Why is there so little graffiti in Northern Ireland compared to cities in North America and Europe – including Great Britain, to which it is constitutionally connected, and Ireland, with which it is geographically connected? This question... more
Główny cel artykułu to zaprezentowanie i weryfikacja podejścia badawczego, możliwego do zaimplementowania w badaniach street artu na gruncie nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach. Dzięki skoncentrowaniu się w trakcie analiz na czterech... more
The majority of scholarly research on graffiti and street art has examined this phenomenon in terms of its distribution and the nature of the perpetrators. Rarely has the law enforcement response been investigated. To better understand... more
In Athens and Istanbul, two cities that have emerged as epicentres of protest within the broader conjuncture of contemporary political mobilization across the Mediterranean, the transformative potential of political street art has become... more
Brazilian favelas and peripheries are constantly threatened by the state, from the promotion of extreme precariousness to outright extermination. Yet, the working class therein, especially the young and mostly black, continue to turn... more
Graffiti is a popular topic in the sociological, criminological, and linguistic literature with several book length treatments of various types of graffiti including tagging, gang graffiti, murals, and ''bombings''. Yet, political... more
Multimodal graffiti are constrained by the environment in which they are written and by the activities in which graffiti writing takes place. This article examines graffiti collected in Graffiti Park and Nam Van Lake Underground in Macao.... more
La ciudad francesa de Nantes y su área metropolitana son reconocido epicentro mundial en cuestiones de arte público, pero también puede buscarse allí un referente en la distinción entre arte "participativo" y "colaborativo", dos adjetivos... more
This seminar is part of the process of developing the ‘Street Art of Resistance’ book. Different authors will present their work about street art as well as other aesthetic tools used by social movements from different cultural contexts.
In the imaginary of nation-states, and in much (forced) migration and border studies, the wall is the metaphor par excellence of ‘hardened, securitised’ and, ultimately, ‘violent borders’ (Jones 2016). It is not incidental that the... more
This volume explored the ways mobility, spatiality, resistance, literature, and politics intersect and inform each other. At various points of contact, these concepts can be seen to open up new spaces, highlight possibilities of new... more
Cedar Lewisohn, curateur de l’exposition de Street art à la Tate Modern (2008), déclarait dans une conférence internationale à Lisbonne en 2014, que les chercheurs spécialistes de Street art étaient plutôt des fans que des chercheurs... more
Political street art and slogans appear as visual markers of the shifting, complex discourses of power struggles, marginality and counter-cultures that establish a new reality that must be seen and heard. As an art form, it is largely... more
In this piece I argue against common defenses of graffiti.
Resumen: El análisis de manifestaciones artísticas en el espacio público hace necesario ordenar el panorama. Se conocen con la etiqueta generalista de “graffiti” y “arte urbano“ aunque estas dos fórmulas definen manifestaciones diferentes... more
Cette étude tente, à travers une approche compréhensive, d’analyser les aspects micropolitiques du street art. Dix-huit artistes ont été observés et interviewés individuellement. Les résultats suggèrent que cette pratique artistique est... more
Shaped in the shadow of colonialism and post-colonialism, visual arts in Hong Kong have wrestled with issues of identity, locality, and international recognition. The lengthy process of the transfer of sovereignty, initiated in 1984 by... more
This article argues that contemporary street art (or graffiti) uses a unique set of resistant techniques to foreground the contours and shapes of different kinds of structural violence inscribed into, and perpetuated by, the... more
Raising the persistence question about architectural entities consists in asking what is necessary and sufficient for a past or future architectural entity, like a building, to exist now. In this paper I investigate how the persistence... more
This article is presented in the form of an illustrated memoire from the Greek bicentenary day (25 March 2021) and the way it was celebrated in Athens. As the Greek capital was under strict lockdown at the time, in view of the COVID-19... more
Details are presented of a recent research project undertaken to ascertain the documentary and descriptive practices associated with graffiti artwork from within the graffiti art community as evidenced by 241 graffiti websites. Domain... more
This article examines graffiti as the illicit strategy of contemporary urban space formation and presents the non-conventional cityscape perception of the graffiti subculture members. The findings of the study based on detailed interviews... more
In this chapter, I propose that indigenous graffiti and street art are interconnected with the political mobilization of indigenous groups who actively oppose the structural and systemic histories of violence suffered by indigenous people... more
