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In general , we present a cheap , reliable and scaleble propsal for hand tracking problem that estimates the pose of human hand to a 3D hand model constructed from a depth map and generated by a stereo vision system.
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsComputer VisionImage Processing
Visual impairment and blindness caused by infectious diseases has been greatly reduced, but increasing numbers of people are at risk of age-related visual impairment. Visual information is the basis for most navigational tasks, so... more
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      Computer VisionBlindnessStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Navigation
In this work, we proposed a novel depth adaptive tone mapping scheme for stereo HDR imaging and 3D display. We are interested in the case where different exposures are taken from different viewpoints. The scheme employed a new... more
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      Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)Novel View SynthesisStereoscopic 3-DHDR Tone Mapping
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsRobotics (Computer Science)
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      Computer VisionComputer EngineeringStereo Vision (Computer Vision)OpenCv or Computer Vision
It is well known that this soiling can reduce the generation efficiency in PV system. In some case according to the literature of loss of energy production in photovoltaic systems can reach up to 50%. In the industry there are various... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Cartesianism
International Journal of Computer Vision and machine learning (IJCVML) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the advanced vision computing. The goal of this journal... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Shape reconstruction (Computer Vision)
The consumer market of High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays and cameras is blooming rapidly with the advent of 3D video and display technologies. Specialised agencies like Moving Picture Experts Group and International Telecommunication... more
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      Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)Stereoscopic 3-D3D TVDatabase
The report focuses on two main calibration tools, i.e., single camera and setreo vision system calibration. The goal of the report is to show how one of the most known techniques for camera calibration can be used to calibrate any given... more
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      3D ReconstructionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Camera Calibration3D Computer Vision
We have designed a smart glass for the visually impaired people which can recognize objects and measures distance between a blind person and the object by using stereo vision, object segmentation, object recognition by features extracion... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingMachine Learning
A complete manual of Perspective from 0 to 6 vanishing point, including the curvilinear perspective. Master the curvilinear perspective with four, five and six vanishing point. Sketch futuristic cars or the ultimate mp3 player by... more
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      DesignInstructional DesignArtGraphic Design
The Optical Marking Recognition (OMR), or optical mark reading, is an automated data input process of capturing presence or absence of marked data (crosses, ticks and filled regions) on printed papers such as multiple choice examinations... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)
The objective of this paper is to review the Stereo-Triangulation in computer vision, investigating the reconstruction of three-dimensional data corresponding using the 2-D images in a situation where images contain noise. Finally four... more
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      Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)Optimization MethodsTriangulation
Deep learning and image processing are two areas of great interest to academics and industry professionals alike. The areas of application of these two disciplines range widely, encompassing fields such as medicine, robotics, and security... more
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      Computer ScienceScientific VisualizationArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
Scope of the book: This book focusses on the technical concepts of deep learning and its associated branch Neural Networks for the various dimensions of image processing applications. The proposed volume intends to bring together... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer GraphicsArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
For the recent years forward leaps in the field of deep learning where deep neural networks are trained to perform tasks that require human intervention.CNN apply models to distinguish examples and highlights in pictures, making them... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Object Tracking (Computer Vision)
This paper presents a method of camera calibration of stereo pair for stereo vision application. The method is using Jean-Yves Bouguet tool which produces the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of stereo pair. The data of calibration will... more
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      Computer VisionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Camera CalibrationEpipolar Geometry
La visión estereoscópica es una facultad físico -psicológica que posee el ser humano, que le permite ver en tercera dimensión aquellos objetos que contempla mediante su visión binocular.
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    • Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)
Posicionamiento del brazo robótico mediante visión estéreo usando las biblioteca de OpenCv y LabView.
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      Computer VisionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)
This article provides a general overview of the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) research thrusts being pursued within the Perceptual Robotics Laboratory (PeRL) at the University of Michigan. Founded in 2007, PeRL's research centers on... more
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      RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsMarine ScienceStereo Vision (Computer Vision)
Patch-based stereo is nowadays a commonly used image-based technique for dense 3D reconstruction in large scale multi-view applications. The typical steps of such a pipeline can be summarized in stereo pair selection, depth... more
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      3D ReconstructionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Semantic SegmentationMulti View Stereo
These articles on 3DTV and 3D movies were written over the last two decades of the 43 year period since I began. They are illustrated with original photos and historical materials resulting from thousands of hours researching the... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Stereoscopy3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 2
These articles on 3DTV and 3D movies were written over the last two decades of the 44year period since I began. They are illustrated with original photos and historical materials resulting from thousands of hours researching the technical... more
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      Television StudiesVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)CinemaStereo Vision (Computer Vision)
The availability of advanced image processing and computer vision libraries such as OpenCV has opened up new avenues in the use of image processing for solving real world problems. In this paper, a colour based approach is applied to... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Object Tracking (Computer Vision)
The goal of the project" SmartVision: active vision for the blind" is to develop a small and portable but intelligent and reliable system for assisting the blind and visually impaired while navigating autonomously, both outdoor... more
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      Computer VisionAccessibilityRFIDGPS Applications
Most stereo algorithms assume images to be epipolar aligned. There are two ways of achieving this (i) physically aligning the cameras or (ii) rectifying the stereo images after capturing them. For real-time or fixed stereo head... more
