Strength of materials
Recent papers in Strength of materials
Results of long-term hydrostatic strength study of piping systems made from polyethylene with increased temperature resistance PERT type II of Hostalen 4731B without reinforcement are presented and discussed in this paper. The different... more
Metal matrix composites with high interface density are produced via severe plastic co-deformation of multiphase alloys. 1–15 Corresponding compounds are first prepared by liquid or powder metallurgy3–12 or through restacking solids of... more
The beam-column joint is measured as the most important zone in a reinforced concrete moment resisting frame. It is subjected to large forces during earthquake and its behaviour has a major influence on the response of the entire... more
The generalized differential equations of plastic flow for a material with nonlinear hardening are derived using the Prager kinematic model. An example of numerical analysis for stress variation under elastoplastic deformation of a... more
The properties of concrete containing fine recycled aggregate are investigated. Recycled aggregate consisted of crushed concrete (CC) or crushed brick (CB) with particles less than 5 mm in diameter. The free water/cement ratio was kept... more
Semiflexible pavement (SFP), a composite pavement, is formed by filling into a very open porous asphalt skeleton a specifically designed water consistency fluid mortar with a very high early and 28-day strength. The amalgamation of both... more
In this study, compression tests were conducted to determine the flow behavior of various types of Plasticine. True stress-true strain relations are presented in the form of a well-known power law equation. It is shown that the strength... more
Concrete is a construction material composed of Cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water with or without admixtures. The concrete industry is one of the heaviest consumers of natural resources due to which sustainability of... more
This paper presents a study for the development of first- and second-order tool-life models at 95% confidence level for turning high strength steel. The tool-life models are developed in terms of cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of... more
A brief review of the geology of the tar sand areas of Nigeria is given. Analysis shows that the tar sand used for the tests consists of a well graded silty sand (cmf) with about 5% clay; and 3–5% bitumen. Results presented show a very... more
The paper deals with the application of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates or fabrics as shear strengthening materials for reinforced concrete beams. The study aims at increasing the experimental database on shear strengthening of... more
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process which emerged as an alternative technology to be used in high strength alloys that were difficult to join with conventional techniques. Notwithstanding the widespread interest... more
The paper considers one of the most difficult problems of determining the design schemes for architectural designs. The analysis of existing methods of compiling calculation schemes is carried out depending on the composition of... more
This paper describes a model to predict mechanical strength distribution of silicon wafers. A generalized expression, based on a multimodal Weibull distribution, is proposed to describe the strength of a brittle material with surface,... more
جزوه مقاومت مصالح 1 دانشگاه امیرکبیر تهران PDF
کتاب حل المسائل مقاومت مصالح بیر جانسون ترجمه فارسی PDF
AIM :-To study the Brinell Hardness testing machine and the Brinell hardness test.
Hydrogen embrittlement in 304L austenitic stainless steel fabricated by laser powder-bed-fusion (LPBF) was investigated and compared to conventionally produced 304L samples with two different processing histories; casting plus annealing... more
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites or advanced composite materials are very attractive for use in civil engineering applications due to their high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, light... more
In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, over 500 million tons of copper rich rock were removed from mines and treated in chemical baths to extract copper. Toxic substances have been seeping into the watersheds from the resultant waste stamp... more
Rice husk ash was prepared as a pozzolana by a special process such that the final product conformed to engineering requirements in terms of physical and chemical properties, and the silica remained in an amorphous form with a minor... more
Moisture is the greatest challenge of flexible pavement; hence, its effects cannot be over emphasized. It has the ability to penetrate through the allowable voids in the pavement, weakening the binder and segregating aggregates from their... more
کتاب مقاومت مصالح بیر جانسون ترجمه فارسی PDF
As basic parameters in speech processing we regard pitch, duration, intensity, voice quality, signal to noise ratio, voice activity detection and strength of Lombard effect. Taking in account also adverse conditions the performance of... more
Machinability assessment of nickel base super alloy (inconel 718) in turning operations has been carried out using coated and uncoated carbide inserts under dry conditions. Inconel 718 is one of the most difficult-to-machine materials... more
This study explores the potential to reach a circular economy for post-consumer Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (rPET) packaging and bottles by using it as a Distributed Recycling for Additive Manufacturing (DRAM) feedstock.... more
— Since from Roman times concrete is main material for construction and infrastructures but its combinations are differencing day to day, at present situations many types of concretes are funded out by number of researchers. Now I like to... more
The open source introduction of fused filament fabrication (FFF) enables distributed manufacturing of consumer products. However, with a wide range of low-cost FFF 3-D printers and settings possible, there is a lack of information on the... more
This paper reviews the design and application of paste backfill in underground hard rock mines used as ground support for pillars and walls, to help prevent caving and roof falls, and to enhance pillar recovery for improved productivity.... more
Sandcrete block is one of the common materials used in constructing buildings as walling units in Ghana. Most of these sandcrete blocks are produced by local block moulders. The quality of blocks produced, however, differs from each... more
The characteristic value of the strength of annealed float glass, to be used in structural calculations, is assessed by standards on the basis of a classical experimental campaign using the Coaxial Double Ring (CDR) test with additional... more
Sandcrete block is one of the common materials used in constructing buildings as walling units in Ghana. Most of these sandcrete blocks are produced by local block moulders. The quality of blocks produced, however, differs from each... more
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يتناول هذا المقرر سلوك الإنشاءات وأعضاء الآلات عندما تتعرض إلي أحمال خارجية. وباختصار شديد يتناول القوانين التي تسمح بحساب الاجهادات والانفعالات بغرض عندم تجاوزها حد معين.
Within the framework of the ‘Component Specific Analysis of Mechanical Behaviour’, the nuclear codes and standards, e.g. KTA Standard KTA 3201.2 on Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors (Design and... more
what are tensile structures? what kind of materials does it use? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using it? types of tensile structures
The substance of good quality cement is the necessity of right usefulness. Under various circumstances cement of various level of usefulness is required. A serious level of usefulness is needed in circumstances like profound bars, dainty... more
In this study, the parametric design and contact analysis of composite spur gears are investigated numerically. Composite gear provides an adequate strength to weight ratio, more hardness, durability and low maintenance cost. It is... more