Successful School Leadership
Recent papers in Successful School Leadership
Σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές της παγκοσμιοποιημένης ψηφιακής κοινωνίας η διαδικασία της μάθησης για εκπαιδευτικούς δεν εξαντλείται με την ολοκλήρωση της πανεπιστημιακής τους εκπαίδευσης. Τα διευθυντικά στελέχη εκπαίδευσης, όντας εκπαιδευτικοί... more
This book presents the argument that school leader research is a potent means through which the school leader grows professionally, and is also empowered to engage more deeply, insightfully and effectively with the many variables which... more
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน. คู่มือการบริหารโรงเรียนในโครงการพัฒนาการบริหารรูปแบบนิติบุคคล กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ สพฐ
Abstract The paper provides a review of research on middle leaders in schools. After defining middle leaders as teachers who have an additional formal organizational responsibility, the paper uses several established and more recent... more
Article Info With the policy windows open for decolonial practices, educational leaders in Africa have much to ponder on as they examine and transform their leadership practices to suit the current climates. All progressive leaders seek... more
This paper reports on multiple perspective and observational case studies of the leadership of three underperforming schools, two serving communities with relatively high educational advantage, and one with low educational advantage, yet... more
Edited by Patrick Duignan and David Gurr and conducted through a process that involved commissioning writers from all over Australia, ACEL/DEST produced this rigorous, scholarly book about seventeen Australian principals. It is a... more
Quality leadership in challenging contexts is a catalyst for change. Change to teaching practices is driven not just by the principal but the whole leadership team. The collaborative and democratic collaboration are key to this change.... more
This paper provides a synthesis of the six papers contained in this special issue of International Studies in Educational Administration (ISEA) focused on cases from the high needs school group of the International School Leadership... more
Since the turn of the millennium there has been interest in successful school leadership, beginning as an attempt to expand the focus of effective schools research. Since then, there has been research dedicated to exploring the area, and... more
As the trending of the Squid Game series, after i watched it i prepared some life lesson which we can deduced grom the series.
This study utilized testimonio as method to unearth the voices of four Latina school leaders from the southern region of the U.S. to shed light on their experiences, including triumphs and struggles, in navigating their career... more
Este estudio, integrado en el marco de la red ISSPP (International Successful Principals Project), tiene por objeto identificar y examinar las características y estrategias de liderazgo que promueven un centro exitoso, así como conocer... more
Keys to help our children learn in a better way, by knowing their learning styles.
(Conference on School Success at Colegio Montesión Palma de Mallorca, december 2016)
(Conference on School Success at Colegio Montesión Palma de Mallorca, december 2016)
This paper is about school reform for the purpose of improving student academic achievement. More specifically the paper provides an insight into the concept of 'School Readiness for Teaching Improvement' by providing an account of an... more
Greve, Rikke; Andersson, Caroline and Basic, Goran (2021) “Interactive advantage, cementing of positions, and social pedagogical recognition: a narratively inspired analysis of professional actors’ oral representations of health... more
Post-panopticism is aligned with the Foucauldian conception of power and illustrates its apparatuses and mechanisms, for instance the visibility of bodies under the gaze, the facility to mobilise power relations for political purposes,... more
2021 Social Pedagogy and Social Education International Online Conference: Hope in Dystopia, Social Pedagogy Association; ThemPra Social Pedagogy, Mount Pleasant, UK; University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK; Arizona State... more
This completed work is dedicated to my family. Thank you for your understanding and patience as I researched, wrote, and read during our vacations, your games, and the holidays. To my husband, thank you for your support and patience. This... more
Dear Colleagues, The aim of this issue is to understand school success of migrant students by analyzing individual, social, and societal factors of resilience among students. Despite existing educational inequalities, the literature... more
Teacher collaboration could play a key role in the development of education systems, as this approach helps to improve student performance through teachers' professional learning (Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012; OECD, 2005). TALIS-research... more
COVID-19 pandemi süreci birçok özel ve kamu örgütünü ciddi bir şekilde etkilemiştir. En çok etkilenen kurumların başında okul örgütleri gelmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, okul müdürlerinin COVID-19 pandemi sürecine ilişkin görüşlerinin... more
This chapter presents a practical model for the establishment and activation of school leader research. In effect it scaffolds a culture of inquiry in a school through a focus on the school leader. As Chapter 1 outlined, the school leader... more
Schools are dynamic institutions whose leadership approach draws representation from different constituents of the school. One of the constituents that has received momentum in recent years is learner leadership, which involves giving... more
The development of an instrument, known as a ‘Readiness for Teaching Improvement Report’ and built on scales of Alignment, Capabilities and Engagement for schools (ACE-S) is described. This instrument has helped to inform decisions made... more
This article illustrates how schooling Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) deploy a future-focused imaginary for a perfectly self-managing society. New building design, coupled with this imagina...
Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have for decades grappled with bridging the gap in enrolment numbers between male and female students. Education for All (EFA) goals have provided guidance to these countries on attainment of gender... more