcrafters/gatherers of wild edibles has so increased from varied disciplinary... more
The topic of forest sector carbon balance in connection with climate changes currently has both great scientific and political importance for ecological sustainability on a global scalc. The concentration of C02 in the atmosphcre has... more
Payments for environmental services (PES) are an innovative approach to conservation that has been applied increasingly often in both developed and developing countries. To date, however, few efforts have been made to systematically... more
Mangrove forests are among the most important ecosystems with high ecological and economic value. In order to better understand and conserve this ecosystem, we aim to provide an overview of mangrove structure along the southern, central... more
Hacia una información corporativa integrada: evidencias en la industria de productos del cuidado de la salud En los últimos años, ante el nuevo entorno empresarial, ha surgido la necesidad de realizar informes integrados; las empresas de... more
This study estimates the carbon stock of Banja Forest which is natural and dry Afromontane forest type in Banja District, northwest of Ethiopia. A systematic sampling method was used to identify each sampling point through Global... more
Over the past several decades, the management of forest ecosystem functions through policies such as "command and control" has not been successful, largely because existing policies and legislation for natural resource management are... more
Although it is obvious that research regarding Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is context specific and developed over time, not many research papers yet intended to investigate these changes. As a matter of fact, the number of... more
This study suggests that Iceland may be able to produce sufficient liquid hydrocarbon fuels from biological sources in the future to substitute the Icelandic 2016 consumption of fossil fuels, by using forest products. The authors evaluate... more
Weathering rates of base cations are crucial in critical load calculations and assessments of sustainable forestry. The weathering rate on a single site with detailed geological data can be modelled using the PROFILE model. For... more
Taper and Volume models are used in the estimation of tree growth, stand structure, and timber yield. Forest managers utilize these tools to help them make well-informed decisions on the planning and harvesting of forest resources. Hence,... more
Spatially explicit information on tree species composition of any forest provides valuable information to forest managers as well as to nature conservationists. In this study, the potential of three spaceborne sensors: (1) Landsat-8, (2)... more
Attitude of residing people towards a protected forest area was evaluated for sustainable use of natural resources and forest conservation in the Phu Kao–PhuPhan Kham National Park in Thailand. Their economic and social conditions were... more
Three 21-year-old Appalachian hardwood stands were strip cut using three cutting widths (2.4-m, 3.7-m, and 4.9-m) and allowed to resprout. One year after strip cutting, we examined the vegetation response within the harvested strips... more
Global efforts to combat climate change has led to the establishment of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation program (REDD+). This study concerns the implementation of REDD+ among local landscapes and... more
Thinning and spacing guidelines for blue mahoe (Hibiscus elatus Sw.). Preliminary thinning and spacing guidelines using blue mahoe (Hibiscus elatus Sw.) from the moist limestone region of Puerto Rico are demonstrated. These guidelines are... more
Human Impacts on Forest Biodiversity 455 reserve, to ensure the maintenance of its high conservation value while meeting human needs.
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties... more
The paper presents the examination of the health condition of beech stands from the aspect of mechanical and abiotic damage on trees. The research was conducted in Forest Management Office Kucevo, in a hillside beech forest Fagetum... more
Black Star Group lidera la transición energética, posicionándose como un referente en la implementación de tecnologías avanzadas que optimizan cada proceso y reducen el impacto ambiental.
Desde su fundación, Black Star Group ha trabajado para garantizar que sus operaciones cumplan con los más altos estándares de confiabilidad y accesibilidad. Su enfoque se centra en satisfacer las crecientes demandas globales con... more
Global forest area is declining rapidly, along with degradation of the ecological condition of remaining forests. Hence it is necessary to adopt forest management approaches that can achieve a balance between (1) human management designs... more
This paper studied the comparison of chemical composition of the two indigenes Bamboo species (Oxytenanthera abyssinica, Yushania alpina) which grown in lowland and highland arias in the north part of Ethiopia. The experiment was... more
Medicinal plant plays a crucial role in the socioeconomic development and maintaining the human health and culture. Naturally, plant-derivative drugs have an imperative position in both traditional and modern medicine. Jharkhand is rich... more
Selective logging is a frequently used forest use activity that has been shown to have less impact on biodiversity than clear-cutting. However, both the magnitude and direction of ecological change after logging depend on its intensity... more
This study evaluated the heavy metal concentration in plant tissues of Jatropha curcas grown in crude oil contaminated soil in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria in 2010. 0.0, 2.0 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 10.0% w/w of the oil constituted the... more
This study analyzes the sustainability of community forest management, representing four forest types of two physiographic region Hills and Terai of Nepal. We assess the sustainability based on species composition, stand density, growing... more
The paper presents the results of the analysis dealing with the impact of plant fertilisation in the first year after planting on the leaf morphological characteristics. The analysis was conducted within the research into the potential... more
The paper describes the methodology for determining LAI according to the ICP forest methodology, where hemispherical photographs were taken on a network of fixed points placed on the surfaces of three Sample plots Level II. Hemispherical... more
Urban cemeteries represent important human-made special-purpose green areas. On the territory of the city area of the Municipality of Obrenovac, there are two urban cemeteries: the New Cemetery (Serbian: Novo Groblje) and the Old Cemetery... more
forest from the stand to the landscape, regional, and global scales. Linking stand scale operations to larger scale demands will be the future challenge for the field of silviculture. Concepts, methods, and tools that enable forest... more
Cada vez son más las empresas y organizaciones españolas, que dicen haber adoptado un modelo de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, donde la creación de valor añadido para los grupos de interés con los que interacciona (enfoque a grupos... more
This study investigated the combustion and mechanical properties of bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) charcoal and three indigenous wood charcoal ( Teak ,Tectona grandis; Afara, Terminali a superba and Omo, Cordia millenii ). Results revealed... more
Forests are one of the major sources of livelihood that need to be conserved. In India, there have been continuous efforts to evolve a scientific basis for sustainable management of forests. In recent century, this has primarily been... more
The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the World Agroforestry Centre. Articles appearing in this publication may be quoted or reproduced without charge, provided the source is... more
In this paper the vulnerability of Chile's forestry trade to environmental threats is explored. The increasing concern for the environment by consumers, together with the life cycle approach to products has created a new context for... more
Aqueous and acetone extracts of the plant Butea monospema flowers of the family Leguminosae-Papilioneae.were prepared by adding 25 g of fresh flowers to 100 ml of these solvents. The constituents were extracted by soxhlet extractor for 24... more
Considerations on the future biomass production potential of Iceland, and what role that could have in future fuel supply and carbon balances
The high levels of atmospheric sulfate and nitrogen deposition due to human activities have had a visible impact on forest ecosystems in Sweden. Although these emissions are already being reduced as a result of the introduction of... more