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In “Physician Burnout Calls for Legal Intervention” (November-December 2019), Sharona Hoffman calls for a “requirement” in the form of a “mandate that health care employers measure physician wellness using the [Maslach Burnout Inventory]... more
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Eating disorders in males are understudied, underrecognised and misunderstood. Despite evidence that males constitute 25-33% of diagnoses of anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and up to 50% of diagnoses of binge eating disorder, limited... more
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      Clinical PsychologyMental HealthEating DisordersStigma
Baril, Alexandre (2018). « Conférence d’honneur : “Vivre avec” la mort : développer une éthique de la reconnaissance et de la responsabilité envers les personnes suicidaires », The Poetics and Ethics of “Living With”: Indigenous,... more
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      Social MovementsEpistemologyQueer TheoryStigma
Implicit attitudes are automatically activated evaluative impulses that are difficult to control and potentially outside conscious awareness. The association of implicit attitudes toward psychiatric medication with treatment adherence and... more
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      PsychometricsSchizophreniaTreatmentImplicit Social Cognition
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      Sociology of Mental Health & IllnessDiagnosis & Detection of Mental IllnessStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessClinical supervision and training of psychologists and social workers, public mental health, serious mental illness and recovery
Meritocratic worldviews that stress personal responsibility, such as the Protestant ethic or general beliefs in a just world, are typically associated with stigmatizing attitudes and could explain the persistence of mental illness stigma.... more
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      Moral BlameJust-world beliefsStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessSelf-Blame
Purpose: Community Health Centres (CHCs) are an essential component of primary health care (PHC) in Canada. This article examines health providers’ understandings and experiences regarding stigma toward mental health and substance use... more
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      Addiction and RecoveryCanadaStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessHealth and Social Care
Higher income societies have moved from institutional to community-based care for people experiencing mental illness. However, stigma and discrimination persists and undermines help-seeking, recovery and life chances. Mental illness... more
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      Mental HealthStigmaRace and EthnicityCulture
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      Cognitive ScienceStigmaPrejudiceCulture
Sexualidade de indivíduos com histórico psiquiátrico e que estão internados em uma Instituição Psiquiátrica, que loucura é essa ? Será que esta sexualidade existe? Os profissionais da área, como a encaram ? A sociedade, como olha estes... more
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      Mental HealthSexualityHIV/AIDSStigma and Discrimination of Mental Illness
Although FASD is first and foremost a health issue, it is a consideration in the justice system because individuals with FASD have contact as victims, witnesses and offenders. This chapter will draw on research with justice professionals... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal JusticeAnthropology
P sykisk ohälsa är ofta en börda för den som berörs. Bördan förvärras av stigmatisering, det vill säga brännmärkning som gör bördan dubbel: personer med psykisk ohälsa skall inte bara klara av sina egna symtom, utan också klara de... more
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      Mental HealthStigmaDiscriminationSocial Exclusion
Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of social stigma experiences reported by patients with schizophrenia and by people with other health problems. Method. The stigma subscale of the Consumer Experiences of Stigma... more
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      Social ChangeHealth PromotionSocial epidemiologyStigma
This text examines the contemporary conceptualisation of the term 'Outsider art' with reference to an exhibition at The Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne and the international conference 'Contemporary Outsider Art: The Global Context',... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtDiscrimination
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a diagnosis with many negative implications. These are made worse by public and professional stigmas.
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      StigmaStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessFetal Alcohol Spectrum DisordersAboriginal Social Work Fasd
Stigma is an important barrier to seeking psychological services worldwide. Two types of stigma exist: public stigma and self-stigma. Scholars have argued that public stigma leads to self-stigma, and then self-stigma is the primary... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyHigher EducationDepression
The purpose of the research that forms the basis of this report is to: • explore the issue of self-stigma (often called internalised stigma) from the perspective of people with experience of mental illness • investigate the causes and... more
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      Mental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessSelf Stigmatization
Aim As the population ages, the problem of dementia increases and affects a growing number of people. People with mental illness are known to be stigmatised and this has been the subject of numerous studies. There have been contradictory... more
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Informal discussions of mental illness take place every day in social media. In the case of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), in particular, widespread use of the hashtag “#OCD” indicates that social media users often trivialize the... more
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      Experimental PsychologyMental HealthStigmaComputer-Mediated Communication
The present paper will summarize successive paradigms for the management of mental health, and critique the current dominant approach in Canada. Of particular note, the problems of diagnostic stigma, rigidity, and undervaluation of larger... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryMental HealthPsychedelics
In this study, we explored stigma by association, family burden, and their impact on the family members of people with mental illness. We also studied the ways in which family members coped with these phenomena. We conducted... more
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      Coping StrategiesStigmaStigmatizationMental Health Stigma
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      SociologyPsychologyMental HealthFilm Analysis
This article presents the result of research on the perceptions about the meanings, causes, symptoms and treatments of mental disorders in contemporary Timorese society. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 48... more
