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Social enterprises (SE) emerge where there are opportunities to find new ways to balance otherwise competing interests and to achieve social purposes in ways that are better than and distinct from traditional approaches. Understanding... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipPolitical ScienceSocial EnterprisesPhilanthropy
This paper discusses various issues and challenges facing philanthropy and nonprofit organizations in the United States of America. This report presents effective fundraising strategies and discusses management techniques employed by... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesFundraisingNonprofitNonprofit Governance
The United States population is the world's most philanthropic, be it at a personal, family, or corporate level. Philanthropy is in crisis: the effect of the lock-down, the slowing of the economy, and the uncertainty in the labor market... more
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      PhilanthropyCorporate PhilanthropyStrategic Philanthropy
Globally, corporate social responsibility (
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationSociologyPsychology
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      Sociology of ReligionAmerican CatholicismJesuit historyHistory of Roman Catholicism
This paper improves the theory of creating shared value (CSV), a new way to achieve economic success, which was introduced by Porter and Kramer. First, this study provides four types of corporations (Stupid Corporation, Selfish... more
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      International BusinessPhilanthropyCorporate PhilanthropyHistory of philanthropy
The 20th Century revolved politically around competing interpretations of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Fascism. These are all ways to organize the lives of people on a large scale. Are real alternatives or new interpretations... more
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      FinanceReligionEconomic HistorySociology
Strategic Philanthropy is an approach by which corporate or business giving and other philanthropic endeavors of a firm are designed in such a way that it best fits with the firm's overall mission, goals and values. This entry provides... more
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      PhilanthropyCorporate PhilanthropyStrategic PhilanthropyStrategic CSR
Effective altruism is a philosophy and a social movement that aims to revolutionise the way in which we do philanthropy. It encourages individuals to do as much good as possible, typically by contributing money to the best-performing aid... more
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      International DevelopmentHuman RightsGlobal JusticeForeign Aid
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      Cuban StudiesPhilanthropyHealth Care ManagementCuban Revolution
Among all industrial societies, the United States has long granted the most scope to philanthropy. While foundations exist in many countries—most prominently in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, and Japan—the United... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesCivil Society and the Public SphereFundraisingCharitable giving
Thèse de doctorat en sciences de gestion soutenue le 8 spetembre 2014 à l'Université de Montpellier
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      Judgment and decision makingValuesOrganizational CommitmentFundraising
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      PhilanthropyStrategic Philanthropy
Scholarship on leftist movements suggests a moderating impact of foundation funding, but for conservative movements, more radical ideology potentially attracts patrons, as evidenced in the development of the New Right. This paper looks at... more
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      Social MovementsNonprofitPhilanthropyRight-Wing Movements
Con l' Illumunismo il rapporto tra filantropia, educazione e potere subisce una ri-concettualizzazione che fa emergere una discontinuità rispetto al passato. E' in questo contesto che prende forma l'opera di Johann B. Basedow verso il... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionEducation
This report summarizes a year of research on how funders can work more collaboratively to place longer-term, more adaptive resources with organizations to help them scale their impact. It includes findings from case studies of 25 funder... more
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      CollaborationVenture PhilanthropyStrategic PhilanthropySystems Change
Le choix de traiter de la pratique philanthropique de la Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française (RTBF), et plus particulièrement des opérations de générosité CAP 48 et Viva for Life, s’est imposé à la suite d’un constat.... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipFundraisingPhilanthropyTelevision
by Georg von Schnurbein -DRAFT VERSIONdo not cite without the authors permission Philanthropic acts aim at a change in habits or situation in the life of others. The current debate on performance measurement and professionalization of the... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesPhilanthropyVenture PhilanthropyCorporate Philanthropy
François Brouard SCSE-CSES / Sprott School of Business, Carleton University Juniper Glass SCSE-CSES / Carleton University ABSTRACT Information and reporting issues are most present than ever in an accountability context, Grantmaking... more
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      PhilanthropyStrategic PhilanthropyPhilanthropieGrantmaking Foundations
cro nkne m m/2013/02/15/ro gue-university-president-returns-half-o f-salary-vo ws-to -fo cus-o n-necessities/ President Dolly has been named a finalist for Humanitarian of the Year by Time Magaz ine.
