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The majority of vulnerability and adaptation scholarship, policies and programs focus exclusively on climate change or global environmental change. Yet, individuals, communities and sectors experience a broad array of multi-scalar and... more
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      Climate ChangeNatural ResourcesCommunity ResilienceClimate Change Adaptation
Redistribution with growth, basic needs, limits to growth, integrated rural development, green revolution (cont), political economy of agrarian change 1980s Structural adjustment, free markets, retreat of the state, rise of NGOs,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSustainable Livelihoods
The feasibility study found that Zambia has a number of features that are compatible with successful biogas production and use. For example, integrated farming, where agricultural production and livestock production are mostly combined,... more
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      BusinessCarbon SequestrationSustainable LivelihoodsLivestock Management
The paper examines the time allocation between paid work (wage earning or self-employed work generally termed as employment work) and unpaid (domestic chores/care work generally termed as non-employment work) along with wage rates,... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderGender and DevelopmentEmployment
Reductionism in rural development policymaking can have serious practical ramifications for human life and well-being. Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) are two approaches that have been assisting development practitioners... more
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      Decision MakingSustainable DevelopmentRural DevelopmentComplexity
A discussion of social science and sustainability concepts, frameworks and methodologies. Sustainability policies shape the ways that society and the economy interact with the environment, natural resources and ecosystems, and address... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSystems ThinkingAdaptationEnvironmental Sustainability
Bangladesh like many other countries of the world is facing the adversities arising from climate change for no fault of its own. There is a growing concern all over the world on the issue of climate change and its adverse impact on... more
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      Coastal ManagementArchitectureClimate ChangeCommunity Resilience
This paper discuss about the influx policy that should be taken by the government. Project-induced-in-migration (or influx) is the movement of people from area outside project-impacted zone to the project-impacted zone. The aim of it is... more
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      EconomicsMigrationSocial CapitalHuman Capital
ABSTRACT: Student-involvement in higher-education is necessary for quality-assurance outcomes, yet such involvement also threatens attainment of quality assured, presenting the paradox of higher-education (HE) systems. With the... more
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      Conflict TransformationEnvironmental JusticeQuality assurance in Higher EducationEcosystems Services
This thesis may be consulted by you, provided you comply with the provisions of the Act and the following conditions of use:  you will use the copy only for the purposes of research or private study  you will recognise the author's... more
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      Transport EconomicsTourism StudiesIndigenous StudiesTourism Planning and Policy
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesConservation BiologyInternational Development
Provisioning of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) for tourism at Oslob in the Philippines is a controversial issue. Recent studies that claim negative impacts of this industry on the ecology of whale sharks are characterised by a lack of... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationSustainable DevelopmentCommunity Based Natural Resources Management
India in the recent years have faced an array of severe disasters leaving its footprint on lives, livelihood and on the wellbeing of the ecosystem services. In the aftermath of a disaster, millions of people are on the move to the urban... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical EcologyDisaster ManagementRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
On 28 September, a series of earthquakes struck Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province, the strongest of which was a 7.4M earthquake only 10 km deep and with its epicentre close to the provincial capital, Palu. The earthquake triggered a... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentIndonesiaFood SecurityEmergency Response
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      ForestryEcosystem ServicesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationTropical Ecology
The objective of this study was to contribute to and expand the limited knowledge base of the ways in which tourism development impacts rural livelihoods. It traced the process of tourism-based livelihood development in the Cappadocia... more
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      Oral historySustainable Tourism DevelopmentTourism ImpactsSustainable Livelihoods
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      CongoSustainable LivelihoodsRural Livelihood StrategiesAntimicrobial activity of honey
Question What are the factors that help or inhibit sustainable livelihoods in refugee settings? – with a focus on Uganda Summary Uganda has hosted refugees from various neighbouring conflict-affect countries for several decades. Refugees... more
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      Refugee StudiesUgandaUrban RefugeesRefugees
A complexity-friendly, SenseMaker-based approach to understanding how to build sustainable livelihoods and communities in conditions of high uncertainty and change. The tool also detected underlying attitudinal change among participants... more
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      Community DevelopmentSocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial CapitalNarrative Methods
Prosperity *continuous and sustainable wealth creation *is an elusive goal in South African smallholder agriculture. This paper suggests that agricultural extension can facilitate realising this objective if an appropriate approach to... more
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      AgricultureAgricultural extensionLearningSustainable Livelihoods
Es ist an der Zeit, Wanderungsbewegungen sowie raumüberspannende Netzwerkbeziehungen als Normalität der Lebenswirklichkeit in afrikanischen Gesellschaften anzuerkennen. Malte Steinbrink und Hannah Niedenführ plädieren für eine translokale... more
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      GeographyDevelopment StudiesAfricaRural Development
The current and projected impacts of climate change make understanding the environmental and social vulnerability of coastal communities and the planning of adaptations important international goals and national policy initiatives. Yet,... more
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      Climate ChangeCommunity ResilienceClimate Change AdaptationResilience
