Subduction Zone

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A subduction zone is a geological feature where one tectonic plate moves under another and is forced into the mantle, leading to intense geological activity, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This process is a key component of plate tectonics and significantly influences the Earth's geological landscape.
This paper starts with an overview of recent developments pertaining to sediment routing systems that may connect fluvial, estuarine and coastal environments. It discusses sediment runoff analyses on a basin scale and methodologies for... more
Seabeam data reveal two deep subcircular reentrants in the lower arc slope of the New Hebrides island arc that may illustrate two stages in the development of a novel type of forearc basin. The Malekula reentrant lies just south of the... more
Splay faults within accretionary complexes are commonly associated with the updip limit of the seismogenic zone. Prestack depth migration of a multichannel seismic line across the north Ecuador-south Colombia oceanic margin images a... more
The north Ecuador-south Colombia (NESC) margin has three transverse morphotectonic segments (the Manglares, Tumaco, and Patia segments), each with different tectonic and structural patterns. Following the 1906 subduction earthquake, the... more
Major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic data for the most primitive Tertiary lavas from the Veneto region (South-Eastern Alps, Italy) show the typical features of HIMU hotspot volcanism, variably diluted by a depleted... more
Chemical variations along with changes in microstructure of the principal constituent minerals make it possible to identify at least four equilibrium stages in the evolution of the Yangkou garnet peridotite in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure... more
  The Permian ophiolite emplaced in the Yakuno area, Kyoto Prefecture, consists of metavolcanic sequences, metagabbro and a troctolitic intrusion. The metavolcanics are associated with thick mudstone through a contact that shows the... more
Granulite facies relics are found in the early Paleozoic kyanite-bearing melanocratic metagabbro from the Fuko Pass metacumulate mass of the Oeyama belt, southwestern Japan. The granulite facies assemblage consists of relict Al-rich... more
Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article... more
The lateral heterogeneity and apparent anisotropy of the upper mantle are studied by measuring Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocities in the period range 100-250 s. Spherical harmonic descriptions of the lateral heterogeneity are... more
In November 2007 we conducted a water column and seafloor mapping study of the submarine volcanoes of the Aeolian Arc in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea aboard the R/V Urania. On 26 conductivity-temperature-depth casts and tows we measured... more
This article examines hydrothermally altered ophiolitic ultramafic rocks (HAOU), specifically Listvenite, which are thrust over the Meatiq dome in the context of gold mineralization. These rocks represent gneissic complexes located in... more
Crustal architecture in formerly contiguous basement terranes in SE Australia, Tasmania and northern Victoria Land is a legacy of late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian subduction-related processes, culminating in formation of the Delamerian-Ross... more
The Rhodope Metamorphic Province (RMP) straddles the border between Greece and Bulgaria and represents a synmetamorphic nappe-system of Alpine age that was formed during the Cretaceous to Mid-Tertiary collision of Apulia and paleo-Europe.... more
Se recopila una base de datos de 2547 mecanismos focales de terremotos para modelar el campo de esfuerzo tectónico en Costa Rica, sur de Nicaragua y norte de Panamá. Se determinan 86 tensores regionales de esfuerzo. La orientación general... more
The upper tectonic unit of the Cabo Ortegal Complex (northwest Spain) comprises an ordered rock sequence of ultramafic and mafic rocks and quartzofeldspathic gneisses. The entire assembly forms part of a transitional mafic crust. In an... more
This paper summarizes the findings of two field trips to the Aceh Province, which were made by the authors, in early 2006 and late 2007. The purpose of the trips was to assess and provide guidance to the rebuilding process following the... more
We presents the results of studying the rocks used in the construction of a port berth of the city of Phanagoria. It is shown that in the 5th-3rd centuries BC, Phanagoria received large quantities of building stone of various types from... more
This paper presents the results of an interpretation of ASTER products and structural data in the investigation of suture zones of cordilleran-type orogenic belts. These results have been interpreted under the light of structural... more
Two distinct episodes of serpentinisation have been identified within the peridotites of the Lizard complex. The first episode (primary serpentinisation) is represented by the complex and pervasive hydration of the Lizard peridotite. The... more
Eleven glasses recovered from Holes 786A and 786B were fresh enough for volatile analysis by infrared spectroscopy. The compositions of these glasses range from boninitic to rhyolitic. The glasses from the boninites contain 1.4 to 1.7 wt%... more
The age and origin of magmatic complexes along the Pacific Coast of Central America have important implications for the origin and tectonic evolution of this convergent plate margin. Here we present new 40 Ar/ 39 Ar laser age dates, major... more
. The Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone NTVZ is a Late Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic field that occurred as a result of extensional collapse of the northern Taiwan mountain belt. We report here mineral compositions, major and trace element and... more
The offshore Tumbes-Guayaquil forearc basin in the accretionary prism of Northern Peru-Southern Ecuador shows evidence of gravity-driven large-scale deformation systems active during the Late Neogene-Quaternary period. Subsurface data and... more
We characterise the aftershock sequence following the 2016 Mw=7.8 Pedernales earthquake. More than 10,000 events were detected and located, with magnitudes up to 6.9. Most of the aftershock seismicity results from interplate thrust... more
The direction of convergence between the Rivera and North American plates becomes progressively more oblique (in a counter-clockwise sense as measured relative to the trench-normal direction) northwestward along the Jalisco subduction... more
Dinuridan, No 1950U4, m ~& by &ktv of science und k%u~ology ol; !he Repthlic of Crouticc TETRAHEDRITE FROM THE DUBRAVE -DUG1 DOL BARITE DEPOSITS,
Dinuridan, No 1950U4, m ~& by &ktv of science und k%u~ology ol; !he Repthlic of Crouticc TETRAHEDRITE FROM THE DUBRAVE -DUG1 DOL BARITE DEPOSITS,
This paper gives evidence of multiple tsunami inundation of the Sound of Lefkada (NW Greece) since the mid-Holocene based on the analysis of sediment cores by means of geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical, micromorphological... more
The South Portuguese Zone (SPZ) constitutes the southernmost segment of the Variscan Iberian Massif. It is bounded to the north by the Beja‐Acebuches Ophiolitic Complex and related accretionary wedge. To the south lie the Iberian Pyrite... more
Evolution of the Red Sea/Gulf of Suez and the Central Atlantic rift systems shows that an initial, transtensive rifting phase, affecting a broad area around the future zone of crustal separation, was followed by a pre-oceanic rifting... more
3c. In the Thrace Evros basin, Early Miocene (22-19.5 Ma) calc-alkaline and K-alkaline rocks occur, suggesting an origin from both lithospheric mantle and crust related to postcollisional extensional processes and core complex exhumation.... more
Two campaigns of Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements were carried out in the Concepcio ´n-Constitucio ´n area of Chile in 1996 and 1999. It is very likely that this area is a mature seismic gap, since no subduction earthquake has... more
The M w 9.0 Tohoku-oki Japan earthquake and many of its subsequent aftershocks and triggered events were very well recorded, providing opportunity for detailed study of source, path, and site effects. In previous work, we utilized... more
This study was funded by the GEM Foundation as part of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center's (PEER's) Global GMPEs project. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of... more
In this study we test whether principal components of the strain rate and stress tensors align within Switzerland. We find that 1) Helvetic Nappes line (HNL) is the relevant tectonic boundary to define different domains of crustal... more