The purpose of this study is to highlight one aspect of the Israel-Palestine conflict, namely the issue of United States involvement in conflict resolution in this area. The US has a long history of direct involvement and activism in the... more
What Stalin really said at Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam. Based on the unpublished Soviet records of the three wartime summits in the archives of the Russian foreign ministry.
The changes in the institutional structure of the EU brought about by the Lisbon treaty and recent developments in economic governance are offering scholars new fields of interest. In particular, the emergence of the European Council -... more
Knjiga se bavi ulogom Josipa Broza Tita u formulisanju i sprovođenju spoljne politike socijalističke Jugoslavije. Geneza jugoslovenske diplomatije se prati od perioda posleratne staljinizacije, raskida sa Informbiroom i prvih otvaranja... more
The article scrutinizes the dynamics of Yugoslav summit diplomacy from the end of the Second World War until the First Conference of Heads of Governments of the Non-Aligned Countries (1961), in order to outline the evolution of a... more
Interregionalism means region-to-region relations. Its relevance lies on two assumptions: that regionalism is a significant mechanism of governance and that regions are outward looking. The fact that both assumptions are contested confers... more
Mais tout d’abord, qu’est-ce que la diplomatie environnementale ? A priori, la diplomatie environnementale se comprend comme une diplomatie qui traite uniquement de questions d’environnement. En pratique pourtant, la diplomatie... more
The CPMM, currently known as the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), is an international summit conference and is part of a broader international organisation, the Commonwealth of Nations. In its early years, the CPMM at... more
De abril a octubre de 2017 la agenda global del desarrollo se conformó de una dinámica gama de sucesos que, si bien se alimentó de acciones propositivas, también se caracterizó por sufrir fuertes embates, sobre todo desde Estados Unidos,... more
Egypt’ role in the Libyan conflict. Egypt’s goals and objectives in the Libyan summit, and expected outcomes, while elaborating more on threats and insecurities generated from this conflict on Egypt.
Roughly two decades ago, very few people outside of Korea were following developments in and around the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), more commonly known as North Korea. To them, what happened in the first half of 2018... more
Assessment of summits of the Americas process from consensus years to confrontation years. Analysis reveals the necessity of consensus and commitment for summitry to succeed.
2016 yılı G-20 zirvesi, 4-5 Eylül 2016 tarihinde Çin'in Hangzhou kentinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toplantının ana teması her sene olduğu gibi küresel ekonominin ve küresel yönetişimin eşgüdüm içinde sürdürülmesine ve ortak önlemler... more
This article focuses on the evolution of systems dealing with economic globalization. The emergence of successive structures of global governance is a response to tension, crisis and uncertainty generated by anarchy in the international... more
"Sprawy Międzynarodowe" 2016, nr 3, s. 1-20.
"Sprawy Międzynarodowe" 2016, nr 3, s. 1-20.
Co-authored with Professor Harsh V Pant (Professor of International Relations at King’s College London & Vice President – Studies and Foreign Policy at Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi) Raisina Debates- This segment focuses on... more
Assesses Canada's participation in the security regime of the Americas.
Many accounts of mega-events emphasize their ability to facilitate the accumulation of capital and place them in the framework of urban entrepreneurialism. This paper examines the ways mega-events—with the help of capitalist boosterism... more
Nous sommes aujourd’hui accoutumés à voir des chefs d’État échanger des poignées de main relayées par les médias, mais il n’en a pas toujours été ainsi. L’histoire de l’Europe comporte en effet des périodes où il était courant que les... more
The European Union has been, and still remains one of the most amazing phenomena that has been witnessed in the 21st century. It is an epic story of different countries getting past their differences and trying to move forward in order... more
Experts share their views on the historic meeting: In this special Policy Forum Rapid Round-up, experts help sort the substance from the spectacle of the historic Trump-Kim meeting. Authors: Michael Cohen, Sang Hyun Lee, Se Young Jang,... more
This opinion article briefly discusses Mexico's most likely objectives at the North American Leaders’ Summit to take place on 29 June, 2016, in Ottawa, Canada, and the complexities the country will face to reach its intended goals at the... more