Stress corrosion cracking
Recent papers in Stress corrosion cracking
A study of the effect of allium cepa extract as an inhibitor on mild steel corrosion in 0.5M HCl was made at ambient temperature. The experiments were performed with the weight loss/corrosion rate and potentiostatic polarization... more
The initiation of stress corrosion cracking in fcc Fe-Cr-Ni ternary alloys was studied by means of quantum chemical molecular dynamics at 288°C. This study showed that the iron and chromium atoms segregate faster than nickel atoms at the... more
This paper is a review of the texture development in zirconium alloys (in the form of thick walled tube reduced extrusion or TREX, thin-walled tubing and sheets) of importance to light and heavy water nuclear reactor technology along with... more
This research reports the consequences of mass loss estimations by utilizing of oxygen scavengers in boilers to limit the consumption rate of carbon steel tubes. The consumption rate information was chosen from the literature as function... more
A new type of intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) has been observed in low carbon martensitic stainless steel at heat affected zone (HAZ). Nano level microstructural analysis was carried out to investigate IGSCC factors. It... more
Titanium resists seawater and brine at temperatures as high as 260 C, and is also resistant to corrosion by sulphur dioxide; hydrogen sulphide; and aqueous solutions of those gases. Titanium is fully resistant to corrosion and stress... more
Standard test methods such as the Electrochemical Potentiokinetic Reactivation Test (EPR–ASTM G108) and the Double-Loop EPR test (DL-EPR–ISO12732) are commonly used to characterise sensitisation behaviour in austenitic stainless steels.... more
The paper presents results of the experimental investigation of the role of strain rate and temperature on stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of mild steel at elevated temperatures. For investigation of SCC-susceptibility, slow strain rate... more
Susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of two candidate alloys for the inner container of the multi-barrier nuclear waste package was evaluated by using wedge-loaded precracked double-cantilever-beam (DCB) specimens in... more
The development of an intergranular stress corrosion crack initiation site in thermally sensitized type 304 austenitic stainless steel has been observed in situ in high temperature oxygenated water using digital image correlation of... more
The influence of ageing heat treatment on alloy A-286 microstructure and stress corrosion cracking behaviour in simulated Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) primary water has been investigated. A-286 microstructure was characterized by... more
were examined for microscopic defects in order to evaluate their role in causing brittle fracture. The rods evaluated utilized different types of glass fibers and resin systems. Niemeyer's generalized approach to Partial Discharge (PD)... more
Incidents of failure due to corrosion/stress corrosion cracking of high-pressure gas pipelines in Pakistan have been observed to occur after about 15-20 years of service. The present paper constitutes the failure analysis of an 18-inch... more
Characteristics of tempered martensite embrittlement (TME), hydrogen embrittlement (HE), and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in high-strength steels are reviewed. Often, it is important to determine unambiguously by which of these... more
The root cause of repeated water leaks due to cracking in a circumferential weld of the heating jacket of a petrochemical reactor was traced to cyclic steam pressure, not accounted for in the design. Fractographic and metallographic... more
The structural response of post-tensioned beams with bonded wires has been studied experimentally, and a numerical model is proposed. The tests simulated the effect of stress corrosion failure and development of anchorage of the wires on... more
Room temperature cathodic hydrogen embrittlement in alloy 718 was investigated by means of slow strain rate tensile tests conducted on specimens charged either prior to or during deformation. Tensile tests performed on precharged... more
The present article describes the failure of a primary reformer tube in an ammonia plant. The failure took place at the stub end of the reformer tube where a SS 321 flange was joined to a HK 40 catalyst tube by welding. Detailed... more
This paper presents an updated review of the external corrosion and failure mechanisms of buried natural gas and oil pipelines. Various forms of external corrosion and failure mechanisms such as hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), hydrogen... more
Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen cracking are two important forms of environmental cracking which can cause serious failures in the oil and gas, pipeline, process and many other industries. Both forms of cracking result in normally... more
Until a few years ago there had been no record of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) as a main cause of failures in Argentine pipelines, but as the pipeline system became of a certain age this mechanism started to have an important impact on... more
Corrosion is an unavoidable but a controllable process. Due to the issues of toxicity of substances like chromate inhibitors, there is an increasing interest in exploration and utilization of eco-friendly inhibitors, which are also known... more
