Summit Meetings

74 papers
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Summit meetings are high-level conferences where leaders or representatives of nations, organizations, or institutions convene to discuss and negotiate significant issues, policies, or agreements. These meetings aim to foster dialogue, enhance cooperation, and address global challenges through direct communication among key decision-makers.
Insights from brutal encounters framed by kayfabe Correspondences between MMA Styles and the 12 Labours of Hercules? Commentary on Trump-Putin with "skin in the game"? Adapting cultural diplomacy through political theatre Existential... more
Imaginative use of AI in AI summitry? Distinguishing between "new thinking" and "AI-washing" Challenge of collective comprehension of "new thinking" Profitability, "new thinking" and "psychic income"? Unreconciled framings of fundamental... more
The microbes -bacteria, moulds and yeasts -form biofilm, when growing on surfaces. Besides microbes, the biofilm consists of extracellular polymers and water. Crevices and uneven surfaces act as shelters for the microbes forming biofilms.... more
Th is Article concerns relations between the Korean states aft er the second inter-Korean summit. Th e evolution of inter-Korean relations can be divided into periods that mirror the nature and specifi c character of cooperation and... more
Marko Nikezić bio je „punokrvni političar”, revolucionar, osoba koju je zanimala umjetnost, koji je čitao o prošlosti, koji je govorio jezike i bio svjetski čovjek u diplomatskoj službi zemlje koja je imala svjetske dosege. U takvom... more
U Izraelu radost, a u Palestini i u Libanu plač. Ubijen je vođa Hezbolaha Hassan Nasrallah. Jevreji nemaju razlog za radovanje, jer smrt jednog čovjeka ne znači kraj pokreta ni ideje već će donijeti novi podsticaj ratu, možda i gorem nego... more
Türkiye, küresel aktörlerin Afrika’ya olan ilgisinin artışıyla eş zamanlı olarak Afrika’ya yönelik çok boyutlu politikalar üretti ve bunun neticesinde kıta ülkeleri ile ikili ilişkiler gelişti. 2013 yılı itibarıyla Türkiye’nin “Afrika... more
A description of the World Literacy Summit at Oxford University in England in April 2023 and brief overviews of some presentations there.
A little-known sea battle off the Cinque Port of Sandwich stopped what would have been a foreign invasion. It is considered to be a watershed in medieval Europe’s naval history. Not since the Conquest or the Spanish Armada had England... more
Məqalədə XX əsrin sonu - XXI əsrin əvvəllərində Türkiyə - Özbəkistan münasibətlərinin siyasi təhlilinə cəhd edilib. Məqalə tarixi-siyasi ədəbiyyatlarda mövcud materialların toplanması, müqayisəsi və təhlili əsasında işlənilib.... more
Məqalədə XX əsrin sonu - XXI əsrin əvvəllərində Türkiyə - Özbəkistan münasibətlərinin siyasi təhlilinə cəhd edilib. Məqalə tarixi-siyasi ədəbiyyatlarda mövcud materialların toplanması, müqayisəsi və təhlili əsasında işlənilib.... more
List of Figures 4.1 Spreads on corporate liabilities 4.2 Central banks' balance sheets 6.1 Bank of England and European Central Bank interest rates 6.2 Divergence of gross domestic product growth within the Euro area 10.1 Raw material... more
For a full list of manuscripts, editions, and translations, see "La chronique d'un Ménestrel de Reims," ARLIMA: archives de littérature du moyen âge, online at .net/mp/menestrel_de_reims_chronique_dun.html. xvii xviii... more
Összefoglalás: 2023. július 11-12-én Vilniusban került sor a NATO állam-és kormányfőinek csúcstalálkozójára. Jelen írás ennek apropóján közelebbről áttekinti a szövetség legfelső szintű találkozóinak történetét és funkcióját, valamint a... more
In this academic article, an attempt is made to present the perception of Chinese scholars on the development of contemporary processes in Central Asia and the policies of foreign states and unions in the region in the context of... more
This is, then, a thought-provoking book that addresses theoretical and practical problems of pressing concern. It fits with the general movement in the study of International Relations away from structural theories and towards mid-range... more
akon napada Nemačke na SSSR, 22. juna 1941, pred sovjetsku diplomatiju postavili su se brojni, hitni i vrlo složeni zadaci. Ona je, pored ostalog, morala da: 1) u međunarodnim okvirima širi pozitivne vesti i procene o perspektivama borbe... more
This special issue aims to offer empirical, qualitative and comparative insights into the waves of informality sweeping the globe and to decipher the nature and consequence of the proliferating dynamics of informal organizations. From a... more
who, in the words of William the Breton, has been my Palinurus through the rough seas of a project that has been far more challenging (and rewarding) than I could have possibly imagined at the outset. Equally as important, Professor R.... more
This research discusses the differences in BRICS and G7 responses to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, where these two groups consist of countries with different political interests. Following the results of the G7 and BRICS Summits, both... more
Introduction/Main Objective: This research discusses the differences in BRICS and G7 responses to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, where these two groups consist of countries with different political interests. Following the results of the G7... more
O status é um fator importante para as potências emergentes do Sul Global e elas buscam aumentar sua estima internacional, revisando a hierarquia global. Concomitantemente, precisam tomar escolhas diferentes de estratégias internacionais:... more
The G20 is set up to foster cooperation among states while sharing common principles and values. Even though it was first created to handle the global financial crisis, G20 has become a big multilateral forum covering other strategic... more
MEETING BACKGROUND FOCAL convened an advisory group of leading thinkers and experts on hemispheric issues on June 8, 2001. The event was a follow-up to an inaugural meeting held in July 2000 that allowed participants to expand their... more
The Russian-African Summit in St. Petersburg in July 2023, an unprecedented event bringing together leaders from Russia and various African countries, holds immense significance in the realm of international relations. This summit, aimed... more
O status é um fator importante para as potências emergentes do Sul Global e elas buscam aumentar sua estima internacional, revisando a hierarquia global. Concomitantemente, precisam tomar escolhas diferentes de estratégias internacionais:... more
The authors would like to thank M Law Alexandra Balmer for her helpful research assistance.
