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      ZoologyBehavior ModificationBehavioral EcologyAnimal Husbandry
Background-Infection of pancreatic necrosis has a major impact on clinical course, management, and outcome in acute pancreatitis. Currently, guided fine needle aspiration is the only means for an early and accurate diagnosis of infected... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsAdolescentProspective studiesCourse Management Systems
Which heat process value F should a particular food receive to make it safe and shelf stable? * Section 1 lists reported sterilization values F0 = F zero (reference temperature 121.1 oC; z = 10 oC) for commercial food preservation... more
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      Food SafetyBacteriologyPreservationFood and Nutrition
Background: Several synthetic and natural matrices have been described for tissue engineering of bladder but there is little information on the effects of processing on their subsequent mechanical performance or interaction with human... more
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      Tissue EngineeringRegenerative MedicineSterilizationUrinary Tract
Objectif.-Comparer l'hypnosé dation à l'anesthé sie gé né rale chez des patientes devant bé né ficier, en ambulatoire, de la pose de dispositifs de sté rilisation intratubaire (Essure TM). Type d'e´tude.-É tude prospective comparative de... more
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      MedicineSterilizationClinical SciencesGeneral Anesthesia
I have three concerns about the description of central venous catheterization in the video by Graham et al.(May 24 issue). 1 First, it is misleading to describe the risk of hemothorax as “not applicable” when the internal jugular approach... more
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      MedicineEnglandMedical errorsSterilization
Arabidopsis thaliana BRAHMA (BRM, also called AtBRM) is a SNF2 family protein homolog of Brahma, the ATPase of the Drosophila SWI/SNF complex involved in chromatin remodeling during transcription. Here we show that, in contrast to its... more
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      GeneticsPlant BiologyPlant Molecular BiologyGene expression
In this paper, we present preliminary results showing the response of glucose-sensitive hydrogels, confined in micro-pressure sensors, to the changes in environmental glucose concentration. The glucose concentrations were incrementally... more
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      HydrogelsTransducersBlood GlucoseMice
Soil fumigation has recently been shown to affect the greenhouse gas balance by increasing emissions of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) following chloropicrin (CP) application. However, the exact mechanisms of this increase were not investigated.... more
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      Soil ScienceChemistryEcologyBiological Sciences
Introduction: Ecthyma gangrenosum is known as a characteristic lesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis and is usually seen in immunocompromised patients. Case presentation: A previously healthy 63-year-old man was admitted with sloughy... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesCase ReportBiomedical Research
The GLH proteins belong to a family of four germline RNA helicases in Caenorhabditis elegans. These putative ATP-dependent enzymes localize to the P granules, which are nonmembranous complexes of protein and RNA exclusively found in the... more
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      Developmental BiologyCaenorhabditis elegansFertilityBiological Sciences
The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of ozone applied to 3 different solutions in an ultrasonic cleaning system against Staphylococcus aureus. A total of 120 mL of S. aureus were mixed in 6 L of the... more
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      DentistryStaphylococcus aureusUltrasonicsSterilization
There is a vast demand for in vivo methods for the detection of skin cancer, one of the most dangerous skin lesions. Use of near infrared Fourier transform (NIR-FT)-Raman spectroscopy virtually eliminates the fluorescence of the normal... more
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      Raman SpectroscopyNear InfraredSkin CancerConnective tissue
The present prospective study was carried out to determine the species distribution and antimicrobial susceptibilities of enterococci isolated from clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital of North India. Enterococcus species isolated... more
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      AsianIndiaProspective studiesAntimicrobial susceptibility
Gamma irradiation is widely used for sterilization; however, its effect on elimination of amplifiable DNA, an issue of relevance to molecular diagnostic approaches, has not been well studied. The effect of gamma irradiation on the... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyGamma RaysMolecular Diagnostics
Introduction The pathogenesis of prosthesis loosening is not well understood. The aim of our study was to sonicate components of joint prostheses removed due to aseptic loosening, culture the sonicate Xuid, and to correlate these results... more
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      MicrobiologyComorbiditySterilizationRisk factors
