Street Art and Graffiti

610 papers
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Street art and graffiti refer to visual art forms created in public spaces, often without official permission. This genre encompasses a variety of styles and techniques, serving as a medium for social commentary, political expression, and cultural identity, while challenging traditional notions of art and ownership in urban environments.
TESIS DOCTORAL COMPLETA Proyecto de investigación artístico y social que a través del estudio de las principales influencias, herramientas, una selección de fuentes filmográficas y bibliográficas y entrevistas personales, pretende... more
Mit dem Ziel, ein prototypisches, webbasiertes Werkverzeichnis in Form einer allgemein zugänglichen Datenbank für einen Street-Artist zu erstellen, stehen Bildwissenschaftler vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen. Einige davon möchte ich... more
"Bild och natur" is an anthology edited by Peter Bengtsen, Max Liljefors and Moa Petersén. Ten researchers from the Division of Art History and Visual Studies at Lund University, Sweden, have contributed chapters. The ten texts (seven... more
En la defensa del graffiti surgen múltiples aristas generales: ¿quién define qué es arte? En el siguiente texto se utiliza el graffiti como pretexto para esbozar un tema mucho más amplio, la noción misma del arte en el siglo XXI.
This panel set out to explore the popular and scholarly literature on graffiti and street art, to assess what has been accomplished in these fields, and where scholarly research in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and allied... more
Keynote presentation based on my most recent book, "Street Art and the Environment".
Today we are witnessing some sudden changes concerning the perception of the urban space in Poland. The social and spatial consequences of the processes of rapid and chaotic development and transformation of the cities during the last... more
Interview on 15 August 2018 with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen for Swedish Radio.
La historia de Kenta Torii, Taki y Horitomo, tres artistas que se ven en la necesidad de emigrar de Japón para ejercer su arte.
In this chapter, I propose that indigenous graffiti and street art are interconnected with the political mobilization of indigenous groups who actively oppose the structural and systemic histories of violence suffered by indigenous people... more
Presentation about the difficulties involved when attempting to represent graffiti and street art in an institutional context. The presentation was given at the workshop "From City Streets to Museum Galleries: Discussing Street Art and... more
Constrained by the concepts of Shangri-La, Tibetans are forced to strategically use peaceful means of protest. Graffiti offers an excellent option
In this anthology chapter, I relate Miwon Kwon's different definitions of sites and site specificity to the field of street art. The case being studied is a photograph of two stencil works by the British artist Banksy and the artist... more
Cedar Lewisohn, curator of the Street Art show at Tate Modern (2008), blustered in an international street art conference in Lisbon (2014) about Street Artacademics being rather fans than critical academics and most Street Art to be... more
This paper applied an ecocritical perspective on street art to expand on the notion that street art can have an impact on how we relate to urban public space. In doing so, it argued that street art is particularly well positioned to... more
URBAN ART: CREATING THE URBAN WITH ART 14-16 July 2016 – Humboldt University Berlin Keynote: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) The conference deals with Urban Art, a new form of art and activism, that occurs in urban... more
"Nos muros urbanos que historicamente acolheram o poder e a disciplina, inscreve-se também o inconsciente selvagem de tudo aquilo que permanece indomesticado. Efémeras, dispersas, negligenciadas ou rasuradas, as expressões disruptivas... more
This anthology chapter examines the removal of and trade in street artworks.
