Submodular Optimization
Recent papers in Submodular Optimization
We consider the team formation problem where the goal is to find a team of experts for a specific project. In the past, several attempts have been made to formulate this problem and each formulation focuses only on a subset of design... more
Information diffusion and virus propagation are fundamental processes talking place in networks. While it is often possible to directly observe when nodes become infected, observing individual transmissions (i.e., who infects whom or who... more
Consider the problem of protecting endangered species by selecting patches of land to be used for conservation purposes. Typically, the availability of patches changes over time, and recommendations must be made dynamically. This is a... more
Learning the structure of dependencies among multiple random variables is a problem of considerable theoretical and practical interest. Within the context of Bayesian Networks, a practical and surprisingly successful solution to this... more
Submodular functions (see Lovasz, 1983, Narayanan, 2009) form an interesting field of research due to their mathematical elegance and wide range of applicability in numerous areas, including Machine Learning, Economics, Natural Language... more
In many applications, one has to actively select among a set of expensive observations before making an informed decision. For example, in environmental monitoring, we want to select locations to measure in order to most effectively... more
We develop an efficient learning framework to construct signal dictionaries for sparse representation by selecting the dictionary columns from multiple candidate bases. By sparse, we mean that only a few dictionary elements, compared to... more
How should we manage a sensor network to optimally guard security-critical infrastructure? How should we coordinate search and rescue helicopters to best locate survivors after a major disaster? In both applications, we would like to... more
This paper addresses the problem of selecting the most informative sensor locations out of all possible sensing positions in predicting spatial phenomena by using a wireless sensor network. The spatial field is modelled by Gaussian Markov... more
When monitoring spatial phenomena with wireless sensor networks, selecting the best sensor placements is a fundamental task. Not only should the sensors be informative, but they should also be able to communicate efficiently. In this... more