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The extract under analysis is taken from the trilogy “The Forsyte Saga” written by the English novelist, short-story writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1932 John Galsworthy.
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    • Stylistic Analysis
1 Julien Gracq. « Quelques aspects de l'écrivain ».
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      StylisticsLiterary StylisticsJulien GracqStylistic Analysis
Cieľom príspevku je prostredníctvom relačno-klasifikačného náhľadu prezentovať prvky ustaľujúce aj narúšajúce žánrovú modelovú štruktúru weblogu. Príspevok približuje naznačené aspekty na synchrónnodynamickej osi, v súvislosti s... more
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      Genre AnalysisStylistic AnalysisPolitical BlogPolitical Blogosphere
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      Art HistoryAnthropology of the BodyStylisticsAztecs
This research discusses about the special language style from the comments on the book cover of non fictions based on the using of distinctive linguistic features. The style of language is analyzed from stylistics point of view and put... more
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      StylisticsLinguistic FeaturesStylistic Analysis
Iṣẹ́ ọnà aláwòmọ́ lítíréṣọ̀ jẹ́ ọ̀kan pàtàkì lára ohun èlò fún ṣíṣe àgbéyẹ̀wò ọnà-èdè. Òǹkọ̀wé Fágúnwà nínú ìtàn àròsọ rẹ̀ márààrún jẹ́ oníṣẹ́ ọnà tí ó mọ bí a ti ń ṣe àmúlò ọnà-èdè láti mú kí òye... more
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      LiteratureLiterary CriticismYoruba StudiesYoruba Culture and Religion
This paper addresses both stylistic analysis and literary appreciation. It is a qualitative quantitative approach where content words like nouns, adjectives and verbs are harnessed to be analysed for proving the research question. This... more
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      Corpus StylisticsCorpus-Based StudiesStylistic AnalysisEnglish Stylistics
La poésie d'Apollinaire est placée sous le signe de la discontinuité, de l'hétérogénéité, du morcellement. L'écriture poétique apollinarienne se donne, à travers les différents recueils, comme un « style en mouvement 1 », un matériau... more
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      Digital HumanitiesStylisticsLiterary StylisticsCorpus Stylistics
The stylistic analysis of Robert Browning’s poem ‘Patriot into Traitor ’ is done by using graphological, phonological, morphological and lexico-syntactic patterns. This analysis is helpful in decoding the underlying meanings of the poem.... more
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      MorphologicalStylistic Analysisphonological
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    • Stylistic Analysis
Hassan Haidary (Corresponding Author) Department of Persian Language and Literature Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Arak University, Arak Iran Reza Taghizadeh Department of Persian Language and Literature Faculty of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPersian LiteratureArabic Language and Linguistics
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      English LiteratureLiterary CriticismCultural SemioticsStylistics
An exploration of Voltaire's portrayal of women in his 1759 satirical novel, "Candide." Does the startling strength of Candide's female characters despite their lack of numbers determine Voltaire as one of the only clear feminists of his... more
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      English LiteratureLiterary StylisticsFeminismVoltaire
Title page and Table of Contents provided as book preview
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      Reception StudiesStylisticsReader ResponseCognitive Poetics
this paper aims to provide the students a background knowledge in analyzing a poem.
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      SyntaxStylistic Analysis
In nowadays era, the use of smartphones keeps increasing as they are considered as one of the people’s daily needs to communicate with others. One of the applications is WhatsApp (WA), which is currently so popular and mostly used. WA... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSociolinguistics
This research paper aims to analyze George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) using stylistic tools in order to reveal the author’s literary aims in creating its dystopian ambiance, namely its sense of hopelessness and disturbance. What... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureGeorge OrwellCorpus LinguisticsDystopian Fiction
By H.G. Widdowson -- This book might be described as an exercise in applied stylistic analysis. Its principal aim can be stated quite briefly: to present a discussion of an approach to the study of literature and a demonstration of its... more
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      English LiteratureStylisticsLiterary StylisticsDiscourse Stylistics
The effect of a poem is deliberately designed by the poet to make it meaningful and emotionally attach the reader. Just like Television poem by Roald Dahl which employs the language features, puts them as foreground, and affects the... more
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      English LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsPoetryStylistics
This paper posits that the notion of aesthetic ambiguity and the emphasis on site-specific, rather than style-specific approach, has been a central and under-examined position in the architecture of Ricardo Bofill. Accordingly, it... more
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      ArchitectureSurrealismVernacular ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
The phenomenon of simultaneous contrast of colors is examined in terms of optical explanation and practical recommendations for artists. But there is a lack of research that explores the results of the application of this contrast to the... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryColour SciencePainting
L'abondance et la variété des dénominations dans Sous le Soleil de Satan semblent correspondre à une esthétique réaliste qui, tout en cherchant à être le plus proche possible du référent, refuse toute idéalisation et s'intéresse plus... more
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      StylisticsLiterary Stylistics20th Century French LiteratureLinguistic and Literary Stylistics, Semiotics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis
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      Film TheoryFilm AnalysisStylisticsFilm History
A Stylistic Analysis of a poem by Billy Collins titled Introduction to Poetry.
