Student Organizations

85 papers
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Student organizations are structured groups formed within educational institutions, comprising students who share common interests, goals, or activities. These organizations facilitate social interaction, leadership development, and community engagement, while also providing opportunities for personal growth and academic support.
This research you will understand the factors that leads adolescence in joining fraternity or sorority. The research paper conducted in Libagon, Southern Leyte to analyze the factors of joining fraternity or sorority of the adolescence. A... more
This study examines the financial contributions of a regional university's expenditures on the local and state economy using regional impact multipliers from an input-output model. The empirical application uses income and expenditure... more
A high-quality education is the key to individual opportunities. It makes people more open to changing behavior and is at the same time the basis for innovation and a condition for the sustainable development of the Earth. Education is a... more
Regional Student Groups are groups established and managed by the ISCB-Student Council in different regions of the world. The article highlights some of the initiatives and management lessons from our 'top-performing' Spotlight... more
El presente artículo, dará a conocer algunos resultados obtenidos en la investigación “Ideas Políticas y Clivajes en el Movimiento Estudiantil Chileno”, los cuales refieren a la dimensión emergente –desde los discursos de jóvenes... more
El presente artículo, dará a conocer algunos resultados obtenidos en la investigación “Ideas Políticas y Clivajes en el Movimiento Estudiantil Chileno”, los cuales refieren a la dimensión emergente –desde los discursos de jóvenes... more
The purpose of my research is to increase the visibility of intersecting identities of LGBTQ+ Latinx students within Latinx student organizations at the University of San Diego. This visibility would signify acceptance within the... more
Во рамките на проектот „Универзитетски курикулум за интеркултурна работа со млади“, согласно меморандумот за соработка со НВО „LOJA“ Тетово, а во доменот на компонента 1, предвидени се лекции (теоретски предавања) за студентите од... more
The Things We Take With Us: The cover picture depicts a homoeopathic medical kit, circa 1870. In 1874 the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital moved into a newlybuilt Talbot Building in Boston's South End. It later abandoned homeopathic... more
The article aims to understand whether the organizational culture transmitted through organizational socialization tactics adopted in trainee programs is congruent with Generation Z's attributes. The study adopts a... more
Секојдневно сме изложени на употребата на интернетот во сите сфери на нашето живеење. Па така, неговата примена е важна и во процесот на образованието. Политиката на Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ е да се има највисок степен на користење на... more
В українській історіографії питання діяльності громадських організацій української еміграції в Румунії в міжвоєнний період вже знайшло своє висвітлення. Розкриті такі його аспекти, як участь Надзвичайної дипломатичної місії (НДМ) УНР в... more
Background Students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) face a fast-pace and challenging schedule with a curriculum comprised of four 7-week terms, resulting in taking final exams four times a year. Library staff expressed concern... more
What is PA, and how does it differ from other audit types? What is specific at PA?
This paper offers an analysis of the 2021 Netflix mini-series The Chair, a dramedy whose authors sought to give an "authentic" depiction, but also a cultural critique, of the functioning of a contemporary US university and US... more
is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in systems engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She completed her master's degree in electrical engineering at Iowa State University during her eight years at Rockwell Collins and... more
Глава 7 се однесува на постапки и обврски за известување за измамите во организација, за ревизорот, кај институциите во ЕУ, ангажманот на ACFE истражителите, видови на интерни контроли, техники......
