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In recent years, financial economists and commercial providers of governance services have created measures of corporate governance quality that collapse into one number (a governance rating or index) the multiple dimensions of a... more
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      Corporate GovernanceStock MarketInstitutional InvestorsCorporate Performance
The board of directors is one of a number of internal governance mechanisms that are intended to ensure that the interests of shareholders and managers are closely aligned, and to discipline or remove ineffective management teams. Among... more
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      Corporate GovernanceStock MarketEmpirical ResearchCultural difference
We provide a comprehensive review of China's financial system, and explore directions of future development. First, the financial system has been dominated by a large banking sector. In recent years banks have made considerable progress... more
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      Real EstateEconomic GrowthStock MarketFinancial System
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      Stock MarketStock MarketsStock Market EfficiencyElectronic Trading in Stock exchanges
The paper studies the effect on the stock market in India. It's a vivid picture which has emerged in India Stock market. This paper will try to evaluate the stock market fall from January 2020 to 17 th March 2020.The data are collected... more
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      Stock MarketCorona Virus
The paper studies the effect on the stock market in India. It’s a vivid picture which has emerged in India Stock market. This paper will try to evaluate the stock market fall from January 2020 to 17 th March 2020.The data are collected... more
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      Stock MarketCorona Virus
Günümüzde Yapay Sinir Ağları son dönemde popüler olan öngörü yöntemlerinden biridir. Bununla birlikte Yapay Sinir Ağları kendi içerisinde öngörü modelleri birkaç farklı yöntemle ayrılmaktadır. Bu makalede yapay sinir ağları yöntemlerinden... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceStock MarketArtificial Neural NetworksStock Market Technical Analysis
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) builds on the portfolio theory and predicts that all investors hold the market portfolio in equilibrium and as such only systematic risks is priced. Yet empirical evidences on this important relation... more
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      Time SeriesStock MarketCapital Asset Pricing ModelSystematic Risk
This paper explores the effects of deregulation and globalization on the dominant mode of corporate governance in Swedish public firms. The effects are multidimensional-the direction of change in corporate governance cannot be determined... more
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      EntrepreneurshipCorporate GovernanceInstitutional TheoryRelevance Theory
This study investigates long-term linear and nonlinear causal linkages among eleven stock markets, six industrialized markets and five emerging markets of South-East Asia. We cover the period 1987-2006, taking into account the on-set of... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsEconomicsNonparametric Statistics
We examine the intraday trading response of participants in the common stock market and in the preferred stock market to announcements of dividend increases on common stock. We find that participants in the preferred stock market respond... more
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      BehaviorEconomic PsychologyMultidisciplinaryStock Market
Investors, before making an investment decision, rely on many sources of information, including the Web, which in current times has become an important mean of mass production and dissemination of information for the financial/stock... more
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      Information ExtractionStock MarketMass productionOpinion Mining
This study develops a new KOSPI200 implied volatility index and examines its informational content and nonlinear dynamics. The construction of this new benchmark for volatility expectations follows the methodology for calculating the new... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsStock MarketEmpirical evidenceIndexation
This chapter describes data mining in finance by discussing financial tasks, specifics of methodologies and techniques in this data mining area. It includes time dependence, data selection, forecast horizon, measures of success, quality... more
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      Data MiningTime SeriesPortfolio ManagementNeural Network
The Stock market forecasters focus on developing a successful approach to predict stock prices. The vital idea to successful stock market prediction is not only achieving best results but also to minimize the inaccurate forecast of stock... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningSentiment AnalysisOpinion Mining (Data Mining)
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      Foreign Exchange MarketApplied EconomicsStock MarketUnited Kingdom
The probability distribution of stock price changes is studied by analyzing a database (the Trades and Quotes Database) documenting every trade for all stocks in three major US stock markets, for the two year period Jan 1994 -Dec 1995. A... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsStock MarketProbability Distribution & ApplicationsMathematical Sciences
The paper provides general evidence of income-increasing earnings management in Malaysian IPOs but this occurs primarily during a period of severe economic stress (the East Asian crisis). The requirement to provide a profit guarantee... more
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      Earnings ManagementInitial public offeringStock MarketOwnership Structure
Our aim is to test if the leverage and the debt maturity of Chilean firms quoted in the stock market are related with their growth opportunities, their ownership structure and the environment in which they operate. We perform an empirical... more
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      Stock MarketOwnership StructureFirm GrowthInstitutional Environment
This work aims to show how an intelligent system based on reinforcement learning can benefit of classical financial indicators to overcome classic trading strategies in the stock market. Due to the non-linear, random and non-stationary... more
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      Reinforcement LearningMachine LearningStock MarketAlgorithmic Trading
This paper examines herding behavior in global markets. By applying daily data for 18 countries from May 25, 1988, through April 24, 2009, we find evidence of herding in advanced stock markets (except the US) and in Asian markets. No... more
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      Applied MathematicsBehavioral FinanceStock MarketFinancial Crisis
Applying S. Taylor's approach (1986), we make an extensive analysis on the Japanese stock market, foreign exchange market and the Japanese Government Bond Futures market. The purpose of this paper is to empirically reveal the structure of... more
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      EconomicsForeign Exchange MarketStock MarketExchange rate
The Sonification Application and Research Toolbox (SonART) is an open-source effort to develop a platform-independent collection of methods to map data to sonification parameters. A set of graphical user interface tools that will provide... more
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      Auditory DisplayStock MarketOpen SourceGraphic User Interface Design
This paper employs a components-jump volatility filter to investigate the possible market impact of political risk. The filter operates by identifying jump return dates, which are then associated with political events, allowing us to... more
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      Applied EconomicsStock MarketMoney and FinanceOption pricing