The present paper focuses on the concepts of urban and linguistic space. It considers the city as a diamesic melting pot. Graffitism is seen as a communication channel that needs to be examined in order to better understand the urban... more
Graffiti is a short-lived form of heritage balancing between tangible and intangible, offensive and pleasant. Graffiti makes people laugh, wonder, angry, think. These conflicting traits are all present along Vienna's Donaukanal (Eng.... more
Small towns in Spain’s depopulated areas are currently seeking ways to promote their cultural heritage in their bid to create wealth. Francisco de Goya’s birthplace—Fuendetodos in the region of Zaragoza, Spain—holds a significant ensemble... more
co-authored with Agnes Mondragón
In this paper we will analyse street art by focusing on the effects of meaning that this form of art produces in its relationship to urban elements and spaces and, conversely, how these enter significantly into artistic representation. In... more
At the beginning of the (brief) history of street art there was no more bitter enemy than the museum for an art that was born subversive and vandalistic. With time the distances have shortened and the relationship between street art and... more
Murals have become a familiar element in urban landscapes around the world, providing benefits for individuals, communities, and cities. Many murals have been co-opted by city administrations as part of broader municipal policies. Despite... more
Street art is defined as a contemporary artistic work within an urban landscape created by artists that are part of the broader art community as a whole. These works appeared for the first time in the 1960’s in New York. Street artists... more
In this article, the question ‘Why Can't Banksy Be a Woman’ is a point of departure to approach some of the pressing challenges regarding sex and gender in graffiti and street art studies, in order to contribute on the matter of the... more
“Since the emergence of the global contemporary graffiti and street art, urban spaces have become filled with a variety of techniques and art pieces, whether as a beautification method, commemorative and community art, or even activism.... more
The term Graffiti comes from the Latin being the plural of the verb graffiare (to scratch), it reminds of the way in which the Roman or Greek "vandals" recorded their political beliefs, love statements or even simple protests, on the... more
Artiklis on tähelepanu all sooline aspekt grafitis ja tänavakunstis kui konteksti- ja kommunikatsioonikeskses kultuuriilmingus. Põhiküsimused on, kuidas soolisus ja sooline kommunikatsioon grafitis avaldub ning milline on grafiti... more
Domain analysis is useful for examination of individual spheres of intellectual activity, both academic and otherwise, and has been used in the knowledge organization (KO) literature to explore specific communities and uses, including web... more
Despite its massive presence in our cities, the accusations of vandalism have caused scholars of Italian language and culture to shy away from the analysis of graffiti. Another factor might also have been a certain traditional elite... more
The present study re-evaluates the relationship between street art and the value-based approach to heritage conservation. The research presents the limitations of the value-based approach, which relate to its conceptualisation of... more
En el presente trabajo se realizará un estudio de los procesos culturales existentes en la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares en la actualidad a través del arte urbano. Concretamente, se analizarán las representaciones del Quijote, personaje... more
Im Athen der Gegenwart, getragen von einer städtischen Landschaft geprägt von Krise und Austerität, haben sich Street Art und Graffiti als gesellschaftlich bedeutsame Medien politischer Subversion im öffentlichen Raum etabliert. Die... more
My essay focuses on the notion of artification, recently emerged in the philosophical and artistic debate. Some case studies show that “public wall paintings” work as an artifying strategy of public space both at a superficial and at a... more
Stan 153 is often mentioned as a source of inspiration for the first generations of writers. He has followed the development of graffiti from the tags of 1969 to the 3D pieces of today. In the classic book Getting Up, he helped to tell... more
The focus of this research is an exploration of aspects of liminality and how it manifests in selected unsanctioned public art interventions in ‘urban places’, specifically, the Johannesburg Central Business District. Liminality informs... more
Tatyana Fazlalizadeh is a contemporary African American illustrator whose practice engages with portraiture as a means of addressing social injustices. The artist utilizes the medium of illegal wheat pastings, and her feminist series Stop... more
Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal – Methodologies for Research, November 2015, 1(1). Co-authored by: Gemma Galdon Clavell, Liliana Arroyo Moliner, Eticas Research & Consulting Marcus Willcocks, Gamze Toylan, Adam Thorpe,... more
La escena actual del arte callejero es amplia y compleja: coexistiendo con prácticas vernáculas, otras formas de hacer graffiti y arte en la calle han venido ganando terreno desde los años noventa, dando lugar a un tipo de arte fuera de... more
Putting up color photographs with captions is a rare trend in urban art images. So is engaging with the less fortunate people from developing countries. Through visual dislocation that highlights the stark juxtaposition of content and the... more