The present study has attempted to examine the livelihood status of nine agro-climatic zones (ACZs) in the State of Uttar Pradesh in India. The United National Development Programme’s (UNDP) methodology has adopted to develop a practical,... more
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      Sustainable LivelihoodsAgriculture and Rural Livelihood
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      CongoSustainable LivelihoodsRural Livelihood StrategiesAntimicrobial activity of honey
Here we examine the successes, challenges and lessons learned from the Arnavon Islands Community Marine Conservation Area (ACMCA) which was first established in 1995. We review relevant literature and use material from interviews... more
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      ConservationMarine Protected AreasFisheries ManagementSea Turtles
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      CongoSustainable LivelihoodsRural Livelihood StrategiesAntimicrobial activity of honey
The book is based on the study carried out with the objective to understand the nature of participation of the people in the process of democratic decentralisation in Kerala through the People’s Planning programme, the nature, and impact... more
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      Development StudiesSustainable DevelopmentDevelopment anthropologyRural Development
Mangrove Ecosystems in Sri Lanka: Climate Change Impacts and Community-Based Conservation and Restoration Sri Lanka has 19,500 hectares and more than 20 species of true mangroves. Mangrove forests are highly valuable ecosystems that... more
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      Climate ChangeEcotourismEcosystem ServicesClimate Change Adaptation
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      ForestrySustainable DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentRural Entrepreneurship
THE GRADUATION STRATEGIC OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK represents the BRAC's vision and approach to the Graduation Approach. BRAC recognizes the critical role the Graduation Approach plays in furthering and accelerating progress around poverty... more
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      Climate ChangePovertyClimate Change AdaptationPoverty Alleviation Programmes
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) constitute an important source of livelihood for millions of people from forest fringe communities across the world. In India, NTFPs are associated with socioeconomic and cultural life of forest... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentRural EntrepreneurshipSustainable Rural Development
Bangladesh is the most disaster prone country of the world. Disaster visits every year and everywhere of our country. The people of all areas of our country always live in risk of disasters. And for that reason Community Risk Assessment... more
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    • Sustainable Livelihoods
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      FisheriesSustainable Livelihoods
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      EthnographySustainable Livelihoods
Surf tourism Indonesia
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      Tourism StudiesVulnerabilityTourismSustainable Livelihoods
In rapidly developing countries, where large sections of the population are highly dependent on marine resources, coastal livelihoods are vulnerable to sudden shocks and long-term change. National policy can attempt to mitigate this... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceIndonesian StudiesIndonesia
This paper mainly focuses on the basic introduction of basic logic model and its applications. An example from skill development project being initiated by a non-profit organization is included to understand the practical applications of... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipLivelihoodRural livelihoods and economySustainable Livelihoods
There is an urgent need to address interlinked sustainability issues in a world challenged by inequality, finite resources and unprecedented changes across Earth’s systems. As Future Earth Fellows, based on our collective expertise in a... more
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      Development StudiesParticipatory ResearchEcosystem ServicesInterdisciplinarity
Imported conventional vegetables constitute approximately 80% of the vegetable market in Cambodia and that roughly equals 400 tons of vegetables per day according to the recent research study by the Center for Policy Studies. Furthermore,... more
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      Organic agricultureSustainable LivelihoodsLocal Marketing
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      Disaster risk managementRisk and VulnerabilitySustainable LivelihoodsInternational Aid and Development
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      Social SciencesEcosystem ServicesNatural Resource ManagementCarbon Sequestration
Declining agricultural productivity, land clearance and climate change are compounding the vulnerability of already marginal rural populations in West Africa. ‘Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration’ (FMNR) is an approach to arable land... more
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      GhanaSustainable LivelihoodsFMNR
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      GeographySustainable DevelopmentCoastal GeomorphologyTraditional Ecological Knowledge
The study was conducted to determine the best practice of the partnership of the municipality of Carmona and the Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Kababaihan ng Carmona Inc. in the management of the Central Materials Recovery Facility. CMRF is a... more
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      ManagementLocal GovernmentNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Environmental Sustainability
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSocial CapitalCosta RicaWellbeing
Analysing the status of bamboo resources, available processing technologies and highlighting specific contribution of the bamboo sector in India, this paper suggests strategies to unlock the untapped potential of the bamboo sector in... more
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      Sustainable LivelihoodsBamboo CompositesCertificationBamboo construction
The paper is a summary of studies done by SPWD- RRI on this issue and looks at the hoax of compensatory afforestation as excuse to divert forest land for non forest purposes
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      Political EcologySustainable LivelihoodsGovernance of Natural ResourcesLand and Forest Tenure and Rights
The FAO, under its pilot project on “Livelihood Restoration, Protection and Sustainable Empowerment of Vulnerable Peasant Communities in Mirpurkhas and Dadu districts of Sindh Province”, has planned to improve land tenure security at the... more
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      Sustainable agricultureLand tenureSustainable LivelihoodsWomen Empowerment
The study sought to assess the impacts that Village Savings and Loan Associations have on livelihoods of citizens in the north of Mzimba district of Malawi. A sample of 20 VSLAs were selected from a population of 200 in the district. From... more
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      Economic GrowthEconomic DevelopmentSustainable LivelihoodsHuman development index, Self-organizing maps, Human well-being