Tor Marancia era un quartiere di case popolari condannato all’immobilità. Almeno fino al 28 febbraio scorso. All’improvviso, alla fine di un caldo febbraio romano, Tor Marancia è finita sotto i riflettori. Centinaia di persone venivano a... more
A lecture by one of the leaders of Cartografía Sur and Graffiti Mujer, Karina Santos Matiz, about the use of graffiti to promote a culture of non-violence towards women and establishing women as political subjects in the Colombian... more
Η παρούσα εργασία διερευνά τη σχέση της street art με το θεσμικό πλαίσιο του μουσείου. Μέσα από την ιστορική ανάδρομή των δύο διαφορετικών αντικειμένων αποτυπώνεται η φύση και τα χαρακτηριστικά τους, που αν και εκ πρώτης φαίνονται... more
Interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen for Inchiesta about the exhibition “Street Art – Banksy & Co. L’arte allo stato urbano” in Bologna and the resultant removal by the Italian artist Blu of all his remaining... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the contribution of street art as a new economy driver in Penang based on secondary data collected from literature review. This paper attempts to reveal the state and private initiatives in... more
Cette photo ne porte pas de titre, car c'est un graffiti. Il a été peint par Banksy (qui est anonyme, nous ne savons pas qui il est). Il a été créé sur le côté palestinien du mur de la bande de Gaza en 2005. La peinture donne un sentiment... more
This chapter examines viewers’ affective encounters with street art and graffiti, with attention to the critical framework provided by Ranciere (2004) whose work suggests a method for investigating our aesthetic practices of participation... more
Museums have joined the yarn bomb craze and hosted a variety of projects of their own. Projects have ranged from small, outdoor bombings announcing the opening of a new exhibit to covering whole building facades, and even an entire... more
El graffiti que se generó durante el Estallido Social, entre octubre 2019 y marzo 2020, en Santiago de Chile, fue un elemento muy presente en las nuevas experiencias urbanas y formas de percibir la ciudad durante esta crisis. El graffiti,... more
This article argues that contemporary street art (or graffiti) uses a unique set of resistant techniques to foreground the contours and shapes of different kinds of structural violence inscribed into, and perpetuated by, the... more
Questo volume documenta l'esplorazione e la modificazione da parte di Julien Malland a.k.a. Seth e il curatore Stefano Antonelli di una parte della ex fabbrica Mira Lanza nel quartiere Ostiense di Roma, quello che sarebbe poi diventato il... more
Contributes by Luca Borriello, Christian Ruggiero, Mario Morcellini, Moira Bernardoni, Caitlin Bruce, Daniela V. de Freitas Simões, Jakob Kimvall, Fabio La Rocca, Néstor García Lázaro, Lachlan MacDowall, Thomas Northoff, Axel Philipps and... more
language makes the book digestable for academics lacking background in Turkish history or Istanbul's past. Türeli ultimately interprets the anxieties of the Istanbulites and how they imagine the future of their city -a place where media... more
Chicano Park im südkalifornischen San Diego ist eine der bedeutendsten Stätten sozial und politisch motivierter Kunst in den USA und mit über 70 Kunstwerken gleichzeitig Ort einer der weltweit größten Ansammlungen moderner... more
Vita e opere dell'artista che ha ribaltato il mondo dell'arte, segnando un'epoca
This paper is rooted in the observation that there is radically less graffiti of any kind in the north (Lefkosha) than there is in the south (Lefkosia). It was revised in 2010 for the IFJP (12:1). This version presents an overview of... more
This article investigates how the COVID-19 pandemic becomes visible in the urban landscape of Vienna in public or commercial signage, posters, graffiti, stickers, and others. I argue that these signs are part of a pandemic inter-discourse... more
Graffiti and street art are unique forms of cultural heritage which have not yet received the scientific attention they deserve. The potential of graffiti research to answer a variety of social and cultural research questions is... more
A street art, ou arte de rua , na contemporaneidade está em evidência com alguns artistas que alcançaram renome mundial, como: Banksy, Obey, Os Gemeos, Kobra, Nina Pandolfo, Nunca, Crânio, Invader, Vhils, C215, dentre outros. Arte essa... more
This article examines street art as a specific type of public art. With Patricia C. Phillips’ idea of the failing »public art machine« as a point of departure, it contextualises the discussion of public art as a phenomenon that goes... more
Presentation at the Second Cross-disciplinary Seminar of the Nice Street Art Project NSAP #4.
taken from: Street Art in Berlin Version 8.0 von Kai Jakob Deutsch / Englisch Broschur, partielle UV-Lackierung, 192 Seiten, 349 farbige Fotos Format: 20,7 x 27,4 cm ISBN 978-3-89773-837-9 Über: Wie die farbenfrohe... more
This paper explores the hypothesis that the process of rupture in Brazilian graffiti writer’s subculture resulting in different groups - pichadores, pixadores and grafiteiros - took place in two different, though complementary, stages.... more
Mainstream but more frequently underground styles of urban centers. The street culture is a perspective of the blocks as shared spaces, made for the advantage of all that live in them. This street culture flourishes in largest cities... more
Bologna, 12 marzo 2016: tarda mattina. Davanti alla facciata dell'XM24 si è appena arrivati all'apice di un terribile, per taluni, scempio, per altri di un glorioso ultimo atto di "resistenza". Il grande murale che qualche anno prima... more
This paper gives a short introduction and discussion of the term Street Art and related terms like Graffiti and Urban Art. A major part discusses my definition of Street Art and other definitions and the differences and commonalities of... more
Detta är en konst- och kulturhistoriska utredning som har utförts på uppdrag av föreningen Life Style som arbetar med att bevara och utveckla graffiti i Rågsved och andra delar av Stockholmsregionen. I fokus för utredningen står... more