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In order to accept this Student Recruiter agreement with the College of Mental Health Counselling, you must believe in and agree with the value of learning about counselling through the online course described at, and... more
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      Creative WritingMarketingChristianityBuddhism
With the rising demand for data skills across industries and disciplines, and the prevalence of data in all aspects and levels of our lives, it is critical to find new, more effective ways to develop students’ data literacies. Stories can... more
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      Learning SciencesStorytellingStudentsData Literacy
Empathy can be defined as the ability to understand and connect with the emotional state and frame of mind of another. Establishing connections with others is a crucial skill for veterinarians who must earn the trust and compliance of... more
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      Veterinary EducationTeachingEmpathyStudents
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      Jewish StudiesAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish HistoryInterwar Period History
This selective review article examines treatment and intervention strategies for executive function (EF) deficits within the school environment. We begin by providing a broad definition of EF. We then examine the scope of EF deficits... more
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      MindfulnessExecutive FunctionSchoolsStudents
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Alcohol Tobacco or Other Drugs Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change School Based Tailored Communications
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      PsychologyTreatment OutcomeAdolescentUrban Health
The transnational phenomenon that was “1968” was felt keenly around the globe with direct and virtually immediate impact. Turkey stands as a clear example, wherein the development and dynamism of the “Western” student movement had an... more
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      TurkeyNew LeftStudents
Excerpts of therapist-patient dialogue are presented to demonstrate three important elements of a successful session of psychodynamic therapy. These are the provision of insight through the use of transference, a focus on patient affect,... more
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      PsychologyBrief PsychotherapyPsychotherapyPsychodynamic Psychotherapy
This study of a predominantly Hispanic sample of 92 male and 140 female college students examines both gender symmetry in intimate partner violence (IPV) and inconsistent relationships found in previous studies between sexist attitudes... more
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Üniversite öğrencilerinin derslere devamlarının akademik başarıya etkisi birçok akademik çalışma ile irdelenmiş ve derslere devam eden öğrencilerin başarı oranlarının daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Devam durumları birçok... more
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      Computer ScienceStudentsRFID Technology
Self-Regulated Learning or SRL is an important academic performance for every student in completing a series of academic activities and realized by himself, especially in an online learning environment that is not supervised directly by... more
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      Self-regulated LearningInstrumentationStudents
There appear to be two forms of high self-esteem: secure high self-esteem (which is often linked with psychological health) and fragile high self-esteem (which is generally associated with poor psychological adjustment and impaired... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityIntelligence
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementPsychology
To : PT TAG Berikut ini saya lampirkan jadwal PM rutin untuk tanggal 19 Januari 2015 sebagai berikut :
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    • Students
The researchers wanted to find out the self-esteem of adolescent students. Their Objectives were: O1: To know the Self-Esteem of adolescent students on the basis of sex. O2: To know the Self-Esteem of adolescent students on the basis of... more
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This questionnaire study investigated the prevalence of, and interrelationships among, self-reported same-sex sexual orientation, childhood sexual abuse, and suicidal behavior in 1262 university students in Turkey. Approximately 7% of the... more
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      PsychologySexual AbuseSuicideTurkey
To determine the background knowledge of high school children on basic life support by calculating the points scored in a MCQ-based test; to evaluate results of teaching basic life support skills to them; and assessing their power of... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceAcoustics
Convenience offered in accessing the Internet makes students very fond of using it, until sometimes not able to set the time to sleep well. This study aims to determine the relationship between internet addiction and sleep hygiene... more
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      Internet research methodsStudentsInternet AddictionSleep
This article aimed to determine sexual behaviors among female and male adolescents in northern Italy. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire evaluating sexual attitudes was distributed in middle and high schools in northern Italy.... more
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It has been previously shown that the implicit affiliation motive-the need to establish and maintain friendly relationships with others-leads to chronic health benefits. The underlying assumption for the present research was that the... more
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Trabalho de pesquisa quantitativo realizado com 42 discentes de uma instituição pública de ensino superior, utilizando-se a técnica do Toque Terapêutico - Método Krieger-Kunz e aplicação de um questionário validado no Brasil para avaliar... more
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      NursingAnxietyStudentsTherapeutic Touch
Dans le courant des années 1980-1990, le processus de massification de l’enseignement supérieur s’est traduit par une forte augmentation des flux d’entrants dans l’enseignement supérieur. La croissance constante des taux de réussite au... more
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationHigher Education
Accreditation of courses in tertiary institutions is mainly regarded as business to be executed by the management and teaching staff. This is done despite the fact that some students with practical industry experience may be knowledgeable... more
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      Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationAccreditation and Quality AssuranceStudentsTertiary
The purpose of the current study is to determine the relationship between secondary and high school students' ecocentric, anthropocentric and antiphatic attitudes towards the environment and their academic achievement. The study was... more
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      Relationship StudiesStudentsAcademic achievementAttitudes
Objective: Research has shown associations between college women's alcohol and/or drug consumption and the risk of sexual assault, but few studies have measured the various means by which sexual assault is achieved. Participants: The... more
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      Risk TakingSexual AssaultAdolescentPrevention
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      Air pollutionRisk assessmentAdolescentStudents
Background: Approximately 55,000 children in New Zealand do not eat breakfast on any given day. Regular breakfast skipping has been associated with poor diets, higher body mass index, and adverse effects on children's behaviour and... more
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      Mental HealthDietPublic HealthAdolescent
Background. Vygotsky's theory of the internalization of signs provided the basis for this study.
