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      Environmental ArtSite-Specific ArtStreet ArtStreet Theatre
This thesis explores a pedagogical enquiry that has transformed the way I think and the way I teach. I used a variety of critical and theatre theories to frame my enquiry and for four years consecutively, visited a non-government... more
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      Critical TheoryReflective PracticeSocial JusticeEducational Equity and Justice
The study is a breakthrough operated with the means of ethnographic, plastic and intercultural analysis in the works of the Armenian filmmaker Serghei Paradjanov, made from the perspective of his nucleus film ”Sayat- Nova”. The atypical... more
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      Street TheatreExperimental CinemaMiddle AgesSacred Space
ISBN 97814985 49745 (hardback: alk. paper) ISBN 978 1 4985 497 52 (electr onic) 29 All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and... more
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      Performance StudiesPerformance ArtSocial ActivismSocial Media
The paper draws on the speaker’s 25-year history of busking in UK city centres, and notes the increasing importance of playful loitering in the urban space. It notes the changing attitudes of the general public to costumed performance in... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer StudiesFeminist TheoryPerformance Studies
The following results in an equation worked out via experiencing ongoing gang stalking and v2k harassment via this stalking. It is commonly known as targeted individualism but has recently exalted into empowered individuals. Many reasons... more
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      ReligionSociologyPsychologyHuman Rights
This is a book on the history of the ensemble Ser Tão Teatro (PB) during its first five years (2007-2012). It contains several articles from well-known scholars, critics and journalists from different parts of country on the work of the... more
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      Street TheatreEnsemble TheatreBrazilian Theater
The purpose of this paper is to systematically arrange the fragmented literature available in a structured format to develop a conceptual resource pool of origin of street theatre in India. The researcher aims to study the evolution and... more
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    • Street Theatre
The project work is an attempt to study the forms of street plays, commonly known as "NUKKAD NATAKS", and its effects in spreading awareness for many social and individual issues. These plays are a great form of communication as these... more
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    • Street Theatre
The last chapter of this anthology (Art and Aesthetics of Modern Mythopoeia Vol-One) is an interview on Hayavadana and Girish Karnad by Ashish Kumar Gupta. The conversation has been titled “Myths and Socio-Psychological Contemporaneity in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreGender StudiesMythologyWomen's Studies
Nel bene e nel male, l’arte ha sempre ricadute politiche, ma il legame tra etica ed estetica è spesso scomodo. Nel tempo sono state elaborate strategie raffinatissime per neutralizzarne le potenzialità emancipatorie. L’analisi parte da... more
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      Critical TheoryContemporary ArtPerformanceFeminism
The riddle is one of the least studied genres of oral literature and with this book I bring to your desk a recording of riddle act with active audiences. By focusing on the performer of the riddle, this study departs from earlier studies... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAfrican StudiesCommunication
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      Digital MediaCarnival IndustryStreet Theatre
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    • Street Theatre
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      Social MovementsWomen's StudiesTerrorismHuman Rights
Citizen Green is a political identity invested with radical takes on both citizenship and sustainable development, an alterity who may render non-Green citizenship recognisable. When the logics of Arendtian ‘power-with’ and Foucauldian... more
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      Climate ChangeStreet TheatreFrackingChoir Singing
This thesis explores a pedagogical enquiry that has transformed the way I think and the way I teach. I used a variety of critical and theatre theories to frame my enquiry and for four years consecutively, visited a non-government... more
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      Critical TheoryReflective PracticeSocial JusticeEducational Equity and Justice
U ovom tekstu usredsrediću se na one aspekte alternativnog teatra – i, šire, izvođačkih umetnosti – u Beogradu i Srbiji tokom poslednje decenije dvadesetog veka koji se tiču, za njegovo razumevanje možda najvažnijeg, odnosa "etike i... more
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      Performing ArtsCultural PolicyPerformance StudiesSerbian history
Czech original: Ondřej Cihlář, Nový cirkus, Praha 2006.
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      Street TheatreCircusContemporary Circus
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      Irish StudiesPerformance StudiesJames JoyceImmigration
In article the carnival activities consider as an aesthetic personal activity, not exempt from non-aesthetic moments, going beyond the «special activity of the artist сreator». The author introduces the concept of «clown in clownery»,... more
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      SemioticsStreet TheatreClownBakhtin carnival and the grotesque body
Ghiorgos Pefanis ci porta a esplorare i momenti festosi in cui la topografia urbana di Atene si trasforma in un teatro policromo, grazie al Festival Internazionale del Teatro di Strada (IstFest).
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance StudiesApplied Theatre
A History of Collective Creation examines collective and devised theatre practices in Europe and North America, beginning in 1900. Long associated with U.S., British and French theatre collectives of the 1960s, collective creation in fact... more
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      Collective BehaviorSocial MovementsChicano StudiesRussian Studies
This article discusses the history, present status and future of street theatre not only in India but elsewhere too. It appered in many other languages also.
