Recent papers in Sustainable
Sustainable design is a phrase commonly used in the realms of design practice and yet the definition of the same remains quite fuzzy, thus providing the motivation for this research. The paper looks at contemporary sustainable design... more
Abstract: In the construction industry, project site operatives see resources wastefulness as inevitable. Moreover, there is often an absence of appropriate resources to support waste management. This notion makes participants to a... more
Reductionism in rural development policymaking can have serious practical ramifications for human life and well-being. Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) are two approaches that have been assisting development practitioners... more
Sustainable development has become a central focal area in the global strategy for the development of the education sector's future. The ultimate goal of this endeavor is to enable the recognition of Institutions of Higher Education... more
In Africa, most events are crowned by political overtones. If these forums can be used to communicate information for development purposes, the continent could be far in terms of development. A number of mass media scholars (Bennett,... more
There is a great need to reduce energy consumption in high-rise office buildings due to escalating environmental problems such as Urban Heat Island effect and global warming. The creation of landscape spaces in high-rise buildings today... more
Urban growth has been fast for decades. Because money is very important in this urban-based world, humanity focuses on economic development, and is often too busy to deal with sustainability. Therefore, in a world that is constantly... more
The integration of entire supply and value chain into a closed loop network is gaining more im-portance in recent times in order to ensure a business to be economically and environmentally sustainable with the changing trends in business... more
Developing new and improved grazing systems for crop–livestock farms where crop production is the major driver of farm management decisions presents a unique research and development challenge. In southern Australia, a substantial... more
Agriculture is highly dependent on the social sustainability inherent in rural communities. Yet too often we focus on the economic and environmental drivers relating to agricultural production, ignoring the social and community aspects... more
In the Malaysian context, the designers of many office buildings are largely unaware of the effect of colour in the working environment. The choice of colours is made without further study of the problems that might arise from unsuitable... more
Urban growth has been fast for decades. Because money is very important in this urban-based world, humanity focuses on economic development, and is often too busy to deal with sustainability. Therefore, in a world that is constantly... more
Dans cette contribution, nous positionnons le champ de recherche qui concerne l'étude des microclimats urbains par rapport aux problématiques actuelles du développement urbain durable et par rapport aux champs de recherche voisins. En... more
Abstract Background: Kutai National Park (KNP) is a national park of lowland tropical rain forest that rich with biodiversity and conservation area comprising of terrestrial and coastal areas. It is one among those 50 national parks in... more
The sustainable management of the destinations is essential for the development of tourism, especially through the planning of the efficient usage of the space and of the land, as well as through the control of the development and through... more
To study possible biocontrol agents against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on potato plants in Hamadan, Iran, a sampling of sclerotia was conducted in potato fields, and after culturing one of these sclerotia on potato dextrose agar, a... more
The survey showed that a total number of 109 species of NTFPs were traded locally in the tamu (open market), comprising 35 species of wild edible plants, 32 species of medicinal plants, 8 species of orchids, 4 species of bamboos, 6... more
Scarcity of water is a severe environmental constraint to plant productivity. Drought-induced loss in crop yield probably exceeds losses from all other causes, since both the severity and duration of the stress are critical. Here, we have... more
Scarcity of water is a severe environmental constraint to plant productivity. Drought-induced loss in crop yield probably exceeds losses from all other causes, since both the severity and duration of the stress are critical. Here, we have... more
There is a pressing need to explore alternate energy options which are sustainable, locally available and eco-friendly. About 70% of all air pollution (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates) comes from our use of fossil fuels... more
Tourism development must be based on sustainability criteria, be long term bearable economically and ethically and socially equitable for the local populations of the destinations. Tourism forms identified by the literature as being... more
In the fiercely competitive globalized tourism industry, where there is growing concern for the development of sustainable tourism, tourism stakeholders are confronted with the challenge of creating innovative product differentiation and... more
Barbados is almost wholly reliant on groundwater as its source of water largely due to replenishment during the wettest 1-3 months of the year. Annual renewable freshwater resources place it in the top 15 of the world's most water scarce... more
Olive has been widely grown around the Mediterranean Basin for around 5000 years, where productivity and survival of this long-lived evergreen tree in environments of low and variable rainfall depend on physiological characteristics but... more
Economic prescriptions for the sustainable management of fisheries have typically been framed in the context of commercial fisheries. Fishery management failures have been characterized as a consequence of disjointedness between... more
Olive has been widely grown around the Mediterranean Basin for around 5000 years, where productivity and survival of this long-lived evergreen tree in environments of low and variable rainfall depend on physiological characteristics but... more
In the advent of oil discovery, the boom of infrastructure development in the country is always phenomenal and if it’s sustainably planned and properly implemented can change the socio-economic fortunes of the country. The case varies for... more
Little is known about the factors underlying the pro-environmental behaviour of marketing managers. This paper explores the determinants of green marketing practices in the Red Sea hotel sector in Egypt. The research model assesses green... more
The pursuit of sustainability in particular places and sectors often unravels at the edges. Efforts to tackle environmental problems in one place shift them somewhere else or are overwhelmed by external changes in drivers. Gains in energy... more
A research was undertaken to investigate sustainable utilisation of a wetland in Mwaonazvawo Village in Mutasa District of Manicaland Province. A questionnaire survey triangulated with interviews, field observations and measurements were... more
Shell group and specifically the Shell Petroleum Development Corporation in Nigeria may require an alternative approach to sustainable development if they wish to merit the full confidence of communities in areas of the world as complex... more
The education system is witnessing a change from traditional talk and chalk method to newly invented concepts and culture. There are forces which shape the educational innovation; competition and options necessarily leading to innovations... more
Sustainable development is a widely used term, which has been increasingly infl uential on UK planning, housing and urban policy in recent years. Debates about sustainability no longer consider sustainability solely as an environmental... more
A healthy Environment is essential for the growth and survival of all living things. The growing concern on environment calls for a new direction to address developmental issues in a more scientific manner. Sustainable development... more
Day by day the quality of drinking water is deteriorating. Hence it is a need of the time to supply clean and safe drinking water to the public. Sand filtration is one of the techniques used for to obtain the clean water. According to the... more
Scarcity of water is a severe environmental constraint to plant productivity. Drought-induced loss in crop yield probably exceeds losses from all other causes, since both the severity and duration of the stress are critical. Here, we have... more
An assessment of some heavy metals concentrations in lettuce in irrigated with waste water in Tamale Metropolis in Ghana has been carried out. Analysis of water and lettuce samples revealed that the mean concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn,... more
This paper is related to a project I have made during the erasmus studying in İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi, for the lecture in Sustainable Energy Development. It explains what Fossil Fuels means; it classifies Fossil Fuels on the earth,... more
In light of Estidama Guidelines, assessment method, and other documents (building code, standards, and design guidance), a sustainable house was designed following an integrated process of design and performance evaluation. The design... more
Sustainability as a concept has created enormous pressure on supply chain management. During the last few decades companies from all sectors of industry have not only needed to deliver quality products right on time, but they now also... more