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“Is marijuana a gateway drug?” – Any substance abuse counselor at this point is probably sick of hearing that redundant and often misleading question. The following explanation is time-tested, reasonable and easy to understand for just... more
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      PsychologyGroup TherapyAddictionDrugs And Addiction
The following is the same information from the Three Paths: An Effective Way to Answer the “Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug” Question  - Paper, laid out in a longer, group discussion format with questions and scenarios for review and processing
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      AddictionDrugs And AddictionChild and adolescent mental healthSubstance Misuse
This study examined longitudinal effects of cultural stress (a latent factor comprised of bicultural stress, ethnic discrimination, and negative context of reception) on depressive symptoms and a range of externalizing behaviors among... more
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      Mental HealthSubstance Misuse
This downloadable PDF is designed to give to students or others being trained as counselors. There is a compehensive list of essential knowledge and skills for counselors focused on engagement with challenging clients with substance use... more
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      PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyCounseling PsychologyAddiction
Group exercise for discussing what addiction is and processing how this applies personally. Crossword puzzle included
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      AddictionDrugs And AddictionYouth Substance UseSubstance Misuse
Successfully engaging difficult and resistant clients in substance abuse treatment is a frequent and prevalent obstacle for counselors particulalry when client's insight and motivation levels may be limited or questionable. Learning to... more
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      PsychologyAddictionDrugs And AddictionPsychotherapy and Counseling
Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 1 - Taking the Escalator releases brief icebreakers and group therapy modules about twice per week in the “Forum” section on the Taking the Escalator: Group Activities by Topic page of the... more
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      PsychologyAddictionDrugs And AddictionMental Health
In todays changing world where treatment has become increasingly client-centered and accepting of incremental change, it makes to sense to re-examine how we view addiction, reccovery, abstinence and sobriety and the overall process of... more
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      Clinical PsychologyAddictionDrugs And AddictionSubstance Misuse
The following is published on the website but is also being made available on for review. It is designed for groups as an in-depth look at self esteem from a realistic perspective, with substance... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive Psychology
The vast majority of people in this world have heard about the idea of "hitting bottom" when it comes to addiction and making positve changes, which can be a reality, but often can be a fallacy. "Topping Out" may be a more crucial... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyCounseling Psychology
Acceptance can be a challenging concept yet it is so critical to self improvement. The following is a brief but practical viewpoint on the key idea of acceptance for positive lifestyle change
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      Counseling PsychologyAddictionDrugs And AddictionPsychotherapy and Counseling
Considering some important coping skills and strategies that are helpful for both mental health and substance use issues
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAddictionDrugs And AddictionSubstance Misuse
This activity is designed for active preparation for an upcoming event that may be challenging to deal with as related to substance use and co-occurring mental health issues. Often events can bring with them various triggers and other... more
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      AddictionDrugs And AddictionYouth Substance UseSubstance Misuse
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      Youth Substance UseTobaccoSubstance MisuseDrugs And Alcohol
One-size-fits-all therapy has not worked well for a majority of substance users seeking help. New approaches to substance abuse treatment are desperately needed. Traditional models of service delivery offer lithe, if any, help to people... more
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      Substance MisuseHarm ReductionSubstance Abuse TreatmentSubstance Abuse
This tool has been edited to correct some formatting errors This tool is free for download and use. If you or your agency is going to use this tool, please email [email protected] just to notify In spite of the extent of the... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyAssessmentAddiction
Medically underserved rural communities struggle to meet challenging needs in response to the opioid crisis. The purpose of this study was to measure any benefit of an occupational therapy (OT) intervention group with participants in an... more
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      Occupational TherapyMental HealthSubstance MisuseAddiction and Recovery
This chapter will: explore the social context in which ‘problem drug users’ and ‘inadequate parents’ are constructed; outline key issues and difficulties involved in working with problem drug users whose children are considered to be at... more
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      SociologyCriminologySociology Of DevianceSocial Psychology
Objectives: To determine the extent of pharmacists' participation in methadone services, type of services provided, views on current service provision and suggestions for future service developments. Methods and setting: An anonymous... more
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      PharmacySubtance Abuse Disoders/TreatmentAddictionDrugs And Addiction
This review traces the literatures in cultural anthropology and neighboring disciplines that are focused on addiction as an object of knowledge and intervention, and as grounds for self-identification, sociality, and action. Highlighting... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedical SociologyAnthropology
Conversations about rehabilitation and how to address the drugs-crime nexus have been dominated by academics and policymakers, without due recognition of the experience and knowledge of practitioners. Not enough is known about the... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal JusticeSocial Work
Giving is on many people's mind this time of year. The following paper has some group activities revolving around the joy of giving
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive PsychologyAddictionDrugs And Addiction
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive ScienceAssessment
The impulsive behavior that is often characteristic of adolescence may reflect underlying neurodevelopmental processes. Moreover, impulsivity is a multi-dimensional construct, and it is plausible that distinct brain networks contribute to... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceBrain ImagingAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Some differential intervention frameworks contend that substance use is less robustly related to recidivism outcomes than other criminogenic needs such as criminal thinking. The current study tested the hypothesis that substance use... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeSubstance MisuseRecidivism