Hydrogen evolution and permeation occur during electroplating, corrosion, and cathodic protection. Hydrogen accumulates in areas of high stress and may reach a critical concentration, potentially causing fractures and catastrophic damage.... more
The new generation of highly alloyed super duplex stainless steels such as Zeron 100 are preferable materials for industrial applications demanding high strength, toughness and superior corrosion resistance, especially against stress... more
Many efforts have been made to understand the effects of hydrogen on steels, resulting in an abundance of theoretical models and papers. However, a fully developed and practically applicable predictive physical model still does not exist... more
Titanium alloys can suffer from halide-associated stress corrosion cracking at elevated temperatures e.g., in jet engines, where chlorides and Ti-oxide promote the cracking of water vapour in the gas stream, depositing embrittling species... more
Hydrogen embrittlement of a precipitation-hardened Fe-26Mn-11Al-1.2C (wt.%) austenitic steel was examined by tensile testing under hydrogen charging and thermal desorption analysis. While the high strength of the alloy (>1 GPa) was not... more
Component failures due to the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) were observed in different industrial systems, including high-pressure hydrogen storage tanks, aircraft components, high-strength alloy components, and high-strength steel... more
Austenitic stainless steels with their good weldability, superior corrosion resistance and excellent performances in higher temperatures are an important material for engineering applications in industrial plants. Intergranular stress... more
Effect of residual stress generated during tube fabrication, roll expansion and machining of stainless steel on the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility was studied by testing fabricated tubes, tube-tube sheet joint and heavily... more
Resumen. El número y la severidad de los defectos superficiales del acero de pretensado son variables aleatorias que deben ser caracterizadas probabilísticamente para valorar su efecto sobre la resistencia del acero a la fatiga y a la... more
Concrete is a homogenous mixture and cracks in concrete are inevitable so there is a need for repair which affects the economic life of any structure. To overcome this problem an inherent biomaterial is developed, a self-repairing... more
This paper considers our recent research on rock bolt stress corrosion cracking (SCC) which studied the influence of metallurgy using a range of (1) existing rock bolt steels and (2) commercial steels. The chemical composition, mechanical... more
Sherritt International Corporation experienced corrosion failures with the 316L stainless steel tubing of the high pressure still condenser employed for ammonia recovery. A detailed failure analysis was conducted on the condenser tubing... more
Since serious corrosion problems that have plagued the light water reactor (LWR) industry for decades. The complex corrosion mechanisms involved and the development of practical engineering solutions for their mitigation will discussed.... more
Chemical composition and heat treatments of spray-deposited AlCuMgAg-base alloys for use at ambient and moderately elevated temperatures have been optimized for high strength and high fracture toughness. This alloy development has led in... more
Many scientists have through time developed interests in undertaking researches related either directly or indirectly to corrosion, which could be attributed to increasing cases of material breakdown as a result of corrosion. There are... more
Stress corrosion crack growth in mild steel was investigated by using the finite element simulation method. A model simulating crack growth considered an edge crack located on the metal surface, under tensile remote stress acting on a... more
There were three consecutive occurrences of bellows failure in a particular pressure safety valve (PSV) of a petroleum refinery within a time span of one week. The bellows were made of 316L grade austenitic stainless steel, and the PSV... more
A tensile apparatus with constant strain rate, suitable for corrosion tests in molten salts has been used to determine the mechanical characteristics of 304L stainless steel in molten NaCI-CaCls at 570°C from a = f [(Al)/(10) ~o] curves... more
This paper presents the failure analysis of AISI-304 stainless steel tank that was fabricated by welding and used for the storage of styrene monomers. After about 13 years of satisfactory operation, significant cracking was observed... more
Treatment for compound and/or comminuted fractures is frequently accomplished via external fixation. To achieve stability, the compositions of external fixators generally include aluminum alloy components due to their high... more
Posing a major integrity threat, the phenomenon of Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) has been investigated and discussed intensively since the 1970's. On the basis of a deeper understanding of this threat today, integrity management... more
The aircraft aluminium alloys generally present low weldability by traditional fusion welding process. The development of the friction stir welding has provided an alternative improved way of satisfactorily producing aluminium joints, in... more