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    • Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)
Anyone shooting 3D is immediately confronted with the problem of stereo camera geometry—how to align the cameras for best results. This looks like it should be the easiest part of the entire project but in fact it’s by far the hardest.... more
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      Computer GraphicsOpticsPhotogrammetryPhotography
The problem of recursively approximating motion resulting from the Optical Flow (OF) in video thru Total Least Squares (TLS) techniques is addressed. TLS method solves an inconsistent system Gu=z , with G and z in error due to... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringAerospace EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)
Humanoid robots such as DLR’s Justin were designed to interact with unknown environ- ments and cooperate with humans. To ensure safety and mobility they are built with light-weight structures and flexible mechanical components. This... more
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      Humanoid RoboticsStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Kinematics3D Registration Algorithms
Progress in image sensors and computation power has fueled studies to improve acquisition, processing, and analysis of 3D streams along with 3D scenes/objects reconstruction. The role of motion compensation/ motion estimation (MCME) in 3D... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionComputer Vision
This paper describes a real-time feature-based stereo SLAM system that is robust and accurate in a wide variety of conditions-indoors, outdoors, with dynamic objects, changing light conditions, fast robot motions and large-scale loops.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMobile RoboticsStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Stereoscopic 3-D
This paper reports the modifications involved in preparing two commercial Ocean-Server AUV systems for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) research at the University of Michigan (UMich). The UMich Perceptual Robotics Laboratory... more
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      Autonomous RoboticsStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Autonomous Underwater VehicleAuv
— The camera model has two fundamental modeling errors. The internal camera model needs a full perspective off squareness correction of the sensor plane, and the Bayer pattern recovery interferes with chromatic distortion to limit the sub... more
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      Mobile RoboticsStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Target TrackingTelemetry
The stereo matching algorithms for binocular vision are very popular and widely used. Still, the algorithms may have lower matching quality or higher time complexity. Matching can be viewed as a process of finding the degree of... more
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      Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)Epipolar GeometryRectificationStereo Matching
Action recognition " in the wild " is extremely challenging, particularly when complex 3D actions are projected down to the image plane, losing a great deal of information. The recent growth of 3D data in broadcast content and commercial... more
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      Computer VisionMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Image Features Extraction
General Overview;
Implementation Scheme;
Landing Platform;
Future Tests (needed tests).
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      Computer VisionUavMachine VisionObject Tracking (Computer Vision)
The depth of field (DoF) effect is a useful tool in photography and cinematography because of its aesthetic value. However, capturing and displaying dynamic DoF effect were until recently a quality unique to expensive and bulky movie... more
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      Computer VisionComputational PhotographyStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Light Fields
Visual impairment and blindness caused by infectious diseases has been greatly reduced, but increasing numbers of people are at risk of age-related visual impairment. Visual information is the basis for most navigational tasks, so... more
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      BlindnessStereo Vision (Computer Vision)NavigationSmartVision
Following some comments on the nature of stereo perception as it relates to stereo video displays, a number of areas of interest are briefly reviewed and accompanied by extensive citations from the patent and technical literature. These... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)VirtualizationStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Virtual Worlds
The Depth of Field (DoF) effect is a useful tool in photography and cinematography because of its aesthetic values. However, capturing and displaying dynamic DoF effect was until recently a quality unique to expensive and bulky movie... more
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      Computational PhotographyStereo Vision (Computer Vision)Light Field PhotographyDepth of Field
Our work stems from the need to stretch the information that can be recovered from a highly pixelized image. Several sub pixel bias sources add up and degrade the overall accuracy in digital imaging, the biggest one being a systematic... more
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      Computer VisionMechatronics & RoboticsStereo Vision (Computer Vision)OpenCv or Computer Vision
International Journal of Computer Vision and machine learning (IJCVML) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the advanced vision computing. The goal of this journal... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Shape reconstruction (Computer Vision)
Three dimensional tracking of microrobots is demonstrated using stereo holographic projections. The method detects the lateral position of a microrobot in two orthogonal in-line holography images and triangulates to obtain the 3-D... more
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      Image ProcessingStereo Vision (Computer Vision)MicroroboticsDigital Holographic Microscopy
Our camera model gives a single image scale, relating width, to height, to depth proportions in the image like no other model can. It exactly relates the camera image to its true 3D perspective representation, allowing the exact solution... more
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      RoboticsImage ProcessingIndoor PositioningSatellite remote sensing
Due to their cost, high-end commercial 3D-DIC (digital image correlation) systems are still inaccessible for many laboratories or small factories interested in lab testing materials. These professional systems can provide reliable and... more
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      Soil ScienceMaterials SciencePhotogrammetryComposite Materials and Structures
In 2012, three new optical flow reference datasets have been published, two of them containing ground truth [1–3]. None of them contains ground truth for real-world, large-scale outdoor scenes with dynamically and independently moving... more
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      Stereo Vision (Computer Vision)CrowdsourcingPerformance AnalysisOptical Flow
Psychophysical experiments have demonstrated that it is possible to simultaneously perceive binocular depth and rivalry in plaids . Here, we used fMRI at 3T to image activity in the visual cortex while human subjects perceived depth and... more
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      Binocular visionStereo Vision (Computer Vision)FMRIBinocular Rivalry
The International Journal of Information Technology, Modeling and Computing (IJITMC) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Information Technology, Modeling and... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)
The goal of the Portuguese project "SmartVision: active vision for the blind" is to develop a small, portable and cheap yet intelligent and reliable system for assisting the blind and visually impaired while navigating autonomously, both... more
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      Computer VisionAccessibilityRFIDBlindness