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      PoetryLiterary AnalysisStylistic Analysis
This work tries to implore certain changes that have taken place in the course of the development of the modern short story. It also contains analysis of one modern short story The Haunted House by Virginia Woolf
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      Virginia WoolfModernismShort story (Literature)Edgar Allan Poe
This study deals with stylistic analysis of E.E. Cummings's poem "Humanity i love you". This study is dealt under the level of lexicology, graphology and the parallelism in stylistics. Qualitative method has been applied in the analysis... more
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    • Stylistic Analysis
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      StylisticsT.s. Eliot the Waste LandStylistic Analysis
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    • Stylistic Analysis
The subject of this article is decoration of pottery treated as a means of communicating aesthetic and symbolic meaning by its makers (or/and users). The starting point are the ornaments of early medieval Polish pottery from VIth to... more
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      CeramologyPottery decorationStylistic Analysis
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      French LiteratureStylisticsMichel LeirisStylistic Analysis
Alan Cumyn’s Man of Bone offers a powerful example of the traumatic impact that captivity and torture can afford on a human being. The novel narrates the nine-month-long period during which Bill Burridge, a Canadian diplomat, endures... more
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      Literature and TraumaTraumaPsychoanalytical CriticismStylistic Analysis
This study closely investigates the elements of Sigmund Freud’s theory “The Uncanny” in one of Larson’s most famous novels. Although the novel touches upon racial issues, the study explores the mysterious relationship between Irene and... more
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      PsychoanalysisAfrican American LiteratureStylistic Analysis
This paper is based upon an in-depth stylistic analysis of the poem " The wasteland " by TS Eliot This paper is not only the examination of the rich stylistic devices incorporated for the lexical and grammatical function, but also focuses... more
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    • Stylistic Analysis
The focus of this project is a stylistic analysis of the nonrepresentational or geometric painted designs on Mimbres Style III Black-on-White pottery bowls, which were produced during the Classic period (A.D. 1000–1130) in an area... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Mimbres/MogollonStylistic Analysis
The collection of Egyptian textiles at the Benaki Museum comprises 21 looped pile textiles dating from the 2 nd to the 6 th centuries CE, which display a variety in the techniques applied. Of special interest are the remains of a fine... more
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      TextilesStylistic AnalysisBenaki Museum
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      PoetryStylisticsLiterary StylisticsPoésie
Various linguistic theories have affirmed the importance of linguistics to literature. The application of such theories in any linguistic interpretation of a literary text has been proved to be a more objective critical response to the... more
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    • Stylistic Analysis
Dystopia is a genre often used as a means to comment on diverse sociopolitical issues and to criticise existing political systems. One of the many dystopian novels is particularly worth noting, especially for its relevance to modern... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureLiteratureAldous HuxleyBrave New World
Applying a stylistic analysis on certain texts refers to the identification of patterns of usage in writing. However, such an analysis is not restricted just to the description of the formal characteristics of texts, but it also tries... more
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    • Stylistic Analysis
The work is devoted to analyzing the plot and composition in the poetic texts of Yuri Levitansky and their cinematography features. There has been examined the lyric plot of the texts in the light of the definite grammatical categories –... more
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      SyntaxPoeticsLinguistic stylisticsSyntactic Theory
Style varies from text to text depending on various factors like the form, meanings, grammar and structure. Stylistic analysis examines various aspects of the style of a text. This article aims to analyze Muhammad Riaz Gohar’s poem... more
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      StyleIllegal MigrationStylistic Analysis
This study presents a stylistic reflection on the patterns of performance and orality in Niyi Osundare's Seize the Day and The Word is an Egg. It considers how the two texts project his cultural and linguistic backgrounds and his... more
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      Contemporary Women's PoetryStylistic AnalysisSociolinguistics, Pidgins and creoles
This paper undertakes a pragmastylistic analysis of Helon Habila"s Measuring Time, focusing on some foregrounded lexical and pragmatic features in the novel. Using 15 purposively selected utterances of characters in the novel based on the... more
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    • Stylistic Analysis
Dubbing is the norm in re-editing imported foreign screen programming in China. Yet the practice has been rarely critiqued. In this context, I have undertaken a stylistic analysis of a dubbed Chinese edition of Desperate Housewives, which... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsScreen TranslationDesperate Housewives
Text World Theory provides a framework for considering how we conceptualise video game worlds. Text World Theory uses the ‘worlds’ metaphor to describe how we visualise discourse in our minds. This dissertation explores the ways players... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsVideo Game Platforms for Artwork--using them for art not just gaming and for gaming new styles of artworkNarrativeStylistics
The present paper aims to analyse linguistic resources in "Boko Haram ! Tu ne nous peux pas", song performed by One Love, young Cameroonian singer. Presented as an hymn in honour of soldiers in front and as a message of union in order to... more
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    • Stylistic Analysis
The facade of the south transept of Bordeaux Cathedral The facade of the south transept of Bordeaux Cathedral has always been considered homogeneous, built without significant interruption during the first half of the fourteenth century.... more
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      Cathedrals (Medieval Studies)Gothic architectureGothic Cathedral constructionBordeaux
The focal issue of the paper is the stylistic parameter of phraseological units discussed from a cross-linguistic perspective. The aim of the paper is to discuss the stylistic value of fixed expression in terms of interlingual... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsStylisticsApplied LinguisticsLinguistic stylistics