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Possible cause of school failure and the return to education system ROSER GRAU VIDAL TAMARA PINA CALVO CARLOS SÁNCHO ÁLVAREZ RESUMEN En el presente estudio de investigación educativa, los principales objetivos perseguidos son encontrar... more
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      StudentsEducational systemSchool Failure
Understanding young adults' anxiety requires applying a multidimensional approach to assess the psychosocial, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of this phenomenon. A hypothesized model of the relationships among coping style, thinking... more
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      PsychologyNursingSocial SupportAdolescent
Background: Suboptimal adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine rates in the US highlight the need for catch-up vaccination. When teenagers enter college, there may be a shift in healthcare decision-making from parents and guardians... more
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      Health BehaviorDecision MakingAdolescentBiological Sciences
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      Occupational HealthRisk assessmentAdolescentEmployment
Purpose There is growing interest in the assessment of positive mental health as a global indicator of societal wealth. We aimed to adapt the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale (WEMWBS) into Spanish and to perform a preliminary... more
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      PsychometricsMental HealthQuality of lifeAdolescent
Objective: To evaluate the acceptance and effectiveness of repetitive nutrition-related text messages on college students' nutrition knowledge and fruit and vegetable consumption. Participants: 150 undergraduate (18-24 y) non-health major... more
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      Health EducationDietRisk assessmentAdolescent
Kiss Árpád Emlékkonferencia, 2019. 09. 21.
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      EducationHigher EducationIntellectualsSociology of Intellectuals
This study identified knowledge and concerns about avian influenza among secondary school students in Taif, Saudi Arabia. A stratified random sample of 514 students from 6 secondary schools was given a self-administered multiple-choice... more
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      Health EducationSaudi ArabiaAdolescentMultivariate Analysis
This article focuses on one piece from the complex puzzle of internationalization, namely the intercultural learning during education abroad. It departs from a critical reflection on American student applications for the Fulbright program... more
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      Educational PhilosophySocial behaviorStudentsSocial Behavior
The standard 2 -4 -6 task requires discovery of a single rule and produces success rates of about 20%, whereas the dual-goal (DG) version requests discovery of two complementary rules and elevates success to over 60%. The experiment... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision MakingCognition
Two-hundred undergraduate students completed an anonymous questionnaire after viewing a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine television commercial. Eight-four percent of participants would accept a free HPV vaccine, whereas 47% were... more
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      Program EvaluationEpidemiologySexual HealthAdolescent
The effectiveness of personalized-feedback interventions to reduce problem drinking has been evaluated in several RCTs and systematic reviews. A meta-analysis was performed to examine the overall effectiveness of brief, single-session... more
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      Primary CareEducationStudentsEffect size
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      Health BehaviorDepressionTobaccoPhysical Activity
a b s t r a c t Keywords: active travel fitness body mass index school students
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      TransportationPreventive medicineStudentsChild
We report on the etiology of poor school performance (PSP) in children assessed at a learning disability clinic in western India over 12 months. Specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia) were the commonest... more
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      Educational MeasurementAdolescentIndiaStudents
There is little doubt that family factors can influence involvement in delinquency, although the full nature and extent of their influences remain unclear. In recent decades, testosterone has been increasingly implicated as a contributor... more
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This randomized controlled trial evaluated the efficacy of a brief intervention designed to reduce the harmful consequences of heavy drinking among high-risk college students. Students screened for risk while in their senior year of high... more
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      PsychologyHealth EducationNatural HistoryTreatment Outcome
Asian American Pacific Island college students (N = 93) completed measures of acculturation and mental health worldview, in the form of beliefs about the likely causes of 24 typical counseling presenting problems. A criterion sample of 27... more
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      Mental HealthCultureTreatment OutcomeCultural Diversity
The attitudes and epilepsy-related knowledge of teachers are an important component of the educational experiences of children with epilepsy. Unfortunately however, the exploration of teacher attitudes and knowledge has been extremely... more
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      Health EducationQuality of lifeEpilepsySchools
Would it be helpful to inform a driver about when a conflicting traffic situation is going to occur? We tested whether temporal orienting of attention could enhance executive control to select among conflicting stimuli and responses.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental PsychologyCognitive Control
Wprowadzenie. Wirusowe zapalenie wątroby (WZW) typu C stanowi poważny problem epidemiologiczny dla ludności całego świata. Z uwagi na to, że nie ma szczepionki chroniącej przed tym zakażeniem, profilaktyka tej choroby polega głównie na... more
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      Hepatitis CStudents