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Reducing overfishing and recovering overfished fish stocks is a challenging and important global problem. Rebuilding targets are essential ingredients for guiding overfished stocks to recovery. Having robust estimates of rebuilding... more
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      ZoologyEcologyModel averagingModels
Demand forecasting is one of the main challenges for retailers and wholesalers in any industry. Proper demand forecasting gives business valuable information about potential profits and helps managers in taking targeted decisions on... more
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      Forecasting and Prediction ToolsStockCoordinated Multiple Views
Problem statement: The stock exchange market has been one of the most popular investments in the recent past due to its high returns. The market has become an integral part of the global economy to the extent that any fluctuation in this... more
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      StatisticsMartingaleForecastingPure Mathematics
The taxonomic composition of the metazoan parasites found in the stomach of 629 specimens of the "Patagonian toothfish" Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898, from two localities in southern Chile (Lebu 36 • 00 S; Quellón 48 • 49 S), is... more
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      FisheriesMigrationEcologyMultivariate Analysis
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Real EstateEconomicsUrban PlanningProperty
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      EconomicsConsumptionLow FrequencyLong Memory
The shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) is a cosmopolitan species abundant in the Northwest Pacific. Some aspects of its biological information have been well documented yet its population dynamics is poorly known. The objective of... more
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      FisheriesEcologyStock assessmentStochastic Simulation
We compared growth in a domesticated strain of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), that had been selected for rapid growth over 16 generations, to that of its hatchery-origin unselected parental stock. Fish were spawned on the same date... more
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Aim  This study investigated the use of stable δ13C and δ18O isotopes in the sagittal otolith carbonate of narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, as indicators of population structure across Australia.Location  Samples... more
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      CarbonStable IsotopesEcologyFisheries Management
Since the 1970s, when major improvements to the water quality were made, the River Thames has been subject to a high-profile project aimed at restoring Atlantic salmon to the catchment. Whilst initially successful, with hundreds of salmon... more
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      ManagementGeneticsConservation BiologyConservation
Various aspects of cultural conditions were investigated in an effort to design an efficient selective breeding scheme for tilapia. High density culture has the potential of reducing confounding environmental effects associated with fish... more
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      ZoologySocial InteractionDensityAquaculture
The goal of this paper is to model the impact of oil prices on Vietnam's stock prices. We use daily data for the period 2000-2008 and include the nominal exchange rate as an additional determinant of stock prices. We find that stock... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsTime SeriesVietnam
Because soils are both a source and a sink for atmospheric CO 2 , there is an increasing need to characterize the spatial distribution of soil C pools. Large amounts of organic carbon (OC) accumulate in hydric bottom-lands soils. In the... more
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      Soil ScienceCarbonMorphologyBiological Sciences
Inventory is often the largest priced asset of a business after the fixed asset. Keeping the inventory also means keeping a tab on the realizable value, market value of all the stocks, stock in production and finished stock. This paper... more
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      Operations ResearchSales ManagementInventory ManagementOrder
Câu 1: Người sở hữu cổ phiếu và trái phiếu đều được hưởng: a. Lãi suất cố định b. Thu nhập phụ thuộc vào hoạt động của công ty c. Được quyền bầu cử tại Đại hội cổ đông d. Lãi suất từ vốn mà mình đầu tư vào cống ty Câu 2: Nhà đầu tư mua 10... more
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    • Stock
Based on the findings this paper highlights the possible solutions to the above problems; a computerized inventory management system to order and update the stocks was designed and goods were supplied to implement the possible solutions.
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      Operations ResearchInventory ManagementOrderStock
تعد البورصة من أهم الآليات التي تساعد الدول على جذب الاستثمار إليها من جهة وتمويل الاستثمارات المتواجدة بها من جهة أخرى، وهو ما دفع إلى تحليل دور بورصة الجزائر في هذا المجال. وقد هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على مدى التأثير التي تفرضه بورصة... more
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      Stock Marketسوق الأوراق الماليةStockMarchés Financiers
Agency theory is used to expand the research in strategic human resource management (SHRM) by viewing the construct underlying SHRM as control over all employees. We develop hypotheses on the effects of CEO ownership, administrative HRM,... more
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      BusinessManagementHuman Resource ManagementAgency Theory
A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may include securities... more
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      FinancePublic FinanceFinancial EconomicsFinancial Econometrics
The risk-return trade off: Expected and required return Abstract Traditional economic models state that riskier investments should have a higher expected return. Psychological models of choice showed that people is influenced by the kind... more
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      RiskStockExpected Return
Econophysics is a science in its infancy, born about ten years ago at this time of writing, at the crossing roads of physics, mathematics, computing and of course economics and finance. It also covers human sciences, because all economics... more
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      Human FactorsData AnalysisEconophysicsStock
Game theory Shared stocks Dynamic externality Fisheries economics Cooperative management a b s t r a c t Thirty years have passed since Munro published his 1979 work on the potential applications of game theory to fisheries. It is... more
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      Game TheoryFisheriesTheoryEcology
We find evidence of significant price manipulation at the stock level by hedge funds on critical reporting dates. Stocks in the top quartile by hedge fund holdings exhibit abnormal returns of 30 basis points in the last day of the month... more
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      CompetitionHedge FundsInflationStock
