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In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionHistory
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      Sufi PoetrySufi MetaphysicsIslam and Sufism in South AsiaDini Tasavvufi Türk Edebiyatı
Boekverzorging: Studio Milinda Productie: Wilco Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming... more
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      SufismContemporary SufismIslamic Thought & PhilosophySufi Metaphysics
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian Religion
This paper investigates premodern conceptions of spaces of otherness, particularly within the context of Persian Sufi poetry. Abbasid-era travel literature describing monasteries, as well as real hostilities between Muslims and... more
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranSufismIranian History
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsGnosticismComparative Religion
Terjemahan Bahasa Melayu sepuluh surat daripada Maktubat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Tsani Syaikh Ahmad Faruqi Sirhindi Quddisa Sirruhu beserta Tafshilan syarah bagi setiap surat.
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      SufismPersianate SufismNorth African SufismIndian Sufism
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      ReligionComparative ReligionIntellectual HistoryPsychology
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      Critical TheoryReligionBuddhismHinduism
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsBuddhismHinduism
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      ReligionHinduismComparative ReligionHistory
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      ReligionBuddhismNative American ReligionsComparative Religion
(nous) qua hypostasis of the One in Neoplatonism. 29 Namely that "what accounts for the necessary, intelligible features of the ephemeral particulars of the visible world is the presence of some universal exemplars in the source of their... more
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      MetaphysicsIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Sufism
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      SufismIndian SufismTariqa SufismSufi Metaphysics
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      ReligionComparative ReligionTranspersonal PsychologyContemporary Spirituality
Bir yâr-ı bâki isterim Kalp ve ruhta bir âlem-i nur bulursun O âlemin anahtarı, marifetullahı aşk Vahdâniyet sırları Ma'allah Lüb berk.. Kalbi söylettirmek, ruhu işlettirmektir... Güvendiğin hayat yalnız bir dakika an Bir âşiredir,... more
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      SufismContemporary SufismSufi PoetryTariqa Sufism
EY SEVGILI.. EY GAMZELIM.. Ey Sevgili Senin kalbinden sürgün oldum ilkin Bütün sürgünlüklerim bir bakıma bu sürgünün bir süreği Bütün törenlerin şölenlerin ayinlerin yortuların dışında Sana geldim ayaklarına kapanmaya geldim Af... more
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      PoetrySufismContemporary SufismSufi Poetry
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryReligion and SexualityMysticism
Şöyle böyle kendimi anlatırsam lütfen şaşmayın. Ben aşk içinde evreni aydınlatan, süsleyen güneşim; bir çiğ tanesiyim bir güneşin arzusuyla ayaktayım; yokluk iksirinin kaynağıyım, Anka bilgisiyim; hiçim ve hiç olmaktan daha aşağıdayım;... more
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      SymbolismMyths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious contentSufismContemporary Sufism
Contemporary approaches to integrating "self" and the "other"—such as multiculturalism, cultural diversity, race relations, inclusiveness strategies, or identity politics—are flawed from the perspective of traditional thought. At their... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNative American ReligionsComparative Religion
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionFeminist TheoryTheology
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos: You have authored numerous books about spiritual traditions of the world, including sacred science or sciencia sacra, and spiritual psychology; one sees an underlying gestalt. Could you elucidate on your... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionPsychology
This extensive review explores the nature of human individuality through a broad spectrum of themes which all relate in an unwavering manner back to the fundamental question of “Who Am I?” The paradox of being fully human is that it... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityBuddhism
Letters to the Editor-An Exchange on Tradition and Sufism 9 "On a formalist level, the so-called fundamentalist movements are an attempt at fostering a 'universal Islam' based on a literal, formal interpretation of the religion, claiming... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPsychologyTranspersonal Psychology
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      Comparative ReligionMetaphysicsContemporary SpiritualitySpirituality
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsEnvironmental EngineeringPhilology
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsPsychologyClinical Psychology
Far from being a school or a sect, Sufism is an ideology, a mode of life, a set of principles, and a 'faith in practice.' Sufism has been addressed and presented by scholars countless times. It has been primarily defined as either Islamic... more
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      SufismIndian SufismContemporary SufismTariqa Sufism
Contemporary psychology is in a state of confusion, claims this perennialist author and mental health clinician, because it cannot identify the 'self' or 'the unity of the personality'. This is because it "attempts to study what is beyond... more
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      Critical TheoryChristianityBuddhismComparative Religion
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      ReligionChristianityBuddhismComparative Religion
Sebuah Maktub terjemahan bahasa Melayu daripada Maktubat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Tsani Syaikh Ahmad Faruqi Sirhindi Naqsyabandi Quddisa Sirruhu
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      SufismPersianate SufismNorth African SufismIndian Sufism
The article has a two main aims: situating the (post-)Akbarian ideas in the context of Islamic post-classical, esp., post-Avicennian thought and moving the field of the study 'Abd al-Karīm al-Jīlī away from the focus on one work, al-Insān... more
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      SufismPersianate SufismIndian SufismContemporary Sufism
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionAfrican Studies
This paper examines the ways in which Geddesian Natural Mysticism was perverted by the Paternalist-Modernist conception of human-nature relations in terms of 'man's dominion over earth'.
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringPhilologyReligion
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      Iranian StudiesSufismPersianate SufismSufi Poetry
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsCultural StudiesMetaphysics
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      ReligionChristianityBuddhismComparative Religion
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      Persian LiteratureMedieval StudiesIranian StudiesTheological Aesthetics
In questo lavoro, Shahzad Bashir sostiene che la pratica Sufi del dhikr presuppone un continuum tra mente e corpo, e tra l'individuo e il suo ambiente sociale, in particolare il suo Maestro. Il testo sottolinea inoltre che l'istruzione e... more
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      SufismContemporary SufismTariqa SufismSufi Metaphysics
Anthropocentrism, which includes assumptions like 'man has the right to dominion over the earth', 'humans are superior to animals', reality is divided into a de-spiriting animate/inanimate binary, etc., can clearly be attributed to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSocial TheoryGeography
Over a hundred years have passed since the birth of behaviorism or behavioristic psychology, often regarded as the "first force" in contemporary psychology. Many might assume that "the dark night of behaviorism" has subsided once and for... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorReligionBuddhism
‘Metaphysics’ is the quest to find the ultimate meaning and purpose of existence. It is about trying to find a decisive and conclusive resolution to the human condition, such that the human condition is fulfilled in some absolute way, and... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindMetaphilosophy
by Vladimir Alexander Smith-Mesa "Sufism has gained an Oriental flavour from having been so long protected by Islam, but the natural Sufi may be as common in the West as in the East, and may come dressed as a general, a peasant, a... more
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      Latin American StudiesEnglish LiteratureSpanishEnglish
Maria Dakake argues in her article, ‘Guest of the Inmost Heart’ that Sufi women imagined God in domestic terms as the ideal faithful lover, provider, and protector. Based on my research of pious and Sufi women from the 7th to 10th... more
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      SufismFemale Islamic LeadershipSufism in the Formative PeriodIslamic Intellectual History
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionMetaphysics
The system of beliefs and practices related to Bektashism seems to have corresponded to a kind of liberation theology, whereas the structure of Bektashi groups corresponded more or less to the type of religious organization conventionally... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociologySocial Movements
The system of beliefs and practices related to Bektashism seems to have corresponded to a kind of liberation theology, whereas the structure of Bektashi groups corresponded more or less to the type of religious organization conventionally... more
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    •   24  
      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionHistory of Religion