Recent papers in Stigmatization
ABSTRACT The Effect of Technology on the Psychology of Death and Dying: An Empirical Phenomenological Study by Dana F. Hodgdon This study explored the lived experience of death in the hospital intensive care unit (ICU) from the... more
This article critically examines the recent literature on stigma that addresses the overspread association among the COVID-19 pandemic and racial and ethnic groups (i.e., mainland Chinese and East Asian populations) assumed to be the... more
Stigmatization is a socially and culturally constructed process, occurring in social interactions, whereby a person is labeled as different and then devalued, resulting in status loss and discrimination. In this article, we present four... more
This study investigates witchcraft-related violence against women and children in Ikot Abasi community of Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. The possible factors that have promoted such violence form the central subject of the study. The study... more
Although FASD is first and foremost a health issue, it is a consideration in the justice system because individuals with FASD have contact as victims, witnesses and offenders. This chapter will draw on research with justice professionals... more
Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of social stigma experiences reported by patients with schizophrenia and by people with other health problems. Method. The stigma subscale of the Consumer Experiences of Stigma... more
In Adam Bede, George Eliot explores the way a society divides its members into categories and how these categories contribute to the formation of an individual’s identity. In the mid-nineteenth century authors in the naturalist tradition... more
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more
The experiences of stigmatization among people living with specific Serious Mental Illnesses (SMI), such as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has not been addressed by the scientific literature. In this study we wanted to explore how... more
Aim As the population ages, the problem of dementia increases and affects a growing number of people. People with mental illness are known to be stigmatised and this has been the subject of numerous studies. There have been contradictory... more
המאמר דן בצורך לבטל את המונח "הפרעה" בתסמונת הפוסט-טראומתית, ולהחליפו במונח "פציעה". הדיון מתמקד בטראומת מלחמה (קרב וטרור) בלבד, ומציע כי במקרים אלה תיקרא התסמונת PTSI, (Post-Traumatic Stress Injury) ולאPTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress... more
Les textes réunis dans ce livre étudient les langages de la stigmatisation et les réponses que des sujets stigmatisés peuvent produire, individuellement ou collectivement, pour s'en défendre. La stigmatisation se manifeste dans les... more
This book is about left-handedness and it covers both its history and the contemporary research. While few people would maintain that the condition is entirely of environmental origin, very little is known about its biological basis.... more
The public develops interpretations of physical and mental disabilities through a variety of resources, most notably representations presented by the news media. While disability scholars have long lamented negative portrayals of... more
Objective: To investigate the relationships between public stigma, stigma by association (SBA), psychological distress, perceived closeness, perceived heredity, and the type of family relationship among family members of people with a... more
This study examines how stigmatization affects the identity and self-perception of non-offending persons with a sexual interest in children. To examine this, it analyzes a qualitative survey with non-offending persons with a sexual... more
Shaping built environment of psychiatric hospitals is a process that requires predominantly adaptation of introduced solutions to particular patterns of patient behaviour. In contrast to other health care facilities, a psychiatric... more
In this study, we explored stigma by association, family burden, and their impact on the family members of people with mental illness. We also studied the ways in which family members coped with these phenomena. We conducted... more
In accordance with the social information processing model, how adolescents attribute cause to a particular social situation (e.g., bullying) they witness or participate in, influences their online social information processing, and... more
Disgust sensitivity is said to relate to the individual’s tendency to stigmatise out-groups, such as for example sexual minorities. This essay proposes the hypothesis that this theory about disgust sensitivity also is applicable to the... more
The experiences of stigmatization among people living with specific Serious Mental Illnesses (SMI), such as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has not been addressed by the scientific literature. In this study we wanted to explore how... more
Gendered perceptions of the stigma associated with mental health care, an analysis of the social construction of gender and mental health care stigma, exploration of intersectional issues, and proposed solutions to reducing and... more
This article is based on a qualitative study that set out to analyze the labels and terms attached to 28 people affected by albinism in villages in Kilolo district, Tanzania. Even though national and international attention to killings of... more
The paper will examine the case of an Italian local celebrity, Palma Mattarelli, born in 1825, and at the significant age of 33, in 18 appeared with the five wounds of Christ. From that moment on, respected as Beata Palma in her... more
Enquêter dans la durée auprès de « jeunes de banlieue » conduit à se poser régulièrement deux types de questions qui tendent à se présenter chacune sous la forme d'alternatives exclusives. Pourtant, leur dépassement constitue l'une des... more
This article explores the different ways in which gay men in Serbia perceive PrEP as a novel method of HIV prevention. In the article, I draw on data from my research on PrEP use among thirty gay men in Belgrade. The use of PrEP is still... more
Práca sa zameriava na problematiku sociálnej stigmy spojenej so sexuálne prenosnými infekciami u mládeže. Cieľom práce je analýza vplyvu a dôsledkov sociálnej stigmy na myslenie, vnímanie a správanie mládeže v ČR v oblasti sexuality,... more
Este capítulo pretende contribuir a comprender los procesos de construcción de la otredad en un contexto particular, el del neoliberalismo, como paradigma hegemónico. El análisis se orienta a reflexionar en torno a los debates teóricos... more
This article follows previous research arguing that skills of call center agents, which often include emotional labor, communication, procedural and substantive knowledge, and articulation work, are mostly invisible. Moving beyond... more
People with mental illness are not the sole recipients of stigmatisation; their immediate family members may be subjected to stigma by association. Through semi-structured interviews, we investigated experiences of stigma by association... more
¿Cómo se ha desarrollado el mercado de talla grande en Chile? ¿Y cómo ha progresado la discusión sobre la aceptación de los gordos? Son preguntas que se resuelven en esta investigación. Se ha reconocido un marcado cambio demográfico... more
This art icle uses interview data to explore how 28 women diagnosed with chronic sexually transmit ted diseases (STDs) managed the impact of stigma on how they saw themselves as sexual beings. Constant comparat ive analysis reveals the... more
This article provides an overview of the phenomenon of labeling and stigma. Research studies are used to illuminate the many ways devalued or discredited identities negatively affect the health and well-being of stigmatized groups and... more
Interview with François Dubet
Stigma and discrimination – the individual experience as object
Stigma and discrimination – the individual experience as object
Rad maloljetničkoj delinkvenciji pristupa kao osobnome izboru maloljetnika kroz teoriju stigmatizacije i teroiju reputacije.
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
Le culte des saints dynastiques en Europe Centrale (Angevins et Luxembourg au XIV e siècle), in L'Eglise et le peuple chrétien dans les pays de l'Europe du Centre-Est et du Nord (XIV e-XV e siècles), Actes du colloque ...
Un buen número de lo que-evocando la famosa novela de Ghoete-podríamos llamar afinidades electivas podrían ser explicadas, hoy, a partir de una doble tarea. Por una lado expresan una volundad de resistir a una tendencia excesiva a algo de... more