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      StockOperation Research
Models capable of estimating losses in future earthquakes are of fundamental importance for emergency planners and for the insurance and reinsurance industries. One of the main ingredients in a loss model is an accurate, transparent and... more
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      AlgorithmsModelsIndustrySeismic Vulnerability
Growth of homogenous sized groups was studied in captive populations of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup) juveniles. An initial sole population was graded and three different sole stocks were obtained according to their respective... more
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      Environmental EngineeringBiologyPerformanceAquaculture
Eutrophication constitutes a serious threat to many European lakes and many approaches have been used during the past 20-30 years to improve lake water quality. Results from the various lake restoration initiatives are diverse and the... more
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      Water qualityEcologyApplied EcologyEutrophication
We describe a method for determining reasonable yield and management reference points for data-poor fisheries in cases where approximate catches are known from the beginning of exploitation. The method, called Depletion-Based Stock... more
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      Time SeriesFisheriesMonte CarloEcology
Forty-five different parasite taxa were recorded from 1919 Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus caught at 20 stations in a study area from off the coast of Morocco to south-west Norway, and throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Eleven... more
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      FisheriesEcologyMediterranean SeaParasite
The Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) extending from Bissagos Island (Guinea Bissau) in the north to Cabinda (Angola) in the south defines the shared transboundary waters off the coast of western Africa, which embodies some of... more
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      ManagementEarth SciencesProductivityEnvironmental Sciences
A proper understanding of the management status of small-scale subsistence and artisanal fisheries requires not only detailed sociocultural study, but comprehensive analysis of the state of the fished population(s), using rigorous stock... more
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      Earth SciencesKnowledgeEnvironmental SciencesStock assessment
Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Non-Annex 1 countries such as Kenya are obliged to report green house gas (GHG) emissions from all sources where possible, including those from soils as a result of... more
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      Land managementModelingDesertificationLand Use Change
A time series abundance analysis of adult and juvenile Haliotis fulgens living in the central region of Baja California Sur, Me´xico, was performed and its potential application to fishery management as a predictor of future catches was... more
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      Time SeriesFisheriesAquacultureLobsters
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      Civil EngineeringPerformanceSafetyPerformances
Stock-recruitment (S-R) models are commonly fitted to S-R data with a least-squares method. Errors in modeling are usually assumed to be normal or lognormal, regardless of whether such an assumption is realistic. A Monte Carlo simulation... more
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The migration patterns and recapture rates of migratory and resident trout stocks (Salmo trutta) were compared by tagging and releasing hatchery-reared smolts of both migratory types in the same coastal rivers, Merikarvianjoki (river A)... more
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      GeneticsFisheriesMigrationLife history
The present research investigates the effects of cash conversion cycle on economic value added among companies listed on Tehran's stock exchange. The sample of study includes 118 companies. The multivariate-regression method has been used... more
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsEconomic DevelopmentStock Market
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      Stock MarketWorking PapersStockHedge
Secondary forests may become increasingly important as temporary reservoirs of genetic diversity, stocks of carbon and nutrients, and moderators of hydrologic cycles in the Amazon Basin as agricultural lands are abandoned and often later... more
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      Remote SensingCarbonBiomassBiodiversity
Harvest restrictions and stock enhancement are commonly proposed management responses for sustaining degraded fisheries, but comparisons of their relative effectiveness have seldom been considered prior to making policy choices. We built... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingDensity dependenceEcological
A comparison between the northwestern Hawaiian islands (NWHI), a large, remote, and lightly fished area, and the main Hawaiian islands (MHI), an urbanized, heavily fished area, revealed dramatic differences in the numerical density, size,... more
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      ZoologyEcologyCoral ReefCommunity Structure
The effects of three forest management alternatives on stand development were simulated using the MOTTI stand simulator, a stand-level analysis tool developed for multiple-purpose forestry planning. The simulation results were used to... more
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      ForestryRegenerationBiomassForest Ecology And Management
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsGenetic DiversityBiological Sciences
Results from a vector autoregression show that oil prices and oil price volatility both play important roles in affecting real stock returns. There is evidence that oil price dynamics have changed. After 1986, oil price movements explain... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsTime SeriesApplied Economics
Biomass fractions (total aboveground, branches and foliage) were estimated from a small footprint discretereturn LiDAR system in an unmanaged Mediterranean forest in central Spain. Several biomass estimation models based on LiDAR height,... more
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      Remote SensingCarbonBiomassModeling
The goal of this paper is to examine whether the volatility of the growth in the US oil stocks has changed overtime, and if it has then whether or not this change is real. We find that the growth in volatility of oil stocks has declined... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsMonte Carlo SimulationModeling
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEconomic GeographyEconometrics
Land use/land cover change is an important driver of global change and changes in carbon stocks. Estimating the changes in carbon stocks due to tropical deforestation has been difficult, mainly because of uncertainties in estimating... more
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      CarbonBiomassForest Ecology And ManagementChina