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Hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') has enabled the recovery of previously inaccessible resources and rendered new areas of the underground 'productive'. While a number of studies in the US and UK have examined public attitudes toward... more
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      EnergySTS (Anthropology)Oil and gasEnvironmental Justice
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      GeologyStructural GeologyEconomic GeologyQuaternary Geology
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      AlgorithmsVisualizationOil and gasInterpretation
The Bay of Bengal, the northeastern limb of the tropical Indian Ocean is a region strongly coupled with summer and winter monsoons and tropical cyclones. The Bay is also a region of strong vertical stratification near the surface due to... more
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    • Subsurface
Four interrelated stages of three-dimensional modelling in engineering geology using a Geo·lnformation System (GIS) have been distinguished: modelling of geological geometry, modelling of property distribution, scientific visualization... more
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      GeologyRelational Database3D GISRock Mechanics
This paper explores the representation of goods and services from the subsurface, as defined by the concept of geosystem services, in contemporary ecosystems literature. A framework is defined consistent with and complementary to the... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental EconomicsEcosystem ServicesEnvironmental Sustainability
The operator of the Groningen gas field is leading an effort to quantify the seismic hazard and risk of the region due to induced earthquakes, including overseeing one of the most comprehensive liquefaction hazard studies performed... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeology
Here we present, for the first time, an extension of spatially offset Raman spectroscopy to thin (tens of micrometers thick), highly turbid stratified media such as those encountered in paintings. The method permits the non-destructive... more
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Just as the space community is expanding our presence into the solar system and beyond, a group of thought leaders, including visionary policy makers, architects, engineers and allied professionals are peering into the Earth, studying... more
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      GeologyCity and Suburban IntegrationEnergy ConservationUrbanism
Just as the space community is expanding our presence into the solar system and beyond, a group of thought leaders, including visionary policy makers, architects, engineers and allied professionals are peering into the Earth, studying... more
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      City and Suburban IntegrationEnergy ConservationUrbanismMigration Studies
France has a long history in mining and, to a lesser extent, in hydrocarbon extraction, but these industries were both in decline by the end of the 20 th century. Following the American shale boom in the 2000's, there was a sudden renewal... more
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      Social MovementsMiningHydraulic FracturingPolicymaking
South Africa has numerous thermal springs that represent topographically driven meteoric water migrating along major fracture zones. The temperature (40-70°C) and pH (8-9) of the thermal springs in the Limpopo Province are very similar to... more
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    • Subsurface
In this essay I want to look at research done in relation to various caves and cavities on earth, and its implications for our future research in the wider universe. It is only in the last ± 30 years, that we have began unraveling the... more
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