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Background. Daily observation by nurses of the cognitive function of patients is of high ecological validity because cognitive functioning is observed in a natural setting around the clock. Aim. To evaluate why and how geriatric nurses... more
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[CURRENT INFO: ] This teacher survey is available for re-use in studies of 21st century teaching and learning. It has demonstrated excellent reliability, improving on reliable measures from... more
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      21st Century LiteraciesSurvey MeasurementSurvey MethodologySurvey Research
The past 20 years has seen a rapid growth across the world in the number, range and scale of voluntary travel behaviour change (VTBC) initiatives. These so-called 'soft' measures have challenged the assumption that modal shift is only... more
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      Travel BehaviourUrban And Regional PlanningSurvey MethodsTransport policy
This paper uses data collected in the summer and fall of 2010 from a national, web-based survey of 1002 households to initiate the process of examining consumer inferences and valuations of food products making "sustainably produced"... more
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      Applied EconomicsSurvey MethodsMeetingData Collection
Multi-Agent transport simulation models, e.g. MATSim have proven to be suitable for modeling microscopic demand for large scale scenarios based on planning networks. In the recent years survey methods are using technologies which provides... more
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      English languageSurvey MethodsPerformance ImprovementHigh Resolution
Technology has always introduced changes in the way researchers administer surveys. A new technology known as virtual worlds has now emerged that promises to change data collection once again. Virtual worlds are persistent, online,... more
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      Quality of lifeSurvey ResearchVirtual WorldsSurvey Methods
The first objective of this article is to propose a conceptual framework of the effects of on-line questionnaire design on the quality of collected responses. Secondly, we present the results of an experiment where different protocols... more
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      PsychologySurvey MethodsQuestionnaires
This study explores the utility of a self-completion survey method to quickly and cheaply generate information on patterns and trends among regular 'recreational' drug consumers. Data is reported here from 1151 subjects accessed through a... more
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      MusicResearch DesignConsumptionDancing
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment and to investigate the moderating effects of Trust and Locus of Control on the relationship between Job Satisfaction and... more
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Alcohol use and the related consequences associated with college football games are a serious public health issue for university communities. Objective: Examining "Extreme Ritualistic Alcohol Consumption" (ERAC), defined as consuming 10... more
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      Research DesignRisk TakingPublic HealthAdolescent
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To determine whether there are differences in measures of cognitive function between second and third trimester pregnant women compared to non-pregnant controls. This prospective study comprised 40 pregnant and 40 non-pregnant women,... more
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      BusinessRemote SensingSurvey MethodsEarth Observation
The European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) is an endangered species and typically inhabits steppes and open woodland of Central Europe and the Balkans. Knowledge about its distribution and status in the southern part of its... more
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      Endangered SpeciesSurvey MethodsConservation StatusLand Use
Background: Despite having the largest population in Africa, Nigeria has no accurate population based data to plan and evaluate eye care services. A national survey was undertaken to estimate the prevalence and determine the major causes... more
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      OphthalmologyPhotographyBlindnessService Quality
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is an alternative technique to obtain measurements of surface displacement providing better spatial resolution and comparable accuracy at an extremely lower cost per area than conventional... more
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In recent years terrestrial laser scanning is rapidly evolving as a surveying technique for the monitoring of engineering objects like roof constructions, mines, dams, viaducts and tunnels. The advantage of laser scanning above... more
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      Survey MethodsTerrestrial Laser ScanningLaser ScanningReports
Objective: To examine the relationship between Positive and Negative Perfectionism and Social Physique Anxiety (SPA) and the extent to which these two variables predict disturbed eating attitudes in male and female elite athletes.
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      Sport PsychologyEducationPersonalitySport And Exercise Psychology
To minimize coverage and participation biases, this web survey adopted two complementary sampling strategies: (a) SMS invitations to random-number mobile phones, and (b) Internet advertisements targeting specific sociodemographic groups.... more
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      GeographyComputer ScienceSurvey SamplingSurvey Methodology
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between commitment and exercise behavior using the Sport Commitment Model (SCM; J Sport & Exercise Psychology, 15, 1) as a guiding conceptual framework. Design:... more
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      Sport PsychologyEducationSocial SupportSport And Exercise Psychology
Objective: To calculate the proportion of care delivered in a chiropractic practice supported by good-quality clinical trials. Design: Retrospective survey. Methods: Data were collected from patient files relating to 180 consecutive... more
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      Evidence Based MedicineComplementary and Alternative MedicineClinical TrialChiropractic
Six commonly used coral reef survey methods, mapping of 1 m × 1 m quadrats (MAP), line-point transect (LPT), line-intercept transect (LIT), video sampling (VIDEO) and 1 m × 1 m photo-quadrats analysed by point-sampling (PHOTP) or by... more
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      BiologyCommunitySurvey MethodsBiological Sciences
Iceland is very active tectonically as it is crossed by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its associated rift zones and transform faults. The high-temperature geothermal systems are located within the neo-volcanic zone. A detailed comparison of... more
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      GeochemistryGeophysicsMagnetotelluricSurvey Methods
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of about 9.6 million people, inhabiting an area of about 660 square-km. In the last three decades, urban development of Jakarta has grown very rapidly in the sectors of industry,... more
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      Real EstatePsychologyNatural HazardsUrban Development
The environmental health goals of many Native American tribes are to restore natural resources and ensure that they are safe to harvest and consume in traditional subsistence quantities. Therefore, it is important to tribes to accurately... more