This study sought to determine the quality management system of the Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology (NONESCOST) as basis for International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Certification. The descriptive... more
Abstract: This project explores the relevance of the Illini Union Board's Cultural Programs committees to the very communities they “claim” to represent and investigates the means of communication between the IUB and the departments... more
Regional Student Groups are groups established and managed by the ISCB-Student Council in different regions of the world. The article highlights some of the initiatives and management lessons from our 'top-performing' Spotlight... more
Campus Recreation and its programs can be used as a way to combat the national trends of decreasing enrollment and retention (Weaver, Forte, & McFadden, 2017; Kampf & Teske, 2013). In fact, 62% of students indicate that Campus Recreation... more
In his February 18, 2015 interview with Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard, Gabriel Paxton shares the story of founding the grassroots organization Rock Hill for Equality. Included are his experiences as an ally in the Southeast and the... more
Regional Student Groups are groups established and managed by the ISCB-Student Council in different regions of the world. The article highlights some of the initiatives and management lessons from our 'top-performing' Spotlight... more
Fraternal organizations have existed on campus since the founding of Phi Beta Kappa in 1776 (Baird, 1991; DeSantis, 2007; Phi Beta Kappa, n.d.; Thelin, 2011; Torbenson, 2005, 2009). Empirical evidence shows that membership brings added... more
Regional Student Groups are groups established and managed by the ISCB-Student Council in different regions of the world. The article highlights some of the initiatives and management lessons from our 'top-performing' Spotlight... more
Progressive student movements have always been vigilant toward the pressing issues of the time. This tradition could be traced to the period of anti-colonial struggle which actually produced the organised student movement in the country.... more
This paper presents an overview of multiracial student organizing and organizations on college campuses. The authors address common challenges that multiracial student organizations face in higher education, how student affairs staff can... more
This study examines the economic linkages of university expenditures on the local and state economy of Kansas using regional multipliers from an inputoutput model. In fiscal year 2004, Emporia State University and its ancillary units... more
The Things We Take With Us: The cover picture depicts a homoeopathic medical kit, circa 1870. In 1874 the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital moved into a newlybuilt Talbot Building in Boston's South End. It later abandoned homeopathic... more
Organisasi kemasyarakatan merupakan organisasi yang didirakan dan dibentuk oleh masyarakat secara sukarela, kehendak, kebutuhan, kepentingan, kegiatan dan tujuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan demi tercapainya sebuah tujuan Negara... more
Archeota is a platform for SJSU iSchool students to contribute to the archival conversation. It is written BY students, FOR students. It provides substantive content on archival concerns and issues, and promotes career development in the... more
The purpose of my research is to increase the visibility of intersecting identities of LGBTQ+ Latinx students within Latinx student organizations at the University of San Diego. This visibility would signify acceptance within the... more
In this paper, the author who is a pedagogue, a psychologist and a methodologist, some futurological ideas have been dealt with, concerning the methodological visions education of the Pedagogical Faculty for RM. The author also offers... more
Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) adalah salah satu universitas swasta di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Pada umumnya setiap universitas yang ada baik universitas swasta maupun negeri memiliki organisasi kemahasiswaan sesuai dengan kepentingan... more
Regional Student Groups are groups established and managed by the ISCB-Student Council in different regions of the world. The article highlights some of the initiatives and management lessons from our 'top-performing' Spotlight... more
This is the Spring 2019 issue of Archeota, the official publication of SJSU SAASC. Archeota is a platform for students to contribute to the archival conversation. It is written BY students, FOR students. It provides substantive content on... more
The Things We Take With Us: The cover picture depicts a homoeopathic medical kit, circa 1870. In 1874 the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital moved into a newlybuilt Talbot Building in Boston's South End. It later abandoned homeopathic... more
G. Members' and non-members' perceived feelings about important attributes to the participants when looking for employment …...……………………..102 H. Members' and non-members' perceived feelings about the importance of being able to use each... more
Современите системи за регулација на пумпните станици со повеќе пумпи потребно е да обезбедат константен и постојан притисок при променлив проток, избегнување на осцилации и промена на притисокот при вклучување на пумпите, меко стартување... more
Постојат многу студии за примена на сензорските мрежи во различни области, како полјоделство, следење на животната средина, здравствена заштита, итн. Идеата на овој проект е да се креираат сензорски мрежи за следење на условите во... more
Ревизијата претставува процес на собирање на ревизорски докази со цел да се утврди дали финансиските извештаи се подготвени врз основа на меѓународните сметководствени стандарди кои се прифатливи кај нас. Процесот на ревизијата се врши од... more
Организацијата за да постигне добри резултати во работењето секогаш мора да има подготвени и мотивирани работници. Мотивацијата, гледано од аспект на успехот на една организација, е од голема важност за постигнување на поставените цели.... more
The research focuses on the role of student organizations in the promotion of environmental education and protection. It assessed the student organizations’ initiatives and activities that address the environmental issues and problems. It... more
Leonard J. Rosen defines academic writing as an “informed, logical, clear, well structured, and based on evidence” (Rosen, 2009) prose style which serves to describe, understand, and further investigate the world around us. Academic... more
The study aimed to describe the senior high school student officers' level of involvement in their respective organizations and further investigate its existing relationship with their communicative competence by employing a descriptive... more
Фоербах (Ludwig Feuerbach / 1804–1872) знаел да каже дека, во целокупната европска историја, постојат три книги кои никогаш не смеат да се турнат во заборав: христијанската Biblia, Jустинијановиот Corpus Iuris Civilis Romani и Марксовиот... more