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      SociologyCriminologySocial ChangeSocial Policy
Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people although infrequently the subject of systematic research in this age group. One important limitation is the lack of a widely accepted instrument to measure... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychiatryAnxiety Disorders
The practice of psychology covers the range of ages from conception through to the end of life and palliative care. Psychologists practice in a variety of roles, but the majority of these roles involve interactions with nonprofessionals... more
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      Clinical PsychologyGerontologySubstance MisuseGeropsychology
Este articulo esta enfocado en el uso de la secrecion psicoactiva del Bufo alvarius. Esta práctica que crece en popularidad actualmente lleva consigo riesgos y controversias, así que para amplificar el conocimiento sobre el uso... more
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      ArtDrugs And AddictionRitualPsychedelics
Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people although infrequently the subject of systematic research in this age group. One important limitation is the lack of a widely accepted instrument to measure... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychiatryAnxiety Disorders
The essential link between values and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy cannot be understated as values are the core link toward our thinking, feelings and behavior
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      PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive PsychologyAddiction
According to Cunningham (1992), leadership is a term worthy of global concern, especially considering the growing internationalization of industry, of which the health and social care sector is a part. Many researches and a substantial... more
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      Mental HealthDual DiagnosisSubstance MisuseForensic Mental Health
Below is a review of some reasons why engagement has become an ever-increasing challenge for clients and counselors in today's world, particularly in the world of substance abuse and mental health treatment. The fact is that there are... more
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      PsychologyGroup TherapyAddictionDrugs And Addiction
This tool has been edited to correct some formatting errors This tool is free for download and use. If you or your agency is going to use this tool, please email [email protected] just to notify This brief assessment is... more
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      PsychologyAssessmentAddictionDrugs And Addiction
The importance of using the right tools for challenging clients with substance use issues and co-occurring mental health issues.  Tools for insight and motivation building for people who are not yet ready to change - Free for download
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAddictionDrugs And AddictionMotivation (Psychology)
Forgiveness is a topic that will never go away, not in this world. In substance use treatment the topic of forgiveness is guaranteed to come up sooner or later. This is especially true after you start digging deeper into the hurt, trauma,... more
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      Group TherapyAddictionDrugs And AddictionSubstance Misuse
A tool for assessing how we think - Good for group discussion
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive PsychologyAddictionDrugs And Addiction
Background: In recent years, there has been increasing attention to "lower BAC" drinking drivers, typically those whose blood alcohol content (BAC) is under the legal limits defined in criminal law. In 2009, legislation was enacted in... more
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      Alcohol StudiesSubstance MisuseImpaired Driving Laws
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      Mental HealthDual DiagnosisSubstance MisuseCommunication Skills
The following is adapted from the original Taking the Escalator: An Alternative to the 12 Steps, text - Now being made available open source for viewing, sharing and download through the academia website
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      PsychologyAddiction MedicineAddictionDrugs And Addiction
Objective: Anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) use has been robustly associated with negative body image, and eating-and muscularity-oriented psychopathology. However, with AAS being increasingly utilized for both appearance and athletic... more
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      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyDrugs And AddictionPsychopathology
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      Clinical PsychologyAssessmentPsychotherapyCounseling Psychology
We have not had a War on Drugs, nor has the use of drugs for pleasure been prohibited. The 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs imposed strict controls and punishments on particular substances while other dangerous drugs (alcohol... more
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      LawCriminal JusticeSocial PolicySocial Sciences
In the late 1980s illicit drug use became a major social problem in the UK. Since then policy and practice has largely been shaped by psychological and medical perspectives that emphasise the physiological and psychological nature of... more
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      SociologyCriminologySociology Of DevianceCriminal Justice
The word “manipulative” gets thrown around a lot in the world of mental health and addiction. It can be very unfair to simply just label another person as “manipulative” as if it’s a black or white (yes or no) issue in that some people... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologyAddiction
The power of encouragement in substance abuse treatment and in life in general cannot be underemphasized. Consequences are always looming but a sincere dose of encouragement can be the elixir of choice in today's challenging world
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCounseling Psychology
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    • Substance Misuse
"Assessing Your Change Initiative" is actually an older paper from the original Taking the Escalator text. What is new in this updated version is the link to the video "Understanding Insight and Motivation for Positive Change" which is... more
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      AddictionDrugs And AddictionYouth Substance UseSubstance Misuse
If you work in an agency-based counseling setting, it is likely you are aware of the seemingly impossible mission thrust upon you during the intake/assessment process. During these first few crucial minutes with a new client, the... more
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      Psychological AssessmentAssessmentCounseling PsychologyAddiction
Irony occurs when what actually happens is much different from or the opposite of what is expected - This is a look at irony, addiction and recovery for groups
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      AddictionDrugs And AddictionYouth Substance UseSubstance Misuse