Stress corrosion cracking
Most downloaded papers in Stress corrosion cracking
Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen cracking are two important forms of environmental cracking which can cause serious failures in the oil and gas, pipeline, process and many other industries. Both forms of cracking result in normally... more
Hydrogen evolution and permeation occur during electroplating, corrosion, and cathodic protection. Hydrogen accumulates in areas of high stress and may reach a critical concentration, potentially causing fractures and catastrophic damage.... more
The aircraft aluminium alloys generally present low weldability by traditional fusion welding process. The development of the friction stir welding has provided an alternative improved way of satisfactorily producing aluminium joints, in... more
Many efforts have been made to understand the effects of hydrogen on steels, resulting in an abundance of theoretical models and papers. However, a fully developed and practically applicable predictive physical model still does not exist... more
Corrosion is an unavoidable but a controllable process. Due to the issues of toxicity of substances like chromate inhibitors, there is an increasing interest in exploration and utilization of eco-friendly inhibitors, which are also known... more
Characteristics of tempered martensite embrittlement (TME), hydrogen embrittlement (HE), and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in high-strength steels are reviewed. Often, it is important to determine unambiguously by which of these... more
Transport of corrosion products into pores and cracks in concrete must be considered when predicting corrosion induced cracking in reinforced concrete structures, since this transport significantly delays the onset of cracking and... more
Hydrogen embrittlement of a precipitation-hardened Fe-26Mn-11Al-1.2C (wt.%) austenitic steel was examined by tensile testing under hydrogen charging and thermal desorption analysis. While the high strength of the alloy (>1 GPa) was not... more
Austenitic stainless steels with their good weldability, superior corrosion resistance and excellent performances in higher temperatures are an important material for engineering applications in industrial plants. Intergranular stress... more
Thick walled components such as high pressure (HP) steam turbine casings operating under high parameter conditions are subjected to a complex stress state. As a result of that stress state, some parts of HP turbine casing undergo to the... more
This study aims to understand the mechanism of increased SCC susceptibility of machined 304L stainless steel in chloride environment. Austenitic stainless steel grade 304L was surface machined up to a depth of 0.5 mm from the surface. In... more
Concrete is a homogenous mixture and cracks in concrete are inevitable so there is a need for repair which affects the economic life of any structure. To overcome this problem an inherent biomaterial is developed, a self-repairing... more
Este trabajo presenta los resultados del análisis de las causas de falla por corrosión bajo tensión de los compensadores de dilatación de la tubería de acero inoxidable de un intercambiador de calor que opera a temperaturas entre 70 oC y... more
This paper considers our recent research on rock bolt stress corrosion cracking (SCC) which studied the influence of metallurgy using a range of (1) existing rock bolt steels and (2) commercial steels. The chemical composition, mechanical... more
Hydrogen induced damages in metallic components of fossil fuel power plants are usually followed by unpredicted events and very intensive. In the course of clarifying a very large complex of problems associated with hydrogen damage, it is... more
Until a few years ago there had been no record of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) as a main cause of failures in Argentine pipelines, but as the pipeline system became of a certain age this mechanism started to have an important impact on... more
Intergranular stress-corrosion cracking (IGSCC) on a sensitized type AISI 304 stainless steel specimen was monitored simultaneously by acoustic emission, elongation measurements, electrochemical noise, and a digital imaging system. In the... more
The spontaneous evolution of nanoporous sponges during dealloying is a fascinating process in nanotechnology. Originally mostly studied as a (homogeneous) corrosion process, [ 1 ] dealloying has been early-on employed to produce Raney... more
Intergranular stress-corrosion cracking (IGSCC) on a sensitised type AISI 304 stainless steel specimen was monitored simultaneously by acoustic emission, electrochemical noise, elongation measurements and a digital imaging system. The... more
Since serious corrosion problems that have plagued the light water reactor (LWR) industry for decades. The complex corrosion mechanisms involved and the development of practical engineering solutions for their mitigation will discussed.... more
15-5 precipitation hardened (PH) stainless steel, having high strength and good weldability is used in aerospace industry. Welding of these stainless steels is known to be detrimental to various forms of corrosion, including environmental... more
This paper deals with determination of the failures causes of supporting tubes in a 350 MW fossil fuel power plant. Due to frequent fractures of supporting pipes occurring always at the same location and the ensuing reduction of the plant... more
Incidents of failure due to corrosion/stress corrosion cracking of high-pressure gas pipelines in Pakistan have been observed to occur after about 15-20 years of service. The present paper constitutes the failure analysis of an 18-inch... more
We have examined the influence of mechanical surface finishing on the development of residual stresses, and on the subsequent formation of stress corrosion cracks, in 316Ti austenitic stainless steel after exposure to boiling magnesium... more
This paper presents an experimental study of the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) process on 8-mm-diameter wires which are used industrially in precast concrete prestressed by pre-tension. The service life of steel wires under accelerated... more
The 22%Cr - 5%Ni, ferritic-austenitic duplex stainless steels (DSS) have potential to offer trouble free service in a variety of corrosive media, which, combined with their high strength-to-mass ratio, allows for savings to be made both... more
There were three consecutive occurrences of bellows failure in a particular pressure safety valve (PSV) of a petroleum refinery within a time span of one week. The bellows were made of 316L grade austenitic stainless steel, and the PSV... more
Studies were carried out to evaluate the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of a X-70 microalloyed pipeline steel, with different microstructures by using the slow strain rate testing (SSRT) technique at 50°C, in NaHCO 3 solutions.... more
Cyclic voltammetry, hydrogen permeation tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements were combined to study the mechanism for hydrogen evolution reaction on X-70 pipe steel in near-neutral pH solution. It is found that... more
We study the corrosion resistance of St3S steel under loading and its susceptibility to corrosion and hydrogen-induced cracking in bottom water. Sections of a tank are distinguished according to the character of the media interacting with... more
Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in austenitic stainless steels occurs at susceptible grain boundaries after sensitisation. In this study, the effects of test duration, static stress (applied and residual) and... more
Supercritical water (SCW) has attracted increasing attention since SCW boiler power plants were implemented to increase the efficiency of fossil-based power plants. The SCW reactor (SCWR) design has been selected as one of the Generation... more
The development of an intergranular stress corrosion crack initiation site in thermally sensitized type 304 austenitic stainless steel has been observed in situ in high temperature oxygenated water using digital image correlation of... more
Sherritt International Corporation experienced corrosion failures with the 316L stainless steel tubing of the high pressure still condenser employed for ammonia recovery. A detailed failure analysis was conducted on the condenser tubing... more
We present a model of hydrogen embrittlement based upon: (i) a cohesive law dependent on impurity coverage that is calculated from first principles; (ii) a stress-assisted diffusion equation with appropriate boundary conditions accounting... more
In order to appraise the in~uence of s!phase on the behaviour of duplex stainless steels\ two tests are performed[ The _rst one is the double loop electrochemical potentiodynamic reac! tivation "DLEPR# test that indicates the degree of... more