Substation automation

115 papers
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Substation automation refers to the integration of advanced technologies and systems in electrical substations to enhance monitoring, control, and management of electrical power distribution. It involves the use of digital communication, sensors, and automated devices to improve operational efficiency, reliability, and safety in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy.
As pesquisas relacionadas aos ambientes inteligentes tem enfatizado os aspectos tecnicos associados ao controle de dispositivos e a interligacao desses dispositivos em rede, com sistemas de controles domesticos envolvendo questoes... more
Overhead bare conductors on concrete poles are utilized in distribution line of bulky electric power. These conductors are bare and do not have any insulated coating over them. To ensure safe operation of the lines, a necessary clearance... more
Changes in the wholesale electricity market alongside the difficulties in upgrading the transmission system have increased the complexity of power networks operations. This fact has placed heavier demands on developing new technologies to... more
This book, Advanced Protection Systems for Electrical Power Generation, presents a comprehensive exploration of the evolving landscape of power protection technologies in the context of modern electrical infrastructure. As the global... more
Inicio agradecendo a Deus por tudo que sou e pelo que construi na incrível jornada da vida. Agradeço aos meus pais José e Norinda, e também a minha irmã Jacqueline pelo apoio incondicional desde o início. À minha esposa Kátia, muito... more
Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras de Água e Saneamento, 23 a 26 de novembro, Vilamoura, PortugalCada vez mais a sociedade moderna aposta numa gestão inteligente das suas cidades, com a criação das Smart... more
Resumo-As Redes Inteligentes (Smart Grids) são formadas por inúmeras funcionalidades e novas tecnologias, que são gradualmente incorporadas as redes elétricas tradicionais. A telemedição é uma destas novas funcionalidades, que permite o... more
The paper presents a novel demand-responsive control strategy to be equipped centrally at the district level for district heating systems. The demand-responsive feature was maintained as to both the direct and the indirect substation... more
Cloud Computing is widely used technology in present era. Cloud Computing is mainly used for on demand services over the distributed servers. So it is necessary to manage the working load of participating servers for uninterrupted... more
In Nigeria, effective electric power transmission is a top priority. Power generating and the network of power distribution are connected via electric power transmission. A research project was conducted to determine the status of the... more
Este artigo apresenta medidas do workload obtidas em uma subestação que se encontra em meio à implantação do padrão IEC 61850 - Communication Networks and Systems in Substations, considerado vital para as redes inteligentes no domínio... more
The complexity of contemporary engineering, allied with the necessity to reduce the distance of communication between the contributors of a project, requires the development of new technologies and methodologies. In this bias, it is... more
Cascading effects in the power grid involve an uncontrolled, successive failure of elements. The root cause of such failures is the combined occurrence of multiple, statistically rare events that may result in a blackout. With increasing... more
Within the Smart Grids concept, the development of wireless network technologies has been configured as an alternative to wired infrastructure networks. However, the high criticity stablished in the network requirements for the power... more
Os sistemas de gestão tornaram-se numa das principais ferramentas dos sistemas de informação de uma empresa, tendo em conta que torna o fluxo de comunicação torna-se mais rápido. Este projeto apresenta um protótipo de um sistema de gestão... more
The continuous technological evolution of protection and control systems has allowed improvements in the accuracy, operational flexibility and reduction of the size of equipment. The electricity sector is exploring commercially available... more
The requirements for improvement in the stability of electric power systems and reduction in the effect of abnormal system conditions on sensitive customers can be met only by better understanding of the behavior of the system and... more
Este artigo fornece subsídios para a superação da dificuldade de interpretação conceitual dos índices de confiabilidade oriundos da típica análise probabilística de adequação de sistemas de potência.
