Structured Deposition (Archaeology)
Recent papers in Structured Deposition (Archaeology)
This is an interim report produced as part of the AHRC-funded, joint British Museum/University of Leicester 'Hoarding in Iron Age and Roman Britain' project. The idea was to use published, unpublished and HER data to conduct several... more
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the... more
Why did people in the past hide animal bones and other objects in the structures of their buildings? This study discusses building concealment practices and the worldview where they were meaningful in the light of archaeological finds... more
Resumen: El presente artículo aborda la arquitectura protohistórica en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Se intenta sintetizar la información disponible sobre morfología y técnicas constructivas en sus poblados y cabañas buscando,... more
Between 2008 and 2011 excavations were undertaken by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit at Tremough, near Penryn, Cornwall. The site is situated on a plateau overlooking the Carrick Roads, historically one of the busiest waterways in... more
Feasting equipment, copper‐alloy cauldrons and flesh‐hooks, are a distinctive feature of the later Atlantic Bronze Age suggesting elements of a shared ideology whose ultimate origin may lie in the eastern Mediterranean. The easterly... more
This article questions the limits of archaeological categories. It highlights the ways in which labels created to interpret archaeological phenomena can, over time, become reified and even appear as archaeological entities themselves. To... more
A rare Chalcolithic rolled-gold bead-like ornament dated to c. 2400–2200 cal. BC was found in association with sherds of early Beaker ware in an Early Bronze Age Collared Urn burial dated to c. 1545–1450 cal. BC. The grave was located at... more
Ceramic depositions occur frequently in the Bronze Age throughout the Carpathian Basin, however, their characteristics and composition can vary between periods, cultures and regions. Thus there could be many theories and interpretations... more
Zusammenfassung – Bandkeramische Brunnen sind mit den teilweise hervorragenden Erhaltungsbedingungen für organische Funde eine herausragende Befundkategorie. Rezente Diskussionen fokussieren auf die Frage, ob die Brunnen Kultanlagen sind... more
The article takes its point of departure in 12 Sámi sacrificial places from Northern Sweden and Norway. It is argued that the sites with metal objects of the ninth to fourteenth centuries in a number of ways are comparable to acts of... more
In December 2013 archaeological investigations were carried out at Quintrell Downs, near a large cropmark enclosure at Manuels, in advance of the construction of a housing estate. A few small pits were uncovered and were notable for... more
This paper provides the first overview of deliberately placed deposits in the Linearbandkeramik culture. The focus is on “structured” deposits, here seen as those which can be considered to have a ritualised component. After outlining... more
Κείμενα 7 ΜΝΗΜΗ ΗΟΥΣ ΖΕΡΒΟΥΔΑΚΗ Όταν κάποτε συζητούσαμε για το μέλλον αυτών των Συναντήσεων, εκεί στα Χανιά, και σκεφτόμασταν για τη μορφή που μπορούσαν να πάρουν, κυρίως τη νομική, γύρισε τότε και μου είπε: «γιατί, για να μαλώνουμε ποιος... more
Archaeological investigations in advance of the construction of new playing fields at Sir James Smith’s Community School Camelford in 2008, focused on a group of ceremonial enclosures and settlement-related structures which have been... more
This paper aims to highlight developments in archaeological knowledge relating to dog remains found in deposits from Late Prehistoric contexts at sites along the Iberian Peninsula. Preliminary results from ongoing osteometric and 2D... more
El presente artículo aborda la arquitectura protohistórica en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Se intenta sintetizar la información disponible sobre morfología y técnicas constructivas en sus poblados y cabañas buscando, especialmente,... more
Archaeological monitoring during the redevelopment of playing fields at Penryn College, Cornwall, revealed activity dating to the Late Neolithic and to the Iron Age – Romano-British period. The Neolithic evidence took the form of pits... more
Production in deposition: structured deposition of Iron Age ironworking elements (The Netherlands) LUNULA Archaeologia protohistorica XXIII Arlon 21.02.2015
The rescue excavation of the IZOLA plot at Kallithea, carried out by the 26th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, brought to light Bronze Age depositions. According to palaeogeographic evidence, the site was located on the... more
This contribution investigates burial and mortuary practice in the Mesolithic period (9300–3900 BC) in what today is defined as Norway. This issue has received little attention, as poor preservation conditions for bone material in the... more
Az előadás az északkelet-magyarországi késő bronzkori/kora vaskori településeken belül előkerült emberi maradványok mint jelenségcsoport multidiszciplináris elemzését és több szintű értelmezését célozza. A területről eddig rendelkezésre... more
The Pompeii Premise is a preconception that lies at the heart of many archaeological interpretations. Numerous studies on formation processes of the archaeological record have pointed out that it is actually based on a misunderstanding of... more
This study investigates the creation of and depositional practices surrounding Neolithic pits in south-east England, and how they change during the period. It offers a summary of Neolithic depositional practice within different features... more
This is an interim report produced as part of the AHRC-funded, joint British Museum/University of Leicester 'Hoarding in Iron Age and Roman Britain' project. The idea was to use published, unpublished and HER data to conduct several... more
In 1878 a bronze cauldron was discovered in a peaty context near the railway station of Valthe (province of Drenthe, The Netherlands). It was reported that the cauldron was found not far from the former entrenchment of Valthe, that was... more
RESUMEN Como en otras regiones de Europa central y occidental, durante el IV-III milenio a.C., en el sur de la Península Ibérica, también encontramos restos animales depositados en el interior de pozos y zanjas. El presente trabajo... more
Kamstra, H. (2021). Of whorls and weights: examining archaeological contexts of textile-related ceramics. In S. Arnoldussen, M. T. C. Hendriksen, E. Norde, & N. de Vries (Eds.), Metaaltijden 8: Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden... more
Investigations at Hay Close, St Newlyn East were carried out by the Cornwall Archaeological Society over a two week period in 2007. Aerial photography had identified a roughly circular cropmark enclosure with an external bank, and the... more
A well-preserved assemblage of pottery and a broken stone artefact were excavated within a long house in the southern part of Tiszasziget, near the town of Szeged, Hungary. The settlement had been inhabited by the Late Neolithic Tisza... more
‘Placed’ deposits have received increasing attention over the past 30 years, and researchers have gradually moved away from relatively crude ‘ritual’ interpretations toward more nuanced considerations of how the deliberate deposition of... more
Archaeological investigations along the South West Water pipeline between Engelly and Sevenmilestone took place during the winter of 1995-1996. The results from a geophysical survey near to the Callestock Veor Cider Farm, led to the... more
During November and December 2014, the Cornwall Archaeological Unit undertook a programme of archaeological excavation in advance of construction of a road corridor to the south of Newquay. Evidence for Middle Bronze Age occupation took... more
Telling apart instances of “ritual” versus “profane” deposition has been a central problem in several European archaeological traditions. In the UK, particularly but not exclusively for the Neolithic, the term “structured deposition”... more