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      Organizational BehaviorGender StudiesPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesCommunication
By Nancy Pole, PhiLab August 7, 2016 By describing and critically discussing foundation collaboration as a field of practice, this literature review aims to provide a conceptual and analytical framework to accompany the Canadian case... more
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      PhilanthropyMultidisciplinary CollaborationHistory of philanthropyStrategic Philanthropy
Abstract This paper discusses various issues and challenges facing philanthropy and nonprofit organizations in the United States of America. The writer believes that effective grant writing abilities are necessary for leaders in higher... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesHigher EducationSustainability in Higher EducationFundraising
In this article, I address the impact of neoliberalism and the attendant techniques of financialization on multiculturalism in Canada through ethnographic research at a non-profit, multicultural heritage institution. I consider how the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorHistoryCultural HistorySociology
The workings of one of the most funded Armenian foundations in Armenia and the Diaspora
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      Armenian StudiesArmenian HistoryArmenian CultureArmenian Diaspora in the USA
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      Sociology of ReligionAmerican CatholicismJesuit historyHistory of Roman Catholicism
This book explores how a handful of liberal foundations contributed to establish and orientate the international climate regime. Looking back at the origins of international climate philanthropy and its evolution over the past three... more
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      Strategic PhilanthropyClimate PoliticsSocial Justice Philanthropy
Recent efforts billed as supporting graduate students are papering over the real issues they face. Since persons with PhDs are generally employed in good jobs, floundering grad programs are dropping a difficult measure of success (tenure... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesHigher EducationGraduate EducationPhilanthropy
As the number of Indonesians migrating to foreign countries grows, so do the remittances they send back to Indonesia. The amounts are significant. The World Bank's Migration and remittance Factbook noted that in 2008 Indonesia ranked... more
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      Indonesian StudiesDiaspora StudiesStrategic PhilanthropyLeadership and change management
Can and should the superrich save the world? While this is a highly contested issue, attention is predominantly paid to individual philanthrocapitalists, such as Bill and Melinda Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Pierre Omidyar, George Soros,... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryOrganizational TheorySocial Sciences
Foundations are commonly recognized as having a comparative advantage in supporting forward-looking projects and programs. In this sense, the long term represents the natural horizon in which the foundations are called to fulfill their... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesMonitoring And EvaluationSustainable DevelopmentLocal Development
By Juniper Glass Oct 4, 2016 The study describes the landscape of collaboration between grantmaking foundations in Canada: how and why philanthropic organizations are working together towards shared goals. This topic was selected... more
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      PhilanthropyHistory of philanthropyStrategic PhilanthropyGrantmaking Foundations
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      Youth WorkPositive Youth DevelopmentPhilanthropyBlack girls
Contributing to society is not simply a charitable gesture but can be a value creating activity when utilized with an appropriate strategy. Companies should attempt to move from “good corporation” to “smart corporation.” Society should... more
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      BusinessPorterCorporate PhilanthropyCorporate Strategy
Value. Voice. Collective Impact. Philanthropy networks, their leaders, members and funders alike, are looking to build a future in which these core elements are reflected in their work. How can networks define and realize new value... more
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      PhilanthropyVenture PhilanthropyCorporate PhilanthropyStrategic Philanthropy
Juniper Glass SCSE-CSES / Carleton University François Brouard SCSE-CSES / Sprott School of Business, Carleton University SCSE-CSES Discussion Paper May 2015 ABSTRACT Transparency and information sharing issues are more present than... more
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      PhilanthropyStrategic PhilanthropyGrantmaking Foundations
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial EntrepreneurshipSocial Marketing
The Guidebook describes what we understand by Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and how the EU-funded Tools for CLIL Teachers project can help you in your teaching practice. We briefly describe two of the integral utilities... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityStrategic Philanthropy
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      TurkeyTurkey And EuropePhilanthropyModern Turkey
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      MarketingGender StudiesMacroeconomicsPolitical Economy
Abstract This paper examines the “Respect for History” project on Turkey's Gallipoli Peninsula sponsored by a Turkish oil company, OPET. The project sought to enhance and protect the cultural and historical experiences of... more
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      Community DevelopmentHeritage TourismQuality of lifeTurkey
Nonprofits -especially foundations- are increasingly expected to operate as effectively as possible and, in recent years, calls for improved accountability and transparency have become more strident than ever. In addition, foundations... more
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      Corporate GovernanceStrategic Philanthropy
This study examines media framing of philanthropy. It presents a new theoretical and methodological framework that combines and integrates theories and models from the fields of communication and philanthropy. The framework includes three... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismCorporate Social ResponsibilityWar Studies
Abstract This paper examines the “Respect for History” project on Turkey's Gallipoli Peninsula sponsored by a Turkish oil company, OPET. The project sought to enhance and protect the cultural and historical experiences of... more
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      Community DevelopmentHeritage TourismQuality of lifeTurkey
As the European ecosystem continues to grow and diversify, the need for a meta-analysis emerged to examine opportunities and challenges and determine expectations from organisations going forward. The... more
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      PhilanthropyVenture PhilanthropyCorporate PhilanthropyNonprofit and Philanthropic Organizations
If public goods are broadly defined as resources that not only benefit those who possess them but society in general, then US philanthropic foundations have long been providers of public goods in Latin America, due to their grants to... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsInternational StudiesHuman Rights
This report encourages philanthropic funders to work more collaboratively and provide longer-term, more adaptive resources with grantees and investees to help them scale their solutions and impact and achieve systems change. It summarizes... more
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      PhilanthropyStrategic PhilanthropySocial Science, systems and process thinking, action resarch and organizational change
There is no question that transparency is an essential element of effective philanthropy. Foundation-grantee relationships are enhanced by mutual transparency and impeded by opaque practice. However, there are questions about the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBehavioral SciencesNonprofit StudiesLeadership
By Peter R Elson and Sara Hall

Policy Matters: Grant‐Making foundations and public policy engagement
A Preliminary Exploration of the Canadian Landscape

How do Canadian foundations engage in policy and political activities?
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      PhilanthropyStrategic PhilanthropyPhilanthropiePublic Policy
Since 2008 approximately half of the states in the U.S. have enacted statutes permitting “hybrid” business forms that blend aspects of traditional for-profit ventures with characteristics normally associated with traditional non-profit... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesSocial EntrepreneurshipPhilanthropyNonprofit Management and Leadership
This paper explores an emerging area, where a change is taking place in American Jewish philanthropic support of Israel, signaling a notable shift in the traditional support of Jews in the Jewish State. Over the last 30 years, a very... more
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      Strategic PhilanthropySocial Justice Philanthropy