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RESUMO: O presente artigo pretende expor e analisar algumas características dos modelos éticos e políticos de conduta dos super-heróis. Para tanto, procura oferecer um contraste entre eles e os heróis dos épicos homéricos. Após enfatizar... more
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      HomerPlatoHannah ArendtComics and Graphic Novels
In Superman #216 (1969), Superman intervened in the Vietnam War. Until this point, DC Comics had kept Superman away from any of America's wars in comic books. During the Second World War, Superman urged Americans to buy war bonds on the... more
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      Comics StudiesComic Book StudiesComicsComics and Graphic Novels
Reviewed August 2014, updated October 2015 To commemorate his 75th year in 2013, this is the fascinating true story about the "birthplace" and "parents" of Superman. Not Krypton. Not Jor-el and Lara. Not even Jonathan and Martha. But the... more
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesComic Book StudiesComics
En este escrito se hace una breve reflexión sobre las poderosas imágenes sobre la transformación del espíritu humano que imaginó Nietzsche como un modo de encarar la crisis espiritual de su propia época, caracterizada por el declive del... more
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Compares and contrasts the cities Batman and Superman are associated with, along with a brief summary of each character.  A look at why superheroes and comics are important myths.
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesComicsBatman
Introduction / Richard J. Gray II and Betty Kaklamanidou -- Globalization. Exceptional Recognition: The U.S. Global Dilemma in The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Avatar / Anthony Peter Spanakos -- "You Took My Advice About... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesArtGlobalization
Summer 2011 saw the release of the HBO documentary Superheroes, which filmed the exploits of fifty real-life, self-styled superheroes across North America. One such superhero, Thanatos, has patrolled Vancouver for four years, mostly... more
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      EthicsSocial and Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of MythologyPopular Culture and World Politics
An analysis of the social relevance trend in the Superman radio show of 1946, focusing on the arcs where Superman fought against juvenile delinquency, political corruption, and an analogy of the Ku Klux Klan.
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesComics StudiesRadio
The full syllabus for a freshman\sophmore seminar taught at UC Berkeley during spring 2019. The seminar reflects on the connection between Jewish literature and the American comic books industry. It also explores main tensions of Jewish... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureJewish StudiesJewish LiteratureComics and Graphic Novels
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesComparative LiteratureMedia Studies
ABSTRACT This article investigates how Gabriele D’Annunzio’s The Triumph of Death brings together Nietzsche’s ideas and Wagner’s music and interweaves them with the motifs of literary Decadence and the author’s own particular sexual... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
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      Jewish StudiesComics StudiesComic Book StudiesComics and Graphic Novels
Compares and contrasts cultural imagery in the worlds of Superman and Batman , also examines both characters.
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesComicsBatman
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      Comic Book StudiesComics and Graphic NovelsAmerican Comic Books and Social CommentaryBatman
This book explores Andy Warhol’s creative engagement with social class. During the 1960s, as neoliberalism perpetuated the idea that fixed classes were a mirage and status an individual achievement, Warhol’s work appropriated images,... more
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      Guy DebordEgalitarianismJacques RancièrePop Art
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesAestheticsIntermediality
Article publié dans : Elie Yazbeck (dir.), Le Super-héros à l'écran, Paris, éditions Orizon, 2017. L'homme qui vole « Là-haut dans le ciel ! Regardez ! C'est un oiseau ! C'est un avion ! C'est Superman ! » C'est par cette fameuse tirade... more
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Writer/artist Dan Jurgens first entered the comic industry in 1982, penciling Warlord no. 63 for DC Comics. His first writing credit followed three years later on DC’s Sun Devils maxi-series (1985). Over the three decades since then he... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CultureComics StudiesComic Book Studies
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      Cultural StudiesUtopian StudiesEschatology and ApocalypticismFriedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche in his book of 1883: Thus Spoke Zarathustra discovers one of the most fascinating ideas in Philosophy, Übermensch (also known as Superman). Assuming that the human psychological evolution has not reached its peak yet,... more
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      Alfred HitchcockSupermanMoby-DickNietzsche's Übermensch
The objective of this paper is to understand the film Batman vs Superman (2016) via elements of Gerard Genette's Transtextuality. A text does not exist in isolation. The atmosphere in terms of politics, other texts and, the general... more
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesComicsComics/Sequential Art
A look at comic-book culture in Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao with specific reference to Alan Moore's Watchmen
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      Postcolonial StudiesImmigrationComics StudiesRace and Ethnicity
Arturo Encinas Cantalapiedra 0. Intoducción En el año 1989 se estrenaba la última película dirigida por Tim Burton hasta el momento: Batman. La cinta mostró -cinematográficamente-que el superhéroe en el cine podía tener un recorrido... more
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Kişi ve kurumlardan bağımsız, amatör bir yazıdır.
