Students Misconceptions in Physics
Recent papers in Students Misconceptions in Physics
A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more
Abstrak Salah satu yang menjadikan fisika sulit bgi siswa adalah adanya miskonsepsi. Miskonsepsi terjadi akibat ketidaksamaan antara konsep yang dimiliki siswa dengan konsep sebenarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi... more
Abstract - The rate 1.0725 is found frequently between many solar planets orbital and internal distances (a constant rate) - I suggest this rate is found because of Lorentz Contraction Phenomenon i.e. - There's a difference in... more
In the present work is presented a short bibliographical review, and are examined the ideas about refraction, that the second year students of the Department of Elementary Education of Democritus University have before lectures. There... more
Revolusi digital telah mendorong demokratisasi dan perubahan sosial di banyak negara. Di Indonesia, Internet membantu jejaring aktivis untuk berkomunikasi dan menyebarkan informasi terkait upaya penggulingan Soeharto di akhir 1990-an.... more
Introduction How – and why – do things move? How do we describe how they move? This chapter looks at ideas and activities concerning movement and force. It deals with two major issues: firstly, ideas children have about motion and the... more
Alhamdulillah dengan Rahmat dan Hidayah dari Allah swt telah selesai penyusunan buku Fisika Kuantum edisi pertama pada tahun 2012. Penyusunan buku ini salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk mengatasi kekurangan buku teks Fisika Kuantum... more
Action Research Journal- Physics concepts underpin much higher level technical knowledge and therefore are crucial to success in many technical disciplines. However, understanding in physics concepts are quite prevalent among secondary... more
Paper hypothesis no. (1) - The Solar System Be Created Based On One Geometrical Design Paper hypothesis no. (2) - The Solar Planets And Their Distances Be Created Out Of One Light Beam Paper hypothesis no. (3) - This Light... more
Current research shows that the gap between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge may impede students' learning of science. The present study aims at investigating the terms denoting the concepts of SPEED and VELOCITY in Arabic and... more
This study aimed to determine prevalent or dominant misconceptions on force and gravity among high school students. A survey instrument consisting of 12 qualitative questions requiring both answers and written explanations was used to... more
The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of bridging analogies on students' misconceptions in gravity and inertia. Mechanics Diagnostic Test developed by the researchers was applied twice as a pretest and a posttest to the... more
Η παρούσα εργασία μελετά τη συμβολή μιας διδακτικής παρέμβασης με τη χρήση δύο εφαρμογών ειδικά σχεδιασμένων στη γλώσσα οπτικού προγραμματισμού Scratch 3.0 για έξυπνες φορητές συσκευές αναφορικά με τις αντιλήψεις των μικρών παιδιών για τη... more
This study attempts to validate concept mapping as a tool for assessing conceptual understanding in secondary school physics among student teachers. It does so by finding the correlation between scores obtained in a test consisting of... more
This paper is going to analyse errors and misconceptions in an undergraduate course in Calculus. The study will be based on a group of 10 BEd. Mathematics students at Great Zimbabwe University. Data is gathered through use of two... more
siswa seringkali mengalami miskonsepsi dalam mepelajari mata pelajaran khususnya IPA. maka dari itu perlu adanya upaya untuk mengatasi miskonsepsi tersebut, salah satunya dengan memberikan konflik kognitif.
Students' Misconceptions on Negative Velocity and Negative Acceleration: Basis for Enhanced Lesson Package is a study that used mixed method approach. It is an approach using sequential exploratory design in collecting qualitative and... more
This paper presents the use of case analysis in teaching circular motion. The teaching sequence was developed based on the alternative conceptions found during the diagnostic phase of this study. It was implemented to twenty-six (26)... more
Talk given at ICCE-ECRICE conference at University of Rome La Sapienza on 16 July 2012.
This paper focuses on young children’s scientific preconceptions and discusses teachers’ identification of these preconceptions when teaching science in the early years, on which research is still limited. This paper is based on the... more
In this paper we examine the views of pupils of elementary school and students of the pedagogical department regarding the pinhole camera and lenses. The methodology followed was tests and laboratory exercises. The teaching of the pinhole... more
In this paper we examine the views of pupils of elementary school and students of the pedagogical department regarding the pinhole camera and lenses. The methodology followed was tests and laboratory exercises. The teaching of the pinhole... more
for their comments and suggestions, especially to Jason, who also patiently edited my manuscript; Friends, who provided encouragement and joyful company; and Most of all, my family-Sam, for the love, and assistance in putting together my... more
This paper addresses some factors which will make students confused in class when they are learning the definition of the average velocity. I will also explain how to use suitable examples to help students understand the concepts of... more
Abstrak Salah satu yang menjadikan fisika sulit bgi siswa adalah adanya miskonsepsi. Miskonsepsi terjadi akibat ketidaksamaan antara konsep yang dimiliki siswa dengan konsep sebenarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi... more
Abstrak Salah satu yang menjadikan fisika sulit bgi siswa adalah adanya miskonsepsi. Miskonsepsi terjadi akibat ketidaksamaan antara konsep yang dimiliki siswa dengan konsep sebenarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi... more
Paper hypothesis: Planet day period is defined depends on other planets motions Paper objective: The paper discuss if this fact supports the hypothesis (Planet Motion Depends On Light Motion) Paper contents 1- Planet Velocity... more
In this book chapter, we study the ideas of students on shadows and examine the effect of laboratory work on helping them in understanding the shadows, penumbra, colored shadows, camera obscura
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive conflict based physics instruction over traditionally designed physics instruction on preservice primary school teachers at grade 2. The subjects were 82 (27... more
ABSTRACT We propose a new instructional theory, the Domain of Validity (DoV) Framework, which offers a new way forward for designing teaching for conceptual change, while also resolving conflicts between existing theories related to... more
The research aims to develop and to assess alternative conceptions of second year’s Sundanese scholars on light wave with Multitier Open-ended Light Wave Instrument (MOLWI). The research method has been utilized by the 3D+1I model... more
We use force concept inventory (FCI) data to probe the consistency of commonsense physics as a knowledge system. The source of this data is the administration of the FCI to first-year science university students. Data quality was checked... more
Menstruation is a natural process which occurs in a healthy female's body. It starts around the age of 11 and continues for almost three decades. Beginning of the menstrual cycle brings in physiological change in the life of the... more
The research aims to develop and to assess alternative conceptions of second year’s Sundanese scholars on light wave with Multitier Open-ended Light Wave Instrument (MOLWI). The research method has been utilized by the 3D+1I model... more
In this paper are presented and analyzed the views as well as the difficulties faced by the students of the Department of Elementary Education. of the DUTH for reflection of light. It also examines factors that prevent students from... more
Στηv μελέτη μας αυτή εξετάζoυμε τις εμφαvίσεις διαφόρωv πλαvώv στη μηχαvική αvάμεσα στoυς πρωτoετείς φoιτητές τoυ παιδαγωγικoύ τμήματoς Δημoτικής Εκπαίδευσης τoυ Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης.
Why does Earth rotate 4-years Cycle (1461 days)? Because there's an interaction and coherence between Earth, Moon and Mars Motions, this interaction causes this 4-years Cycle This paper tries to prove this fact, and explains its... more