Sustainable/Responsible Tourism
Recent papers in Sustainable/Responsible Tourism
Rwanda-the land of a thousand hills is known for its extensive biodiversity, volcanoes, lush green jungles and the infamous golden monkeys and gorillas native to the land. The country boasts beautiful sceneries, a rich culture and an... more
La Playa de los Cristales, situada en el municipio de Laxe, se ha convertido en años recientes en uno de los productos turísticos más importantes dentro de la oferta turística de Costa da Morte y la provincia de A Coruña. Su atractivo... more
July 31, 1999 | Cultural Survival Quarterly | Issue 23.2 Every day, wide-body jets bring new tourists and new residents to the Hawaiian islands. In 1997 the state had 1.2 million residents; Hawaiians and part Hawaiians made up 13 to 18... more
Human societies have a long history of incorporating elements of the past into the present; never more has this been the case than today. For centuries, if not millennia, creative artists and writers, architects and fashion designers,... more
Many bird populations worldwide are at risk of extinction, and rely heavily on protected area networks for their continued conservation. Tourism to these areas contributes to conservation by generating revenue for management. Here we... more
" Deadline for abstract submissions now extended to: 1st of March 2014 Call for Papers 14-16 May 2014, University of Potsdam, Germany In December 2010 slum tourism researchers gathered in Bristol, UK, for the first international... more
The article discusses the efforts to undertake economic reconstruction in Bosnia following the end of the war. It argues that, despite certain successes such as the rehabilitation of infrastructure and the privatization of the banking... more
In the years of transition they were admitted a lot of mistakes in tourism development led to spontaneous and non methodical overdevelopment, loss of traditional markets and partners, reducing the competitiveness of the Bulgarian tourist... more
Τι στρατηγικές ανάπτυξης του τοπικού τουριστικού τομέα μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε αμεσότερα και με χαμηλότερο κόστος; Ποιο είναι εκείνο το προϊόν–υπηρεσία που μπορεί να προορίζεται για όλους επηρεάζοντας όμως τον καθένα ξεχωριστά; Πως η... more
This book’s theoretical underpinnings and empirical studies suggest that businesses can do well by doing good. It builds on the previous theoretical underpinnings of the CSR agenda, including Business Ethics (Crane and Matten, 2004);... more
Globalization and innovative improvements are developing success as far back as the 1990s have made more prominent interest for relaxation travel. With the expanding interest of worldwide traveler landing, there will be more difficulties... more
"Earlier provisional title was "Archaeology, Tourism, Museum...." "This chapter is divided into two distinct sections that are positioned in a point-counterpoint structure of dialogue. These two position statements invoke the... more
ABSTRACT Tourism is an important sector in many countries. For the Seychelles, it is the lifeblood of the economy. This article critically examines the Seychelles tourism sector. Using mainly secondary data available in the published... more
Bajung dan keluarganya hidup di Wakatobi tanpa pernah menyangka kepulauan inilah yang memabukkan peneliti-peneliti dunia, yang kemudian bersepakat menjadikan Wakatobi sebagai sebuah taman nasional dengan manfaat mendunia. Slogan surga... more
This handbook shares step-by-step recommendations for working with local communities which have developed their own community based tourism (CBT) programs. The handbook will assist tour operators and other partners to work as a team with... more
In this article, the position that there is a good case for sustainable food tourism despite the negative impact on the climate caused by tourism and travelling practices is argued. This requires, however, that we develop well-designed... more
Steps towards improved participation? An analysis of classroom talk and the "ladder of interaction" in the Japanese context AdissertationbyTimMarchand March2010... more
The main purpose of this research is to identify and emphasize the potential for tourism with major focus on the development of sustainable or responsible dam site tourism correlated with pro-poor tourism at Maithon Dam, managed by... more
This paper contributes to the debate over the validity of community-based tourism (CBT) as a development and poverty reduction strategy in the rural-peasant world. In this debate, researchers tend to compare and contrast specific... more
Ecotourism or sustainable tourism, which is often advocated especially in natural areas for relaxation. The richness of natural areas in Malaysia has led ecotourism to become one of the fast-growing industries within the nation. A full... more
This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more
With the rising demand for ecotourism in today's dynamic global environment ecotourism operators may face difficulties in competing with one another to market available products and services for diverse customers. Therefore, an improved... more
Although the function of protecting socially important tangible assets is often carried out by the state, the sensitivity or awareness of the local people living in the region makes a significant difference in the level of protection of... more
The inscription of heritage sites by United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is not permanent unless efforts are taken to preserve the sites as monitoring is done by United Nations Environment... more
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El turismo es una importante fuente de creación de empleos, y es por ello que en muchos países, los decisores de políticas públicas están interesados en desarrollar este sector. Las estadísticas pueden esclarecer la contribución de la... more
síntesis, muy influida por la academia occidental y los referentes nacionales, busca en primer término, desarrollar un panorama de la historia y exploración académica referido al estado de la cuestión en el campo de los estudios... more
Bandarban is regarded as one of the most attractive travel destinations in Bangladesh. This is the most potential tourist destination that will certainly flourish in near future. But no significant attempts have been made to explore and... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more