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      ChristianityFriedrich NietzscheSchopenhauerAndrei Tarkovsky
This paper is an interpretive history and analysis of why the idea of the first Superman was popular in the United States in the first few decades of the turn of the twentieth century. It was well known at the time the idea of Superman... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory Of EugenicsFriedrich NietzscheModernity
This thesis seeks to provide insight into how superheroes are based upon the old heroes of mythology. Superheroes we are most familiar with are typically American, i.e. Western invention. We shall delve into the way the classical heroes... more
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      American LiteratureMythologyHeroesSuperheroes
La relación entre el poder y las relaciones internacionales, imaginarios y estereotipos entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética. Trabajo de la asignatura, Europa y EE.UU. en el sistema internacional contemporáneo, del Grado de... more
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      ComicsComic booksCultura PopularSuperman
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      Comic Book StudiesEnlightenmentComicsGraphic Novels
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Superman se convertiría en algo más que un mero entretenimiento. En este periodo pasaría a ser un combatiente más en el conflicto cuya función no solo sería infligir derrotas simbólicas a las Potencias... more
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      HistoryComics StudiesSecond World WarSuperman
Este trabalho tem por pretensão ler um potencial espaço político e respectivo diâmetro, sob as noções políticas de Rancière e Sloterdijk, no personagem dos quadrinhos e cinema, Superman. Procurando identificar, assim, a fulguração de um... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheJacques RancièrePeter SloterdijkCinema
One of the most famous philosophers of the modern era is Nietzsche’s whose works have been very influential in the political atmosphere of the 20th century. Nietzsche’s introduction of Superman has affected Western world entirely. One of... more
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      NietzscheGeorge Bernard ShawSuperman
This book addresses what a superhero body can do by developing several “x-rays” of the superbody’s sensoria, anatomic structures, internal systems, cellular organizations, and orthotic, chemical, or technological enhancements. In short,... more
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      Film StudiesComics StudiesFilm and Media StudiesSuperheroes
El final de la década de los ochenta representa un cambio histórico para las historias de superhéroes, y la concepción que se tenía de ellos; nos encontramos con que eran violentas, maduras, serias, para adultos y complejas. Este... more
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      Comics StudiesComicsComics and Graphic NovelsSuperheroes
The porn industry is following Hollywood’s lead by taking superheroes more seriously than either had in decades past. Contemporary superhero porn parodies, particularly those directed by Axel Braun, eschew the goofy puns and tacked-on... more
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      AdaptationFilm AdaptationFan CulturesFandom
Also available for review at We recognize myths for what they indicate about the values and beliefs of the cultures who were the authors and audiences of those myths; many of the earliest... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysisQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
Nietzsche und die hellenistische Philosophie 95 ANDREA CHRISTIAN BERTINO NIETZSCHE UND DIE HELLENISTISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. DER ÜBERMENSCH UND DER WEISE Zusammenfassung: In der Abhandlung wird zum ersten Mal Nietzsches Auseinandersetzung mit... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheHappinessSuperman
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      Jewish StudiesComics StudiesComics and Graphic NovelsJewish Cultural Studies
In the summer of 2000 X-Men surpassed all box of ce expectations and ushered in an era of unprecedented production of comic book film adaptations. This trend, now in its second decade, has blossomed into Hollywood's leading genre. From... more
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      Film StudiesComics StudiesAdaptationFan Studies
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      Comics StudiesComics/Sequential ArtComics and Graphic NovelsComic books
Süper-kahraman çizgi romanlarının ortaya çıkışı çizgi roman tarihi içerisinde önemli bir kırılmaya işaret eder. İlk olarak 1939 yılında çizilen Superman ve daha sonra 1940 yılında yayınlanmaya başlayan Batman ile çizgi roman dünyasına... more
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      DesignComic Book StudiesSuperman
Freeman, M. (2015) 'Up, up and across: Superman, the Second World War and the historical development of transmedia storytelling'. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 35 (2): 215-239.
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      Classical HollywoodTransmedia StorytellingSupermanFranchise
The course focuses on the reconstruction of comic books’ role in American culture. Comics as well as graphic novels are often seen as purely American medium and thus it important to discuss its uniqueness and well as its place among other... more
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      American StudiesPopular CultureVisual CultureComics Studies
Un articulo que cuestiona lo acontecido en la película El Hombre de Acero (2013) contrastándolo con lo que se lee en Action Comics #775, el superyó y el súper hombre de Nietzsche, aterrizando en el contexto estadounidense actual.
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      Sigmund FreudNietzscheComics and Graphic NovelsPsicología
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      Art HistoryComics StudiesPop ArtSocial Class
Since the earliest days of the US comic book industry publishers have adapted popular films (and later TV shows), with DC Comics’ precursor National Allied Publications releasing Movie Comics in 1939, which promised “a full movie for 10¢”... more
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      Media StudiesComics StudiesComic Book StudiesComics
This essay explores some of the ways in which Smallville, as one of many examples of popular media, places us in the position of the Swamp Thing: the series confronts us not only with the history of Superman as a transmedia phenomenon,... more
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      Cross-Media StudiesComics StudiesScience FictionTransmedial Storytelling
This essay looks into in the debate over a theoretical link between the comic book superhero Superman, and the socio-economic reform programme of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) The New Deal.
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      New Deal (U.S. history)SupermanSuperman and philosophy
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      Friedrich NietzscheMetaphorFluxusSuperman
Grant Morrison is regarded as one of the most original and inventive writers in the comics medium. He has contributed ground-breaking and best-selling superhero stories for both DC Comics—Batman, Superman, JLA, Doom Patrol, Animal Man—and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CultureComics StudiesStorytelling
Paper presentado en el congreso "Posthumanism and Posthumanities: a Dialogue with Rossi Braidotti", celebrado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid en diciembre de 2015. En este paper pretendo explorar la relevancia de algunos cómics... more
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      ReligionPopular CulturePosthumanismPostmodernism