This study analyzes the effect of corporate bond rating changes by international agencies on stock prices. This topic has not yet been analyzed for the Spanish stock market, despite the growing importance of ratings in Spanish financial... more
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      EconomicsStock MarketEvent StudyAsymmetric Information
The Stock Exchange Bank is a locally owned bank which prides itself on customer service. To provide excellent customer service for its customers, the human resources manager and other managers within the bank must interview and carefully... more
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    • Stock Market
This study contributes to the stock returns-inflation relation literature in developing countries by revisiting the issue with reference to the emerging economy, India. More specifically, it tests whether the Indian stock market provides... more
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial Economics
How does a firm in one country evaluate an investment in a firm in another country, or how does it evaluate a foreign project that the firm itself is undertaking? The firm must estimate future free cash flows just as in a domestic... more
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      Stock MarketCapital Asset Pricing ModelDeveloping CountryDiscount Rate
Many previous studies on insider trading are based on data in the U.S. capital market and conclude that insiders can earn abnormal profits. This paper examines abnormal price performance associated with insider trading in the Hong Kong... more
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      Stock MarketSmall FirmsProfitabilityInsider Trading
An in-depth investigation of the effects of announcement of corporate crime on firm performance focusing on stock market performance among public enterprises in Malaysia has been conducted. A sample of 7 large, established public... more
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      Stock MarketFirm PerformanceEvent StudyEmpirical Study
From the perspective of the agent-based model of stock markets, this paper examines the possible explanations for the presence of the causal relation between stock returns and trading volume. The implication of this result is that the... more
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      Stock MarketGranger causalityStock PriceAgent Based Model
Human decision making by professionals trading daily in the stock market can be a daunting task. It includes decisions on whether to keep on investing or to exit a market subject to huge price swings, and how to price in news or rumors... more
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      Stock MarketIndexationDow Jones Industrial Average
The complexity-entropy causality plane has been recently introduced as a powerful tool for discriminating Gaussian from non-Gaussian process and different degrees of correlations [O.A. Rosso, H.A. Larrondo, M.T. Martín, A. Plastino, M.A.... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsStatistical PhysicsStock Market
We propose a methodology for clustering financial time series of stocks' returns, and a graphical set-up to quantify and visualise the evolution of these clusters through time. The proposed graphical representation allows for the... more
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      Computational EconomicsEconometricsStock MarketFinancial time series
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      FinanceCognitive ScienceMachine LearningData Mining
This study objective to examine the relationship between gold prices, oil prices and KSE100 return. This study important for the investor whose want to invest in real assets and financial assets. This study helps investor to achieve the... more
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      EconomicsStock MarketInvestment Portfolio ManagementDescriptive Statistics
The paper, which is based on a newly constructed and unique database, examines the emergence, ownership structure, diversification, evolution and economic activity of business groups in Israel whose development over the years occurred... more
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      Stock MarketOwnership StructurePanel DataProfitability
Heteroskedasticity biases tests for contagion based on correlation coefficients. When contagion is defined as a significant increase in market comovement after a shock to one country, previous work suggests contagion occurred during... more
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      FinanceStock MarketDeveloping CountryAsian Financial Crisis
The phenomenon of low-balling reported in the financial press involves downward biased projections of earnings by managers or analysts, thereby artificially lowering market expectations and creating a positive earnings surprise when... more
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      Stock MarketInsider TradingFinancialMarket efficiency
In this paper, an improved training algorithm based on the terminal attractor concept for feedforward neural network learning is proposed. A condition to avoid the singularity problem is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed... more
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      Applied MathematicsBack PropagationStock MarketGlobal Optimization
The paper tackles the problem of deriving a topological structure among stock prices from high frequency historical values. Similar studies using low frequency data have already provided valuable insights. However, in those cases data... more
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      Time SeriesStock MarketLow FrequencyHigh Frequency
This study examines the nature of the linkages between stock market prices and exchange rates in six advanced economies, namely the US, the UK, Canada, Japan, the euro area, and Switzerland, using data on the banking crisis between 2007... more
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      LawStock MarketFinancial AnalysisEuro Area
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      Quality ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilityQuality ImprovementStock Market
Outliers in financial data can lead to model parameter estimation biases, invalid inferences and poor volatility forecasts. Therefore, their detection and correction should be taken seriously when modeling financial data. This paper... more
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      Stock MarketParameter estimationWaveletsVolatility Forecasting
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      Stock MarketTechnical AnalysisMoving averageMultiple regression analysis
Inflation means a persistent change in the price level of goods and services in an economy. It is generally measured in the consumer price index (CPI) or retail price index (RPI). Inflation reduces the purchasing power of a country's... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsIndian studiesInflation Theory
Traditional accounting performance measures, such as EPS, ROI, ROE, have long been used by investors to evaluate companies' implemented and future strategies. However, in recent years the appearance of shareholder value approach and its... more
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      BusinessStock MarketMutual FundShareholder Value
The benefits of listing a company's stock on a foreign exchange to achieve better global market integration have been quite extensively examined. What has been overlooked in the finance literature is an attempt to explain why the New York... more
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      Applied MathematicsStock MarketForeign ExchangeSignalling
Modern historians infrequently acknowledge that women were financial investors before the twentieth century. Yet a study of nineteenth-century England shows substantial groups of women investing for income, capital growth, or a share in... more
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      EconomicsFeminist EconomicsFamily BusinessProperty Rights