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      DietNative AmericanMultidisciplinarySurvey Methods
We review epidemiological studies of depression in Europe. Community surveys are essential. Methodological differences in survey methods, instruments, nuances in language and translation limit comparability, but consistent findings are... more
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      Primary CareEastern EuropeBipolar DisorderPublic Health
Increasing levels of vertical competition make the possession of end customers' loyalty an issue of major concern for brand manufacturers and distributors alike. While we can rely on a solid body of knowledge on the drivers and outcomes... more
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      MarketingSupply Chain ManagementStructural Equation ModelingSurvey Methods
The common spadefoot toad, Pelobates fuscus, shows evidence of decline along the western borders of its distribution, including Italy, where an endemic subspecies is usually recognised, P. f. insubricus. In this contribution we bring to... more
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      Survey MethodsAction PlanPitfall Traps
High-risk drinking on game day represents a unique public health challenge. Objective: The authors examined the drinking behavior of college football fans and assessed the support for related interventions. Participants: The authors... more
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      Public HealthHealth PolicySurvey MethodsLaw Enforcement
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Exogenous shocks are said to play a key role in the breakdown of authoritarian regimes. This paper sheds light on the conditions under which crisis management play out to the advantage of authoritarian leaders, or not. By chance, a... more
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      Public OpinionChinaSurvey MethodsMatching
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service. Information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Production ManagementIslamic BankingSocial InfluenceSurvey Methods
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment and to investigate the moderating effects of Trust and Locus of Control on the relationship between Job Satisfaction and... more
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      ManagementMarketingHuman Resource ManagementOrganizational Commitment
Over the last 20 years, women's sexuality has become one of the most written about and intensely debated subjects in sexology, sociology, and women's studies in mainland China. From these studies, one can trace the development of academic... more
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      Social ChangePsychologyPoliticsChina
Odonate populations and species numbers are declining globally. Successful conservation requires sound assessments of both odonate distributions and habitat requirements. Odonates have aquatic (larval) and terrestrial (adult) stages, but... more
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      ConservationSurvey MethodsBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The state of Florida has taken an unprecedented approach to teacher professional development in its Race to the Top (RTTT) Program application by proposing to promote an international innovation that originates in Japan, "lesson study,"... more
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      Survey MethodsTeacher professional developmentRace to the TopDistrict and School Reform
Purpose–This paper aims to test hypothesized relationships of consumer need for uniqueness, attention to social comparison information, status consumption, and role-relaxed consumption with opinion leadership and opinion seeking for new... more
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      MarketingSocial ComparisonSurvey MethodsFashion Marketing
It is not easy for the overburdened student counselors in universities to adequately address students' needs in all areas. Hence, the establishment of academic advising Western countries and recently in some Kenyan institutions. Academic... more
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      Survey MethodsNeedsRandom samplingUniversity Student
Pilot studies of the bus-route creel survey method were conducted in the South Australian marine scalefish fishery to evaluate characteristics of the fishery that would influence survey design and the method's performance in obtaining... more
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      FisheriesEcologyStratificationSurvey Methods
m m zi zi zi zi z ng ng ng g R R R R Ris s is isks ks k k k t to o o o o o Du Du Du Du u Duba ba ba bai' i' i i s s s s Bu Bu Bu u us s s siness s s s E E Exp xp pen en en endi di d d tu tu ure re re C Cy Cy C Cycl cl cl l c cles es es s... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingInformation TechnologyCommunication
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to identify the motivating factors of employees working in various Malaysian organizations. Design/methodology/approach -A survey method was adopted. The survey questionnaire consisted of two parts:... more
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      Job SatisfactionOrganization DesignHuman ResourceSurvey Methods
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1. The Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and of the four subspecies originally recognized, recent extinctions mean that only two now persist. Recent genetic analyses have cast doubt on the generally accepted... more
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      Marine BiologyOceanographyTime SeriesPopulation Dynamics
Current debates about urban sustainability tend to focus on technical issues, such as carbon emissions, energy consumption and waste management, or on the economic aspects of urban regeneration and growth. Increasingly, however,... more
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      EngineeringPerceptionCultural HeritageUrban Regeneration
Apex predators are essential for the viability of healthy ecosystems. By studying carnivoran feeding ecology, we can obtain a better understanding of the ecological limits, resilience and predator-prey dynamics that govern these... more
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      ZoologySurvey MethodsBiological SciencesCarnivore
Service branding is becoming a critical issue for both marketing researchers and practitioners, and, as such, the empirical investigation of service branding issues is warranted. This being the case, this study focuses on the development... more
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      MarketingServicesDecision MakingBranding
The widespread use of the Internet and the convenient mechanism it provides, such as easy access, easy downloads, and easy copy and paste functions have made many types of unethical behaviors easier, particularly those involving students... more
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      EthicsEducational TechnologyHigher EducationPersonality
Een toegepast historisch-geografisch onderzoek in het streekplangebied Noord-en Midden-Limburg Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor, op gezag van de rector magnificus van de Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen, dr. CM.... more
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      Agricultural DevelopmentUrban PlanningCold WarEnvironmental Management
This paper presents a vision-based underwater mapping system, which is demonstrated in an archaeological survey of the submerged ancient town of Pavlopetri. The snorkeler or diver operated system provides a low cost alternative to the use... more
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      Survey MethodsOPERATING SYSTEMSimultaneous Localization and MappingSeasonality