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      Political theatreStreet TheatreIndian theatreINDIAN DRAMA & THEATRE
This issue of Shahadat (an online publication focusing on short-form creative writing in the Middle East and its diasporas) takes as its focus the popular literature of the Egyptian Revolution. Drawing on protest signs, graffiti, and... more
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      Cultural HistorySocial ChangeComparative PoliticsAesthetics
Der Sammelband beruht auf der internationalen Tagung »Theatrale Revolten«, die im Herbst 2016 in Basel stattgefunden hat. Er vereint Beiträge zu Berührungspunkten zwischen Theater und politischer Revolte von Forscher/innen aus Literatur-... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePolitical PhilosophyTheatre StudiesFrench Revolution
the devil isn’t so much an expression of precapitalist societies, as is maintained, implicitly and explicitly, in a good part of folklore studies, but,rather, an expression of resistance, resilience and adaptation vis-à-vis the imposition... more
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      Intangible cultural heritageStreet TheatreCarnivalArt in public space
Streets connect but also disrupt. Streets are traces of cities’ evolution and of civilizations. In the 21st century, with unprecedented urbanization and the need for planning resilient cities, the impact on streets is tremendous in... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesMass CommunicationStreet ArtSustainable Design
Presentation of report by Elena A Semenova in framework of
Intermediality International Online-Workshop, 16.-17.11.2021 University of Warsaw, Faculty of  Modern Languages
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      Street TheatreBakhtinian Studies
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      Theatre StudiesCultureMass culturePolitical theatre
""Exhibited March 12 - May 7, 2012
in the Arch 2 Gallery, University of Manitoba.""
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      ClassicsPhilosophy of AgencyArt HistoryPerforming Arts
ВЕРИФИКАЦИЯ КОНЦЕПТОВ М.М. БАХТИНА В ЛАБОРАТОРНОЙ РАБОТЕ С АКТЁРАМИ УЛИЧНОГО ТЕАТРА НА СЪЕЗДЕ «СМЕХОТВОРЕЦ» Ю.А. Берладин., Е.А. Семёнова Cтатья посвящена специализированным вопросам, связанным с особенностями формирования... more
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      Actor Network TheoryFestival TourismCarnivore EcologyStreet Theatre
The street releases an aura of hospitality unmatched by the great halls and the formal venues. This is so because the street belongs to the people—it is of itself the stage of hospitality. By “hospitable,” here, I mean, on the one hand, a... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance StudiesHeterotopia
2019 -Year of Theater in Russia Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education» with Non-Profit Partnership «Theatre-Ex» invites You to take part in... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesActor Network TheoryStreet Theatre
Resumen: Analizaremos el teatro de calle desde el uso singular del espacio público como espacio de trabajo. En ese sentido, nos proponemos como objetivo explicar las complejidades con las que se enfrentan los actores y actrices de teatro... more
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      Street TheatrePublic SpaceEspacio PublicoStreet Performance
Theatre Research International review published 2015
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      Street TheatreStreet PerformanceStreet Art and RevolutionStreet Art and Performance
Atul Sinha of Amar Ujala talks to S. Islam on the claim of some vocal practitioners of proscenium theatre that Street Theatre is not a theatre but slogan mongering. Here case for ST is presented. The problem with such critics is that they... more
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      Theatre StudiesPolitical theatreStreet TheatreIndian theatre
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      Art Practice as ResearchParticipationStreet TheatrePublic Realm
""Shamsul Islam, popularly known as Islambhai, is a renowned Street Theatre personality. He is one of the founders of Nishant Natya Manch a street theatre group, which was established way back in 1971. Nishant is known for its quick... more
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      Political theatreStreet TheatreIndian theatreTheatre for Social Change
This article is concerned with experimental forms of educational tourism developed for the faculties of directing and dramatic arts at universities of art education and cultural studies, as well as at higher institutes of theater arts.... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesThe CarnivalesqueStreet Theatre
Plenary panel discussion at Fresh Street #2 in Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal on 24 May 2017.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesVisual Sociology
TRAVAILS OF THEATRE is based on a talk with Madeeha Gauhar, leading Pakistani theatre personality. She describes how dangerous it has been to perform during militarycum theocratic rule and the cost performers have to pay. She and her... more
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      Political theatreStreet TheatreCultural power and resistanceINDIAN DRAMA & THEATRE
""मंगलवार, 09 मार्च, 2004 मेरे पहले शिक्षकः शम्सुल इस्लाम मनोज बाजपेयी हिंदी फ़िल्म अभिनेता मनोज वाजपेयी राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विद्यालय में दाख़िले की तीन कोशिशें..तीनों बार नाक़ामी मिली मैं एकलव्य नहीं हूँ,... more
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      Political theatreStreet Theatre
It is a write-up by renowned author and poetess, Nirupama Dutt on the cultural work Neelima Sharma & Shamsul Islam, as life partners, are doing together to challenge the de-humanized culture, politics and economics specially through... more
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      Theatre StudiesPopular CultureCulturePolitical theatre
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      Political theatreStreet TheatreIndian theatreINDIAN DRAMA & THEATRE
Critical review of Street Theatre movement in India from one of its founders. It details the co-option attempts by the state and ruling classes of this powerful art genre of dissent.
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      Political theatreStreet TheatreIndian theatreINDIAN DRAMA & THEATRE
Organiser ces journées du CARC (Corps Arts Rue Culture) tient de la volonté d’interroger, aujourd’hui, les arts de la rue, au sens le plus large du terme, en regard du rapport entre corps et rue. En mobilisant des interlocuteurs issus de... more
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      Performing ArtsArtsStreet ArtStreet Music
Sagar Sarhadi born as Ganga Sagar Talwar in the Frontier Province of pre-Partition India who expired on 22-23 March, 2021 was a great film director, producer, playwright, script writer, street theatre practitioner and above all a... more
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      Theatre StudiesPartition literatureUrdu LiteratureStreet Theatre