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Introducción: El municipio de Plato, se localiza al margen derecho del Río Magdalena (Colombia), donde se han presentado procesos erosivos generados por la alta deforestación y variación climática. Objetivo: Analizar multitemporalmente... more
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      Fluvial SedimentologyTeledeteccion y SIGSediment Transport
Despite the demonstrated potential of rhizoma peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.; RP) for grazing in the southeastern USA (Ortega-S. et al. 1992), high establishment cost and removal of land from production during establishment have limited... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyBiologyAgroforestry
Green manufacturing cuts across every aspect of manufacturing including product development, process technologies, energy consumption and material flow. Becoming green can be viewed as a process where we start using more eco-friendly... more
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    • Energy and Environment
This Little Book tells you what Speculative Design is, what the benefits for policy-making are, and how it can be used by policy-makers. This book is based on our research conducted for the ProtoPolicyAsia: empowering local communities... more
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      Political ScienceLancaster University
The papers provide substantial case study material of varied practical experiences, combined with reflection on the emerging findings concerning uses of SL. Some focus on specific types of application of SL approaches (e.g. project... more
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      GeographyEast AfricaSustainableEnvironmental Planning
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This study assessed the effects of exploitations in natural forest ecosystem on tree species diversity and environmental conservation. This was achieved by comparing tree species diversity and yield in an unlogged forest (inviolate/strict... more
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      Conservation EcologyBiologySustainableBiodiversity
Heightened interest in renewable energy has produced a spate of new research into the feasibility of forest biomass as a feedstock. The US Northeast is one of the few regions worldwide that supports both a large forest resource and a... more
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      BusinessEnvironmental ScienceRenewable EnergyProductivity
Biological façade (biofacade) is an ecological friendly building design. Biofacade represents a new idea that is beneficial in reducing carbon in the atmosphere and provide food or medicine, benefiting both the environment and people.... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBiologySustainableBusiness and Management
The term 'environmental communication' is very much related to the concept of environmental governance. It is in fact a new idea in the history of the sustainable development on this earth. The scholars of the present age have been... more
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      BusinessSociologyEconomicsPolitical Science
Wajib Pajak adalah orang pribadi atau badan yang telah memenuhi kewajiban subjektif dan objektif.
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    • Universitas Jambi
The dissolution of colemanite waste in oxalic acid solutions was studied in a batch reactor, and the characterization of colemanite waste was determined by X‐ray diffraction analysis and X‐ray Fluorescence analysis. The dissolution... more
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This study was undertaken to evaluate the response of teosinte (Zea mexicana L.) and intersubspecific hybrids to heat stress, in particular productivity. Unlike maize (Zea mays L.), teosinte demonstrated thermophilic properties, namely... more
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Tourism and technology grow quickly generating behaviors that force challenges and dynamic decision-making. Tourist destinations have to deal with a complex environment that makes their competitive position dependent on Information and... more
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      MarketingGeographyTechnologyRenewable Energy
Background Health-promoting programmes must demonstrate sustained efficacy in order to make a true impact on public health. This study aimed to determine the effect of the Healthy Incentive for Pre-schools project on health-promoting... more
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      PsychologyNutritionPhysical ActivityCommunity Health
zeszyty naukowe uniwersytetu szczecińskiego nr 869 problemy transportu i logistyki nr 29 2015 raúl oscar dichiara, María a. Viceconte, nicolás castro * It is estimated that damages in the quality of the meat because of the applications of... more
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      BusinessInternational TradeArgentinaSustainable
In the developing countries, the syndrome of low level of safety practices are common phenomenon among construction firms when trying to achieve speedy delivery of construction projects. Various researchers have established factors... more
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      BusinessEmployabilityProject ManagementHigher Education
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      GeographyTransport EngineeringEnergy ConsumptionSustainable
The useful life of concrete in areas prone to freezing and thawing has been a challenge for its preservation, since these environments cause cracks and deterioration in the material. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to... more
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      Civil Engineering and ArchitectureFreezingFreezing/thawing
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RESÚMEN Este trabajo es una revisión bibliográfica sobre el manejo de praderas asociadas de gramíneas con leguminosas para mejorar la calidad de la dieta del animal e incrementar la productividad de las praderas, así como mantener la... more
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The civil engineering and architectural communities are highly focused these days on designing buildings that maximize utilization of energy available from natural resources through means such as passive solar heating and passive... more
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      EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringCivil EngineeringArchitecture
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Caspian Sea coastlines in Iran have been opened to tourists for 'sun-sea-sand' holiday purpose and have created dynamic ecological sources for many economic activities in the region. However, these coastal areas have been exposed to... more
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      GeographySustainable DevelopmentSustainableEnvironmental Planning
As winter sets in, many homeowners rely on their furnaces to provide consistent warmth and comfort. However, without proper maintenance, even the best heating systems can struggle to perform when you need them most. Regular upkeep of your... more
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    • Furnace