The use of Ethernet protocols in substations had great impact on copper wires reduction, mainly between the switchyard and the relay room. With the subsequent formulation of the IEC 61850 standard, a level of interoperability has been... more
Neste artigo apresenta-se uma solução baseada em Merging Unit para a digitalização e modelagem IEC61850 dos principais equipamentos de pátio: disjuntores, chaves seccionadoras e transformadores de instrumentação convencionais. É discutida... more
Reliability is extremely important for control systems of energy distribution and generation. The IEC 61850 standard specifies an open architecture and communication protocols for such applications. The standard defines an open control... more
This paper introduces simple experiments on how to implement, test and evaluate "sampled measured values" in basic power system protection, automation and control education at undergraduate level. The focus is on basic system... more
The Smart Grid concept establishes that, in addition to power flow, the utility has a two-way data flow in all sectors of the grid including the consumers facilities. By the system data monitoring, the failure control can be accomplished... more
The existing Overcurrent Protection Function (OCPF) of distribution systems is vulnerable to Multiple Feeder Faults (MFF), which involve at least two feeders simultaneously, leading to the incoming feeder relay trip faster than the... more
The increasing implementation of renewable energy sources (RES), along with the diversity of energy source types, has additionally imposed significant operational and management problems in distribution networks. These problems are... more
In Nigeria, effective electric power transmission is a top priority. Power generating and the network of power distribution are connected via electric power transmission. A research project was conducted to determine the status of the... more
The Operator of National Power System-ONS (Brazilian ISO) is responsible for the operation and control of power generation and transmission system of Brazilian grid. As such, one of its tasks is the analysis of disturbances which occur in... more
O conceito de redes inteligentes tem trazido uma série de mudanças na concepção dos sistemas de medição de energia elétrica, os quais, além de incorporar rotinas de cálculos de parâmetros de qualidade de energia elétrica, devem permitir e... more
In this paper, soil resistivity and ground resistance at two different sites near an electrical substation are measured using a grounding system grid with and without rods. With the Wenner four-pole equal-method, the soil resistivity is... more
In these days, the energy measurement system for residences in urban areas is carried out by eletromechanical meters, which are read manually. Several problems have been observed in this process, which we can emphasize: reading errors,... more
IEC 61850 is emerging as a popular communication standard for smart grids. Standardized communication in smart grids has an unwanted consequence of higher vulnerability to cyber-attacks. Attackers exploit the standardized semantics of the... more
With the integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) into the distribution networks, the Active Distribution Network Management is becoming quite challenging. The DERs are integrated into the distribution networks through... more
This article describes smart grids basically concepts, an introduction to current problems involving traditional distribution problems. With the advances in smart grids, there will be environmental actions, reducing the environment... more
Substations are increasingly reliant on devices compatible with IEC61850 standards. However, the conformity of a devicewith the standards does not necessarily guarantee interoperability with devices from different manufacturers. The use... more
The electrical grid undergoes a fundamental change with the introduction of the Smart Grid; in particular, power substations have been evolving towards automated systems. Power substation communication networks evolved from legacy... more
Today, the communications network has become an essential element to the operation of any type of organization or infrastructure, such is the case of the electrical power substations. Such networks in particular, demand high levels of... more
During the design of bushings for high voltage applications several important factors have to be considered. This paper has been prepared to simplify the design process of bushings used for different high voltage applications. This paper... more
The Smart Grid concept establishes that, in addition to power flow, the utility has a two-way data flow in all sectors of the grid including the consumers facilities. By the system data monitoring, the failure control can be accomplished... more
Resumo Atualmente, o sistema responsável pelo controle e operação do sistema elétrico da Aperam South América na planta de Timóteo é o SAE (Sistema de Automação de Energia), sendo este um sistema SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data... more
Because of the increasing number of heterogeneous devices connected to electric power grid, the attack surface increases the threat actors. Game theory and machine learning are being used to study power system failures caused by external... more
Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) classifies energy consumption measurement and bill processing errors as non-technical losses. When those irregularities are identified, meter imaging and geographic location are requested to... more
The rise of cyber threats on critical infrastructure and its potential for devastating consequences, has significantly increased. The dependency of new power grid technology on information, data analytic and communication systems make the... more
Intelligent vehicles are the very next future of the automotive sector, which is renewing itself following Industry 4.0 paradigms. Today, car manufacturers are rapidly increasing the number of vehicles that continuously transmit data to... more
This paper is intended as an overview of automation of gates of water reservoir. Water reservoir are crucial to country's economy as they are the resources of power generation, irrigation, water conservation and so on. This paper is... more
The last few years have seen considerable investment in the security of industrial control systems. In the power sector, there has been a focus on operational measures directed by NERC, while technical solutions have been proposed through... more
The focus of Indonesia's G20 Presidency lies on three main pillars, one of them is transition to sustainable energy. The development of these conditions forced State Electricity Company in Indonesia (PLN) to innovate by participating in... more
Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) classifies energy consumption measurement and bill processing errors as non-technical losses. When those irregularities are identified, meter imaging and geographic location are requested to... more