Street Art and Graffiti

609 papers
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Street art and graffiti refer to visual art forms created in public spaces, often without official permission. This genre encompasses a variety of styles and techniques, serving as a medium for social commentary, political expression, and cultural identity, while challenging traditional notions of art and ownership in urban environments.
The article examines the role of art in igniting revolutions, fostering social change, and ultimately transforming reality in Elalamy Youssouf Amine and Hejjamy Yassine's graphic novel Drôles de Rêvolutions. With a satirical tone, the... more
„[Burr] After the war I went back to New York [Hamilton] A-After the war I went back to New York [Burr] I finished up my studies and I practiced law [Hamilton] I practiced law, Burr worked next door.“ Mit diesem Duett der beiden... more
This collection of essays discusses the occurrence, function, and value of imperfection in a variety of human practices. The volume is divided into seven parts, the first addressing general issues; and the remaining six dealing with... more
Джек Стюарт (1926-2005) — художник, преподаватель и искусствовед. С 1970 по 1977 год, в рамках работы над докторской диссертацией, Дж. Стюарт документировал феномен Нью-Йоркского граффити, застав его появление и дальнейшее развитие на... more
Con motivo de la crisis económico -social del año 2001 se profundizó en nuestro país el fenómeno del arte callejero, acontecimiento que apuntaló nuevas exploraciones culturales dentro del ámbito urbano. 1 En la ciudad de La Plata el... more
The acclaimed Dutch artist group Observatorium has distilled 25 years of learnings into Public Art for Public Life, a beautifully crafted hardbound book published in 2022 by nai010 publishers. Their legacy continues to inspire, having... more
The European Landscape Convention (ELC) acknowledges that the landscape is an important part of the quality of life for people everywhere, in urban areas and the countryside, in degraded areas as well as higher quality areas and... more
This chapter attends to a hyperlocal case study-the implementation of a commissioned mural atop a prior accumulation of self-sanctioned graffiti in a central Athenian neighborhoodto reflect on a set of broader questions around conflict,... more
Lewis Mumford makes the case that the first (western) utopia was a City, and that the first (western) City was a utopia, and David Harvey similarly iterates that "[t]he figures of 'the city' and of 'Utopia' have long... more
Abstract: Urban anthropologists are shifting from traditional approaches that treated the city merely as the “object” or “context” of research, focusing instead on the city as a dynamic process, shaped and reshaped by city-making... more
Public art plays a crucial role in transforming urban landscapes, serving as a catalyst for social cohesion, cultural expression, and urban revitalization. This study explores the significance of public art in Kadıköy, Istanbul, as a case... more
Artiste polymorphe associé à la tendance plus ou moins vaste du street art, l’anglais Banksy autorise, au moins, deux appréhensions à travers le prisme de l’image, lesquelles procèdent de deux acceptions voisines mais distinctes de la... more
This article aims to characterize collective and territorial identity disputes among young participants in the 2019 Social Outburst in Chile. It highlights the crisis of representativeness that the country has been experiencing for years... more
English Abstract: The essay aims to demonstrate that participatory ecological art focused on planting, sowing, and cultivation serves as a means to promote a culture of environmental care. After exploring several artistic projects... more
This paper presents a small, cableless and cost-effective (circa € 500 in 2022) device that embeds an RTK-enabled GNSS receiver and IMU in a 3D printed case to record the exterior orientation of photos via the camera's hot shoe. This... more
Book published as part of Brad Downey and John Fekner's public art project DATES DOORS THEN & MORE. The book not only documents and discusses different aspects of the interventions created in public space, but is itself such an... more
The Photographer entrevista a The Photographer. Repito la fórmula que empleé en 2019: una entrevista conmigo mismo. De este modo, me aseguro abordar en profundidad todos los temas que considero importantes. La flexibilidad es la... more
Il Guercino è tra i più celebri pittori del Seicento barocco. A soli venticinque anni, già molto noto, decide di aprire l'Accademia del Nudo a Cento, sua città natale, situata nel bel mezzo dell'Emilia pontificia. La scuola ottiene un... more
On February 29, 2024 an interdisciplinary group of researchers gathered on a Zoom call to celebrate and activate in conversation Sabina Andron’s book "Urban Surfaces, Graffiti and the Right to the City," released with Routledge just weeks... more
This paper aims to analyse the spatial effects generated within the metropolitan area of Naples due to the cataloguing process of Urban Creativity Territorial Systems (STECU). The initiative was promoted by the Ministry for Cultural... more