ce projet s'inscrit dans le cadre du renforcement de la résilience urbaine des villes dans les zones arides et semi-arides. Il consiste à mettre en place une pépinière potagère et arboricole afin de renforcer la trame verte dans la ville... more
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Los recursos naturales, como factor de produccion, tienen desde su uso, la doble caracteristica de generar riqueza o pobreza. La relacion sociedad-naturaleza sera la que haga posible una u otra realidad y el biocomercio, aparece como... more
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      SociologyWelfare EconomicsPovertySustainable
Sustainable development of the built environment in developing countries is a major challenge in the 21st century. The use of local materials in construction of buildings is one of the potential ways to support sustainable development in... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceSustainableCompressive Strength
Hahn, Chinhee et al..2011.Reforms for Korea's Sustained Growth,Reports,Seoul, South KoreaKorea Development Institute,408
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthSustainableReform
ABET) adopted recently a new set of criteria for evaluating engineering programmes. One of these (criterion 3) refers to programme outcomes and assessment. In this article, the author describes the design and implementation of a... more
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      EngineeringAerospace EngineeringEngineering ManagementAccreditation
Starting from the rehabilitation of the areas invaded by undesirable plants, strategic organic and mineral fertilization in a limited way and together to the establishment of bank protein it is possible to achieve positive balances of... more
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Shell structure has a unique thin, curved plate shaped yet strong enough to transmit applied forces by compressions but only being constructed as a roof structure with minor external load applied onto it. The objectives of this research... more
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      EngineeringStructureSustainable DevelopmentStress
As governments the world over move to reduce global warming, public procurement has become an increasingly important means of leveraging governments’ vast purchasing power to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through “green” or... more
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      Public ProcurementSustainability
The term 'environmental communication' is very much related to the concept of environmental governance. It is in fact a new idea in the history of the sustainable development on this earth. The scholars of the present age have been... more
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      BusinessSociologyEconomicsPolitical Science
This research was possible thanks to the financial support of BOF UGent, the FWO Vlaanderen and ARRS Slovenija (grant G.0609.15N), and the kind permission of TU Delft to use their 5 kN test stage.
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      Materials ScienceCorrosion fatigueVariable Amplitude FatigueTechnology and Engineering
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Charcoal is a major source for cooking energy in most African countries, for which demand from a burgeoning human population has sometimes outstripped the supply of wood from forests and woodland. Therefore, there is need to explore the... more
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      Environmental ScienceInformation ManagementForest Ecology And ManagementEconomic Development
The relevance of environmental activities has increased both in research and practice. Yet, there is only little systematic insight into such activities of firms, particularly regarding human resource management aspects. This study... more
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      BusinessManagementHuman Resource ManagementEnvironmental Management
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      GeographyRainwater HarvestingNational Park
Pandemi COVID-19 telah memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap berbagai aspek ekonomi global, termasuk pelaporan keuangan perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pandemi terhadap kualitas pelaporan keuangan perusahaan... more
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    • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Alternative Energy consumption is one of the great measures of progress and welfare of society. Since the sources of fossil and nuclear energy are finite is inevitable that at some point the demand can not be supplied, unless it is to... more
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      Environmental ScienceSustainable
Indonesia is grappling with a mounting environmental challenge: littering. Plastic waste, bottles, and other trash are increasingly visible along canals, streets, and public spaces. This project focuses on addressing the negative impacts... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationApplied LinguisticsWaste ManagementEnvironmental awareness
Adams, P.D. (1988), "Some comparisons of recent estimates of agricultural supply elasticities for the Australian economy", Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics 56 (3), 352-60. Agbola, F.W. (1999), The structure of production and... more
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      EconomicsAgricultural EconomicsAgriculture
Taper and Volume models are used in the estimation of tree growth, stand structure, and timber yield. Forest managers utilize these tools to help them make well-informed decisions on the planning and harvesting of forest resources. Hence,... more
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    • Forest biometrics
This paper is an Editorial for the special issue (SI) of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER) devoted to the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), held from the 4th to 8th... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergyGeothermal
Railways form one of the major worldwide transportation networks and they continue to provide quick and safe public and freight transportation. In order to compete with other modes of transportation and to meet the ever growing demand of... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTransportationSustainable
Railways form one of the major worldwide transportation networks and they continue to provide quick and safe public and freight transportation. In order to compete with other modes of transportation and to meet the ever growing demand of... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTransportationSustainable
Railways form one of the major worldwide transportation networks and they continue to provide quick and safe public and freight transportation. In order to compete with other modes of transportation and to meet the ever growing demand of... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTransportationSustainable
Railways form one of the major worldwide transportation networks and they continue to provide quick and safe public and freight transportation. In order to compete with other modes of transportation and to meet the ever growing demand of... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTransportationSustainable