Recent papers in Surveillance
Prolongeant ses travaux sur la répression, Vanessa Codaccioni analyse et dénonce les ressorts de « la société de vigilance ». Surveillance massive, appel à la délation, légitimation de la répression : une nouvelle servitude volontaire est... more
Prolongeant ses travaux sur la répression, Vanessa Codaccioni analyse et dénonce les ressorts de « la société de vigilance ». Surveillance massive, appel à la délation, légitimation de la répression : une nouvelle servitude volontaire est... more
[T]he law recognizes that we inherently have to bear the risk of the "tattletale" but draws the line at concluding that we must also bear, as the price of choosing to speak to another human being, the risk of having a permanent electronic... more
This article examines dynamics of financial surveillance and risk-based regulation in the context of ongoing activities to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Close analysis of the situation in the UK reveals entangled forms... more
While recognizing the need for intelligence gathering and acknowledging that gathering such intelligence may require the adoption of extraordinary measures and approaches, international human rights law ascribes limits to how such... more
We investigate the case of a Microcredit Platform that offers financial services in an impoverished region of Brazil. Through this case, we verify how the intermediation of human microcredit agents is essential to create critical mass... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
Background Prolonged sitting time is a risk factor for chronic disease, yet recent global surveillance is not well described. The aims were to clarify: (i) the countries that have collected country-level data on self-reported sitting... more
Current revelations about the secret US-NSA program, PRISM, have confirmed the large-scale mass surveillance of the telecommunication and electronic messages of governments, companies, and citizens, including the United States' closest... more
While players are enjoying casual mobile games like Candy Crush Saga, we also must negotiate elements that have been brought to the forefront by the intersection of networked play environments and casual game technologies. While casual... more
How does erasure execute knowledge production? The following is a tour through a collection of erasure that provides a glimpse into the many directions that this question may take us, through the lens of a series of artistic... more
Amazon’s Ring relies on infrastructural obfuscation to hide their infrastructures through urban camouflage (as doorbells, floodlights, sensors) while simultaneously expanding the carceral state and extending the industrial... more
Yirminci yüzyılın son çeyreğinde varlığını ve etkisini göstermeye başlayan küreselleşme, yirmi birinci yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde etkisini daha da belirginleştirmektedir. Küreselleşme sürecinde iletişime dayalı, ekonomik, kültürel ve siyasal... more
In April 2020, the Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, the Association for Promotion of Political Economy and Law, the International University College of Turin and Bocconi University, have launched a... more
Digital technologies are now considered important in shaping young people's engagement in and with health and physical activity. Recent discussions show that the use of digital technologies to track health and fitness may over-emphasize... more
Dynamically changing background ("dynamic background") still presents a great challenge to many motion-based video surveillance systems. In the context of event detection, it is a major source of false alarms. There is a strong need from... more
Cameras are ubiquitous and increasingly mobile. While CCTV has captured considerable attention by surveillance researchers, the new visibility of police activities is increasingly produced by incidental sousveillance and wearable... more
Every technology has its history. What are the beginnings of public television? This article explores the use of police CCTV in West Germany between the 1950s and the 1970s. In these early years, the public police cameras served three... more
Este artigo argumenta, assumindo uma perspectiva geopolítica, sobre o papel dos media cinematográficos como arma ideológica, política e cultural durante o período da Guerra Fria. Uma primeira abordagem, pretende esclarecer o conceito de... more
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more
This article is part Eight of a series exploring the links between evaluation and technologies. It considers the rehabilitation of RCTs as a methodology through a new relationship with big data: one that repurposes the technology of RCTs... more
This contribution asks how the reliance on mass dataveillance of travellers is sustained as a central policy option in the governance of EU border security. It examines this question by analysing a recent initiative of the European... more
At its heart, surveillance is an expression of power. As we interact with a host of techniques to monitor and track our every move, we accept both subtle and overt nudges to alter our behavior. Parenting is, in particular, laden with... more
Released in March 2012, The Hunger Games had the third-highest grossing opening weekend in U.S. history. The story of a televised game to the death, with participants under 24 hour surveillance, calls to mind reality TV (RTV) shows where... more
In the years following the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the American government and other governmental democracies who fall victim to Americentric hegemony have eroded away many of the rights and civil liberties enjoyed by their... more
This work addresses the development of an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV), required to obtain reliable visual information, used for surveillance and maintenance of ship shells and underwater structures of Colombian port... more
…It was first proposed in May 2019 by Chairman Eric Schmidt, head of National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), a subcommittee of the Department of Defense, to adopt China’s model in the use of AI for mass... more
The advances in contemporary surveillance techniques have, for the past three decades, been bound with the development of cheap and efficient computational machines. These rapid changes in new media have made the task of theorising... more
PurposeThis research analyzed the existing academic and grey literature concerning the technologies and practices of people analytics (PA), to understand how ethical considerations are being discussed by researchers, industry experts and... more