Recent papers in Stereopsis
We have employed methodologies of human centered design to inspire and guide the engineering of a definitive low-cost aesthetic multimodal experience intended to stimulate cultural growth. Using a combination of design research, trend... more
Novel binocular depth ilhrsions obtained from two-dimensional colour images are presented. It is demonstrated that the magnitude of these illusions is based on transverse chromatic aberation (TCA), however, the depth obtained caNlot be... more
Imperfections in binocular image pairs can cause serious viewing discomfort. For example, in stereo vision systems eye strain is caused by unintentional mismatches between the left and right eye images (stereo imperfections). Head-mounted... more
The 3D image correlation technique is used for full field measurement of strain (and strain rate) in compression and tensile split Hopkinson bar experiments using commercial image correlation software and two digital high-speed cameras... more
In this article a new method for the calibration of a vision system which consists of two (or more) cameras is presented. The proposed method, which uses simple properties of vanishing points, is divided into two steps. In the first step,... more
Here we report the range and reliability of individual differences in stereo acuity in a large, well-characterised population. We tested 1000 participants aged 16-40 on a novel test of stereo acuity and on the TNO test. Participants had... more
To report the distribution of stereoacuity thresholds and ocular characteristics associated with reduced stereoacuity in a representative sample of 12-year-old Australian children.
widzenie stereoskopowe
mechanizm widzenia
procesy pamięciowe wykorzystywane w procesie widzenia
wskazówki głębi: monoskopowe, z ruchu, stereoskopowe
metody projekcji S3D
rejestracja obrazu 3D
mechanizm widzenia
procesy pamięciowe wykorzystywane w procesie widzenia
wskazówki głębi: monoskopowe, z ruchu, stereoskopowe
metody projekcji S3D
rejestracja obrazu 3D
A simple and fast technique for depth estimation based on phase measurement has been adopted for the implementation of a real-time stereo system with sub-pixel resolution on an FPGA device. The technique avoids the attendant problem of... more
Safe and effective locomotion depends critically on judgements of the surface properties of the ground to be traversed. Little is known about the role of binocular vision in surface perception at distances relevant to visually guided... more
anatomical and physiological studies of the visual pathway suggest the existence of at least three parallel processing streams in the lateral @culate/primary cortex sm magtto/ interblob stream for motion and transient information; a... more
Abstract. The conventional technique for scene reconstruction from stereo image pairs searches for the best single surface fitting identified correspondences between the the two images. Constraints on surface continuity, smoothness, and... more
The unresolved questions relating to binocular processing of motion include: Is the perceived speed of the motion in depth (MID) of an approaching object inversely proportional to the time to collision?; What visual information supports... more
By means of a discrete-trial simultaneous discrimination procedure, pigeons were trained to respond differentially to visual arrays that were identical except that one of them contained a circle displaced in depth when viewed... more
3D digital image correlation CMOS, CCD and image registration High-speed stereo-imaging Blast loading and full-field deformation measurements Transient material response and high strain rate measurements a b s t r a c t A high-speed... more
It is now well established that depth is coded by local horizontal disparity and global vertical disparity. We present a computational model which explains how depth is extracted from these two types of disparities. The model uses the... more
Most contact lens practitioners are dealing with an increasing number of otherwise healthy older (presbyopic) patients. Examination of the literature indicates a persistent theme of age-related change which generally becomes significant... more
The ability to learn a map of the environment is important for numerous types of robotic vehicles. In this paper, we address the problem of learning a visual map of the ground using flying vehicles. We assume that the vehicles are... more
Sokolov I.A. History of the Russian advertizing of tea: from barkers to stereo cards // Coffee & tea in Russia: the business magazine, No. 4 (105) for 2013 – PP. 58 – 60. Соколов И.А. История российской рекламы чая: от зазывал до... more
Stereopsis is a process by which the visual system gauges the relative depth of objects in three-dimensional space by measuring minute positional differences between left and right images. According to the standard notion, this... more
• METHODS: A prospective, institutional, clinical trial was conducted of 26 consecutive patients with X(T) who were undergoing strabismus surgery in whom fusion (central and peripheral) and stereoacuity (at near and distance) were... more
In current literature there is an increasing tendency to assume that the geometrical retinal disparities associated with binocular vision are a fundamental prerequisite for stereopsis. This informal document is intended to question this... more
Three dimensional visual recognition and measurement are important in many machine vision applications. In some cases, a stationary camera base is used and a three-dimensional model will permit the measurement of depth information from a... more
Purpose. Because previous studies have reported conflicting evidence, we examined a possible difference in stereoacuity between distance and near, in particular using a random-dot display. We compared distance and near stereoacuities... more
We analyze published data on disparity detection thresholds for a wide range of conditions. This type of detection changes behavior dramatically at the spatial frequency of 2.5 c/deg; above this frequency threshold remains constant while... more
Passive perception of terrain features is a vital requirement for military related unmanned autonomous vehicle operations, especially under electromagnetic signature management conditions. As a member of Team Raptor, the Jet Propulsion... more
This study investigated the ability of human observers to discriminate the direction of laterally-moving cyclopean stimuli, in order to assess some of the properties of stereoscopic mechanisms that mediate the perception of cyclopean... more
We have measured the contrast dependence of stereoacuity using both horizontally and vertically oriented, isoluminant (red-green) and isochromatic (yellow-black), 0.5 c/deg Gabor patches. For comparison, contrasts were computed in... more
It has been suggested that to resolve ambiguities implicit in binocular perception of complex visual scenes, the brain adopts a continuity constraint assuming that disparities change smoothly with eccentricity. Stereoscopic transparency... more
Functional visual loss (FVL) refers to subnormal vision or altered visual fields where no underlying pathology of the visual system can be found. It may be seen in a continuum from frank malingering to hysteria. FVL may first present to... more
Several previous studies reported differences when stereothresholds are assessed with localcontour stereograms vs. complex random-dot stereograms (RDSs). Dissimilar thresholds may be due to differences in the properties of the stereograms... more
I would like to sincerely acknowledge my supervisor Professor John S. Zelek for all the guidance, kindness and support he has provided me throughout this study. I cannot imagine completing my thesis without his insightful supervision and... more
This paper provides a selected review of a number of important perceptual and humanfactors issues that arise when 3-D displays are designed and used. This review and analysis draws heavily from the basic vision literature in order to help... more
Grâce à l'influence de la synthèse d'image et de ses modèles paramétriques qui lui fournissent un cadre conceptuel formalisé, l'analyse d'images recourt de plus en plus aux méthodes d'optimisation issues de l'évolution artificielle, qui... more
The issue of the existence of planes-understood as the carriers of a nexus of straight lines-in the monocular visual space of a stationary human observer has never been addressed. The most recent empirical data apply to binocular visual... more
The disparity energy model can explain physiological properties of binocular neurons in early visual cortex quantitatively. Therefore, many physiologically-plausible models for binocular stereopsis employed the disparity energy model as a... more
"This article explores the cultural contexts in which three-dimensional imaging has been developed, disseminated and used. It surveys the diverse technologies and intellectual domains that have contributed to spatial imaging, and argues... more