By submitting this thesis/dissertation electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that... more
The paper examines the USA and North Korea Relations from 1945 till date. It discusses the Korean peninsula under the control of Japan and China. It analyzes San Francisco Treaty and USA intervention. The relationship between USA and... more
Geostrategijski značaj Airike i strano vojno prisustvo Slavko Prdjlć Fakultet po1it'ićkih. nauka, 7.agTeb Autor ramna:t.ra aspekt geoollrategljskog pol&aja ALlike d njegovu povez.a.noe;t sa stranim vojnim pr:isustvom. ~ se odgovor: u... more
How can interdependent nations maintain fixed or managed exchange rates in open capital markets? Policymakers often find the answer in economic cooperation. Such a regime, however, did exist under the classical gold standard (1880-1914)... more
Odnos i:medu koeg::.istellcije i 11esvrsrmws t i U savremenoj publici~tlci je Op!\leprihvaćcnu ua su principi kocg7.istencijc fonuulisnni u zajedničkoj izj avi Nehru-Cu En Laj, poznatoj kao » l'anča ših:1«. To je točno. Meetutim, u... more
Historians have long recognized the importance of the Roman-canonical maxim 'defen :e of the realm .' tc, the propaganda politics practised by later d'apetian kings, most notably in the climactic struggle between Philip the Fair and... more
Distribution électronique pour CRISP. © CRISP. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales... more
Among the contemporary narrative sources for the reign of King Philip II Augustus of France [r. 1179--1223], William the Breton\\u27s thirteenth-century epic poem the Philippide is the least well known and the least utilized. This thesis... more
This article argues that, thanks to the progress of hemispheric multilateralism since the end of the Cold War, the conditions for identifying a nascent security community have been fulfilled in the Americas. The evolution has not been... more
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is in search of a new identity after the dissolution of the bipolar world and the completion of the decolonization process. In that sense, the NAM is often perceived as a balance between great powers,... more
Gotovo pola stoljeća nakon što je uzdrmala svijet te istovremeno postala kultnom, danas je 1968. godina iscrpno obrađena – što u znanstvenoj, što u popularnoj sferi. Šezdesete su sa sobom donijele vjetar promjene u vidu globalnih... more
Nakon raskola sa Sovjetskim savezom 1948. godine, Jugoslavija je intenzivno pokusavala pronaci svoje mjesto u snažno bipolarnom međunarodnom susta
Now that the Group of Twenty (G20) summit has arisen as the self-proclaimed permanent, premier forum for international economic governance, a lively debate has erupted about its relationship with the old Group of Eight (G8) and the role... more
In exactly one month, the leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) major market democracies will start arriving in Sea Island, Georgia, for their 30th annual summit, taking place from June 8th to 10th, 2004. Many Georgians are already wondering... more
In recent years, multilateralism has faced significant challenges. The rise of populist sentiment in western countries, trade wars and now slowing economic growth have undermined trust in multilateral institutions including those of a... more
This outburst of scholarly creativity suggests a growing scholarly consensus that the G8 is, or at least could be, emerging as an effective centre of global governance, and thus an international institution worthy of serious study, even... more
The article examines how and why Canada's twin 2010 summits worked well separately and together, and how the future G8-G20 partnership can be improved to the benefit of both in the years ahead. The author makes the comparative analysis of... more
The Department of Planning, Control, and Evaluation (DPCE) was created to coordinate planning, control, and evaluation within the General Secretariat, including its secretariats, departments, and offices. Its specific functions are (a) to... more