Heat and cold treatments using gel pack are commonly used to manage the soft tissue injury. To determine the best beans/grains that have cold and high temperatureholding capacity using the best fabric that can withstand the extreme... more
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      SterilizationHigh TemperatureRoom TemperatureUV light
An autoclavable sensing film was developed for monitoring dissolved CO 2. The sensing film, based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), consisted of a fluorescent donor, an acceptor, and a quaternary ammonium hydroxide, which... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyCarbon DioxideBiological Sciences
The objective of this study was to compare aspiration pneumonia (AP)-associated microflora, calculus, and oral hygiene/care seeking behaviors in special health care needs children (SC) with gastrostomy (GT) and without. Methods:... more
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      DentistryHealth CareStreptococcus pneumoniaeChild
Purpose: The treatment of cystic lymphatic malformations of the neck and mediastinum is controversial. Surgical management may be limited by the invasiveness of the procedure, the complex anatomy of this region, and the high recurrence... more
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      Computed TomographyMagnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
In the palm oil mill, fresh fruit bunch (FFB) undergoes various thermal and mechanical treatments to produce the crude palm oil (CPO). FFB consists of many fruits attached to the spikelets that are spirally arranged on the main bunch... more
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      MultidisciplinarySterilizationHigh Performance Liquid ChromatographyPalm Oil
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of cattle manure compost (CMC) to degrade 1,1,1trichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT). DDT was degraded during composting and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane... more
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Background and purpose: To check the dose delivered to patients during intraoperative electron beam radiation therapy (IOERT) for early breast cancer and also to define appropriate action levels.
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      Clinical TrialBreast CancerRadiation TherapyRadiotherapy
Slow-growing bacteria and biofilms are notoriously tolerant to antibiotics. Oritavancin is a lipoglycopeptide with multiple mechanisms of action that contribute to its bactericidal action against exponentially growing gram-positive... more
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      MicrobiologyModel TheoryBiofilmsKinetics
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      Program EvaluationHIV and AIDS educationPublic HealthPrevention
Ready-for-use' instruments from surgical instrument trays were examined after routine cleaning and sterilization in a blinded study. These reprocessed instruments originated from five National Health Service hospital trust sterile service... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsScanning Electron MicroscopyHospital InfectionQuantitative analysis
An apparatus was developed that featured programmable application of liquid medium to plant cultures for micropropagation. Computer control capabilities included liquid medium introduction and medium depth within four culture vessels,... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant Tissue CultureTissue cultureSterilization
Understanding the interaction mechanisms between plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), leguminous crops, and rhizobia is necessary to effectively use PGPR in increasing the biological nitrogen fixation of legumes. We determined the... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesNitrogen FixationBiological Nitrogen Fixation
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      WaterGroundwater ContaminationMultidisciplinaryTropical trees
We earlier identified a developmental series of seven isoforms/polymorphs of microparticulate inulin by comparing non-covalent bonding strengths. Their pharmaceutical utility lies in modulation of cellular immunity, exploited as vaccine... more
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      Gamma RaysBiological SciencesMiceVaccine
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Saccharolytic, nonpigmented, anaerobic gram-negative rods isolated from infected dog and cat bite wounds in humans have been poorly characterized, and most are not included in the databases of kits used for anaerobic identification; thus,... more
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      EpidemiologyCatsClinical MicrobiologyBiological Sciences
The present study aimed to produce verapamil hydrochloride-loaded solid lipid microparticles (SLM) by the w/o/w emulsion solvent evaporation technique, using diethyl ether as solvent phase, glyceryl monostearate as biodegradable polymer... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyPharmaceutical ChemistryLipidsDifferential scanning calorimetry
Powdered infant formulae are not sterile and may contain pathogenic bacteria. In addition, milk products are excellent media for bacterial proliferation. Multiplication of Enterobacter sakazakii in prepared formula feeds can cause... more
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      Food MicrobiologyCase ReportTemperatureInfant
Hair sheep ewes (St. Croix White and Barbados Blackbelly) were used to evaluate 3 methods of estrus synchronization for use with transcervical artificial insemination (TAI). To synchronize estrus, ewes (n = 18) were treated with PGF2¢ (15... more
