Study Habits

238 papers
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Study habits refer to the consistent practices and strategies employed by individuals to acquire, retain, and apply knowledge effectively. These habits encompass time management, organization, motivation, and learning techniques that influence academic performance and cognitive development.
Stress is one of the most prevalent conditions among university students, particularly those at the University of Languages and International Studies-Thai Nguyen University. Contemporary students often face significant pressure from... more
This paper presents a professional learning (PL) model that emerged from the authors' involvement with PL processes in several rural and remote schools in the state of Tasmania. As is the case for rural areas generally, young people in... more
The present study was probed to find the significant relationship between study habits and academic achievement of higher secondary school students with reference to the background variables. Survey method was employed. Data for the study... more
The present study aims to probe the relationship between study habits and test anxiety of higher secondary students. In this normative study survey method was employed. The population for the present study consisted of higher secondary... more
The present study aims to probe the relationship between study habits and test anxiety of higher secondary students. In this normative study survey method was employed. The population for the present study consisted of higher secondary... more
Objective – This study examines The University of Manitoba student attitudes toward technology’s role in University study spaces and in their own educational workflows. Methods - A series of semi-structured group interviews were conducted... more
The study analyzed the 4H club members' perception of and towards Farming in Calamba, Laguna. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the attitude of the 4H Club members in Calamba, Laguna, towards farming and determine the... more
The study aims to match the different learning factors on the Mathematics Performance of the Grade 7 Students of University of Cebu, SY 2023 – 2024 as basis for effectiveness in learning Secondary Mathematics. This study employed a... more
Discoveries enhancing societal development are sometimes products of repeated mistakes turned inventions. Young students who study mathematics often face the pitfall of computational errors which may possess adverse influence on their... more
This Book by Mayank Srivastava talks about that how can we understand a child's behavior and how to build good habits in a child and apart from children it also tells us as a human that how can we become better in our lives and behaviors... more
O presente artigo aborda a dimensão psicológica da filosofia de Epicteto. Para tal, exploramos inicialmente a distinção epictetiana entre as coisas que dependem de nós e as que não dependem, visto que é por meio dela que o filósofo separa... more
Mestrando (PUC-RS) RESUMO: A concepção de mundo estoica é fundamentada por uma rede causal de relações determinadas pela natureza. O destino faz parte dessas relações, problematizando a questão da liberdade num ambiente determinista.... more
The effect of new teaching method on study skill of students results in a significant improvement in learning performances. The aim of study was to determine the effect of Team-Based Learning on study habits of nursing students. The... more
The study at Tongantongan National High School delved into the impact of smartphone use on the academic performance of STEM students. By conducting interviews with 15 students who spend more than 8 hours daily on their smartphones,... more
Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los modelos que mejor explican los factores que contribuyen al rendimiento académico de estudiantes de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes. De acuerdo a los objetivos planteados en... more
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of social motivation and the classroom environment on students' engagement in learning the Filipino subject during the 2024-2025 academic year. This study provides a significant knowledge... more
Background: The effect of new teaching method on study skill of students results in a significant improvement in learning performances. The aim of study was to determine the effect of Team-Based Learning on study habits of nursing... more
Este proyecto propone el estudio del efecto substitución de un medio tradicional, la televisión, por un new media, Internet, en el público adolescente de la ciudad de Valencia y Cusco. También analiza los hábitos de uso y consumo de... more
When junior high school physics teachers ask students questions in class, they should use effective answers to stimulate students to think further about the questions. Teachers should make it clear that theory answering is a process of... more
This study aimed to identify the significant factors influencing the learning habits of secondary-level students. Research methodology: This study examined the learning habits of 120 students from 12 high schools in three categories... more
The need to improve academic achievements of primary school pupils has necessitated examining the factors responsible for it. Parenting Styles have been identified as one of such factors. This study therefore investigated the influence of... more
In post pandemic India, the biggest challenge that students are facing is adapting the e-learning habits and online teaching. The problem lies in the sudden exposure to the new system of digital education. The pandemic has come as if... more
This study sought to answer the level of parents and learners' respondents on their assessment of parenting styles and support; to determine the learner's academic performance in Mathematics, Science, and English; and to analyze the... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between study habits and academic performance among students of
espanolLa educacion media superior (EMS) en Mexico define, para los jovenes, su situacion educativa y laboral. Los porcentajes de desercion en EMS son preocupantes, en este sentido se considera que los habitos de estudio son esenciales... more
English language is made compulsory all through students' educational career from primary to tertiary institution in Nigeria. This study investigated how study habit and use of library resources influence students' achievement in English... more
This study presented the factors affecting students' performance in major examinations via LMS in Lipa City Colleges. A mixed method of research was utilized to serve the purpose of the study. It involves presenting, analyzing, and... more
This paper explores challenges faced by libraries delivering modern library services in 21 st century. In the dynamic milieu of the 21st century, libraries are confronted with multifaceted challenges in the provision of contemporary... more
This study aims to evaluate the effect of the use and development of interactive and visual learning media in learning looping by utilizing a web-based digital platform called Loopers. The research design used a qualitative descriptive... more
Grade 12 is the most crucial education phase for some as they will be entering college the following academic year. In line with that, this study delved into the pivotal roles of study habits, mindsets, and college readiness od selected... more
The paper reports on the exploratory research study focused on the study habits of university students concerning the use of study resources. The aim of the study was to find out in what ways the students used the study resources and if... more
Purpose:This study aims to explore innovative strategies in health management education to enhance educational effectiveness and adapt to the rapidly changing healthcare environment.Methods:The research focuses on developing a... more
This paper aims to examine entrepreneurial opportunities available to library and information science graduates. It examined the concept of entrepreneurship, job opportunity, librarianship, contemporary era as well as highlighting the... more
Deep learning is an advanced teaching model that points to the cultivation of higher-order thinking and subject-learning methods. The concept of deep learning guides primary school mathematics teaching, which can play a role in... more
This study aimed to identify the study habits used by English as Second Language Level three students in the Community College of Qatar (CCQ). It also aimed to find out if there is any difference between the subjects' achievement in... more
Digital empowerment today is the essence of development in all the aspects of education, predominantly in higher education which is the highest in the ladder of education providing and equipping the learners with advanced skills and... more
Fish is a commodity that is rich in protein, amino acids and fatty acids. This nutritional content is very necessary, especially in early childhood, because the food consumed will determine their growth and development. Lack of... more
A arte de bem viver ou felicidade (eudaimonia) foi o centro das preocupações de muitos filósofos no campo da ética. É claro que o bem-estar do indivíduo não depende só de suas escolhas, mas de uma série de fatores que fogem ao seu... more
Site-specific dance, affect and emotion Karen N Barbour llt' sear ching embodied experiences of affect, feeling and emotion in site spec ific dance offers understandings beyond the visual and aesthetic aspects of perf ormanc e, opening... more
This article aims at investigating the improvement of speaking skill through English extracurricular activities for the first-year students in high quality class at Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA).... more
Se estudia la relación entre estilos de aprendizaje y rendimiento académico en universitarios de educación a distancia en tres etapas. En la primera se establecen las preferencias de los estilos de aprendizaje; en la segunda etapa se... more
This study aimed to determine the Factors Affecting Grade 11 Students' Study Habits During The Pandemic. It employed the quantitative approach, and descriptive research design using survey technique. The researcher-made questionnaire was... more
The study in hand was conducted to explore the connection between study habits and academic performance of secondary school students across various schools in the city of Ludhiana. A predictive study was run to understand the contextual... more