POLINIZA DOS Trobada d'Art Urbà 2024 XIX Edición (13 al 17 de mayo de 2024). Mi propuesta para el Accésit de Poliniza Dos 2024 se fundamentaba en dos palabras que dan soporte a mis intervenciones urbanas furtivas durante los... more
En esta investigación se exploró cómo el graffiti influye en la percepción y creatividad de los estudiantes. ¿Qué ocurre cuando el arte urbano entra en el colegio? El grafiti o como es conocido en pleno 2018 mural urbano realizado por... more
This thesis explores the identity performance of graffiti writers in European cities, focusing on the subcultures present in Rome and Amsterdam. Utilizing an ethnographic approach, the study combines participant observation and in-depth... more
Graffiti, while adding vibrancy to spaces, often carries the stigma of illegality due to its unsanctioned nature. Recognizing this complex interplay and the varying public opinions about graffiti, this paper explores the visible and... more
Public space is fundamental to democracy. It is a common arena that we all have the right to use. In Urban Creativity, nine European researchers from different disciplines describe how subcultures utilize public space. The essays are... more
I apologize for the lack of formality here, this is not supposed to be a finalized paper but rather a more concise easier to read format including all of my main points and main ideas in regards to the topic of Time and how to Define what... more
Throughout the last years, vertical green walls are increasing their existence in modern buildings, providing numerous benefits to the buildings and to the surrounding area. Milano citizens are becoming increasingly sensitive to... more
FAM5006W 'Art, outrage, dialogue: A McLuhan reading of three visual communicative practices in Cape Town public space'.
A discussion about the role of urban surfaces in developing public cultures and equitable cities
A digital photo file contains the image pixel values along with associated photo metadata. Storing those metadata is enabled by various standards. For instance, the Exif standard enables the recording of technical photo metadata like the... more
In the year of Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary and the 40th birthday of Wild Style, goINDIGO 2023 managed to bring various disciplines together to discuss the various ways of dissipating and understanding bits of graffiti bytes. The... more
Time has remained one of the hardest-to-grasp properties of nature despite humans talking about time… all the time. However, even academic fields that are indifferent to the exact physical or philosophical characteristics of time must... more
This paper presents Urban Chameleon, an online platform currently developed within INDIGO, an academic project that aims to inventory, disseminate, and analyse contemporary graffiti along the Donaukanal (Eng. Danube Canal) in Vienna,... more
O presente texto, passa por uma conceitualização da Nova História Cultural e também uma análise da sociedade contemporânea à luz da Teoria Crítica Frankfurtiana, destacando como os meios de comunicação frequentemente distorcem o... more
A discussion about the role of urban surfaces in developing public cultures and equitable cities. Participants in these Surface Conversations were asked to address three prompts, which you will find in the following pages: 1. Share a... more
Chile’s 2019 protests witnessed some of the most audacious public art the world had ever seen. Today, amid a right-wing backlash, the radical imagination displayed on Santiago’s graffiti-covered walls feels like a distant dream.
In 2015 INWARD-the National Observatory on Urban Creativity started the project called "Parco dei Murales", a process of artistic requalification and social regeneration in the Ponticelli district, itself in the Eastern part of the great... more
The capitalist economic system ensures its own continuity and existence by encouraging individuals to consume non-stop. In this lifestyle, called the consumer society, individuals are in a state of alienation. The research focuses on... more
Knitting and crochet, as well as other fiber arts, have traditionally not been studied beyond their use for dating archaeological finds and sites, their artistic value and skill, and historical evidence of the movement of people. These... more
Located on Dakota and Ojibwe land, St. Paul Minnesota is a unique hub of arts, enterprise, and history. The city’s landscape has been shaped by racial covenants, economic hardships, and migration to surrounding suburbs. Today, community... more
The article discusses the politics of contemporary street art. The analysis builds on the characteristic contradiction in the core of street art: it is both illegal and popular. It can be considered both vandalism and institutionally... more
This research paper seeks to explore the potential of graffiti street art to foster community engagement and participation in sustainable development initiatives in Delhi, India. The unique ability of graffiti street art to transform... more
Call for Papers: Bearing Witness: Scratching the Surface of Italian Art
Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference in Boston, 3-2025
In this article I analyze urban interventions as communicative practices that can become visual "scenes of dissensus", i.e. political disruptions made by emerging voices. In three of the cases I present, activists use a variety of tactics... more