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      TheriogenologyBiological SciencesProgesteroneSheep
Because, globally, HIV is transmitted mainly by sexual practices and intravenous drug use and because of a long asymptomatic period, healthcare-associated HIV transmission receives little attention even though an estimated 5.4% of global... more
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      EpidemiologyInjury PreventionMedicinePrevention
This paper reviews domestic and international activism seeking justice for Romani and other women harmed by coercive, forced, and involuntary sterilization in the former Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic. Framed by Michel Foucault’s... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthSocial JusticeDiscriminationCzech & Slovak Studies
Gene containment technologies that prevent transgene dispersal through pollen, fruit and seed are in immediate demand to address concerns of gene flow from transgenic crops into wild species or close relatives. In this study, we isolated... more
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      Gene FlowPlant BiologyGene expressionFlowers
The Holder method is the recommended pasteurization method for human milk banks, as it ensures the microbiological safety of human milk (HM). The loss of some biologically active milk components, due to the heat treatment, is a main limit... more
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      Mass SpectrometryWestern blottingSterilizationSodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Object-oriented heat-exchanger models were developed to simulate the dynamic thermal effects of dynamic changes in fluid composition and thus of fluid properties in a type of liquid typical for food products. The models were written in... more
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      EngineeringModelingHeat ExchangerFood Processing
In this study, we investigated the role of hormones in the pathogenesis of calcifications in ovary and in endometrium and their neoplasms of the gynecologic tract and assessed the anatomic location and incidence of these calcifications.... more
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      PathologyHistologyClinical BiochemistryApoptosis
Long-duration space missions require a high-quality, shelf-stable food supply but must also contend with packaging waste after use. We have developed a package, adapted from a military pouch, that enables heating of foods to serving... more
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      MultidisciplinaryHeat and Mass TransferFood AnalysisOhmic Heating
Background The present study reports functional and morphological changes noted over long-term follow-up in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Methods Thirty patients who had completed at least 6 months after recovery were included.... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingQuality of lifeImmunohistochemistryAdolescent
In arsenic-endemic and other areas, food is an important path of exposure to this contaminant. Food is generally consumed in processed form, after a preservation treatment or cooking, which may alter the concentrations and chemical forms... more
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      ArsenicRefrigerationRisk assessmentFood Preservation
The eect of abiotic factors such as water and air on the degradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) in a compost was investigated using simulated and natural environments. These include exposure in sterile water at... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringKineticsPOlymer degradation and stability
Sterile apple juice inoculated with S. cerevisiae ATCC 9763 (103 CFU/mL) was processed in a bubble column with gaseous ozone of flow rate of 0.12 L/min and concentration of 33–40 μg/mL for 8 min. The growth kinetics of S. cerevisiae as an... more
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      KineticsFoodIndustrial BiotechnologyGrowth Kinetics
In the absence of a donor alternative a stem cell transplantation consisting of two cord blood components originating from the haploidentical brother was performed in a 2-year-old girl with c-ALL, early CNS relapse and 7% of blast cells... more
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      Hematopoietic Stem CellsX RaysCell therapyHaplotypes
Root-associated bacteria can have beneficial effects on their host plants. Microbial products can promote and stimulate plant growth or lead to bioprotection against pathogens. This study aimed to isolate putatively beneficial bacteria... more
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      Desiccation ToleranceBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesMaize
Lake Orta (N. Italy) was severely polluted from 1927 by an effluent from a rayon factory, which discharged great amounts of ammonium nitrogen and copper into the lake. In the mid nineteen fifties, some plating factories also started... more
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This paper presents an innovative method for the treatment of refractory wounds, starting with a blood unit, that is based on a biological approach. Local wound repair is one of the major unresolved clinical problems. Age, infection,... more
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      Quality of lifeWound HealingMacrophagesAdolescent