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      Clinical PsychologySocial PsychologyHealth PsychologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Stigma toward individuals with eating disorders is common and well-documented. Individuals with eating disorders regularly report experiencing stigma associated with perceptions that they are to blame for their illness, that their illness... more
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      Eating DisordersStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessEating Disorders Treatment
Gendered perceptions of the stigma associated with mental health care, an analysis of the social construction of gender and mental health care stigma, exploration of intersectional issues, and proposed solutions to reducing and... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
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      PsychiatryMental HealthPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma Studies
This research work identifies and suggests relationships between mental illness and adult animated TV series, produced by television streaming platforms, specifically I address mental illness in the original Netflix series BoJack... more
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      Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesCultureSociology of Mental Health & Illness
People with mental illness are not the sole recipients of stigmatisation; their immediate family members may be subjected to stigma by association. Through semi-structured interviews, we investigated experiences of stigma by association... more
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      Mental HealthStigmaStigmatizationIllness-related stigma
Self-stigma detracts from the wellbeing, self-esteem, and social connectedness of adults with mental health disorders. Although emerging research has indicated that self-stigma may have similar consequences for parents of children with... more
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      Children and FamiliesStigmaStigma and Discrimination of Mental Illness
Mental health in Bangladesh
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      PsychologyChild and adolescent mental healthMental HealthStigma
“I regret that only now, in my last annual meeting speech, am I telling you about my own struggles. My fear of being judged negatively and the dark shadow of stigma nearly kept me from seeking help.” 2018 Association of American Medical... more
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      Medical StudentsStigma and Discrimination of Mental IllnessStereotypingInterpersonal Relations
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
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The aim of this thesis is to find out why integrating art therapy for depression in museums is in its infancy stage despite its relevance to the social inclusion model in museum education and the therapeutic role of the modern museum. The... more
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      Art TherapyDepressionMuseum EducationMental Illness
Containing Madness, 2018
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
The present research traces the ideas of madness and divine madness, together with their differences and similarities, through the Black Books of Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl G. Jung (1875-1961). The Black Books, which were... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySpiritualityJungian psychologyCarl G. Jung
Background: Although there is a substantial body of research on the stigma associated with mental illness, much of the extant research has not explicitly focused on the concept of prejudice, which drives discriminatory behaviour. Further,... more
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      StigmaPrejudiceMental IllnessStigma and Discrimination of Mental Illness
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      PsychosisSchizophreniaBipolar DisorderStigma
This randomized controlled trial examined the impact of the Coming Out Proud (COP) program on self-stigma, stigma stress, and depression. Research participants who experienced mental health challenges were randomly assigned to a three... more
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      Mental HealthStigmaSelf-DisclosureMental Illness
The label of mental illness is a demonizing indictment which gives power to one group [of professionals] over another [patients and caregivers], by way of its ability to pathologize human behavior. What is the basis of this nomenclature... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthMental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessSocial Constructionism
Few attempts have looked beyond the effects of witchcraft related stigma to consider the socio-cultural factors that shape the experience of development disorders, particularly for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Common patterns of... more
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      International DevelopmentChild and adolescent mental healthCommunity Based EducationTraditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Nowadays in Japan, ignorance, prejudice and discrimination towards individuals with a mental disorder, a concept here defined as “stigma”, is relatively strong and therefore regarded as a serious problem in today’s society. In this... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryMental HealthFilm Analysis
In 2017, a National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being comprised mostly of representatives from lawyer assistance programs (LAPs) issued a report recommending “modify[ing] the rules of professional conduct to endorse well-being as part of a... more
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      Legal EducationPrivacyStigmaMedical Education
Introduction Alcoholism is mentioned as one of the most important social problems, and alcohol dependent persons are socially excluded and stigmatised. The aim of the discussed study was to evaluate the perception of alcohol dependent... more
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      AddictionStigmaStigmatizationAlcohol Studies
Objective. To examine whether self-stigma of seeking psychological help and being male would be associated with an increased likelihood of having an undiagnosed eating disorder. Method. A multi-national sample of 360 individuals with... more
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      Eating DisordersStigmaStigmatizationMasculinity
COVID-19's outbreak affected and compelled people from all walks of life to self-quarantine in their houses in order to prevent the virus from spreading. As a result of adhering to the exceedingly strict guideline, many people developed... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceData MiningSociology of Mental Health & IllnessPrediction
Identify and examine the key factors which has led to a critique of bio-medicine as the dominant paradigm in mental health care
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Based on in-depth oral interviews carried out in Mogadishu, Somalia, and countries neighboring Somalia in 2009 and 2013, our purpose in this study is to map the nature of prejudice and hate discourse used by Somalis against the Bantu... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEthnohistorySociology