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October 30, 2016, the web site for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies published an article, "Breaking into the Simulated Universe" by Eliott Edge. An attempt to argue against the idea of escaping out of the universe, if it... more
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      Altered States of ConsciousnessTime TravelTranshumanism/PosthumanismStephen Hawking
I offer a brief review of Stephen Hawking's volume A Briefer History of Time. I critique the significant worldview elements of the work and provide a biblical perspective.
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      PhysicsAtheismChristian ApologeticsBible
From antiquity to our present day, scientists specifically cosmologists and physicists, are still on their relentless pursuit to understand the nature and structure of universe with all it’s components. We all know of or at leat have... more
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      PhysicsCosmology (Physics)History of ScienceBlack Holes
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      Earth SciencesArtificial IntelligenceBlack HolesGlobal Warming
More than 2 million people in the United States are unable to speak or use handwriting as an effective and efficient mean of communication (ASHA,2004). This paper discusses a brief history of augmentative alternative communication (AAC)... more
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      LanguagesHistoryGeneticsSocial Movements
Intorno al IV secolo a.C. alcune colonie greche dell'Asia Minore presentarono le condizioni ideali per lo sviluppo scientifico, tecnico, culturale, ma soprattutto filosofico. Fu proprio nell'antica città di Mileto, fiorente centro... more
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      PhysicsPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyClassics
In these lectures Roger Penrose and I will put forward our related but rather different viewpoints on the nature of space and time. We shall speak alternately and shall give three lectures each, followed by a discussion on our different... more
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Gravitation
This paper offers a philosophical analysis of quantum theories of nothingness. Such theories -- proposed by physicists like Hawking, Tryon and Vilenkin -- aim to give a scientific answer to Leibniz' question "Why is there something rather... more
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      Quantum PhysicsOntologyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizStephen Hawking
Ayaklarınızın altına değil, gökyüzüne, yıldızlara bakmayı unutmayın. Gördüklerinizden anlam çıkarmaya çalışın ve evrenin var olmasını sağlayan şeyin ne olduğunu sorgulayın. Meraklı olun. Yaşam ne kadar zor görünürse görünsün, her daim... more
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    • Stephen Hawking
Stephen W. Hawking, físico británico (Oxford, 1942), heredero de la cátedra Lucasiana de matemáticas, fundada en 1663, que en su tiempo ocuparon Newton y después Dirac, es uno de los mayores genios de la ciencia del siglo XX. En HISTORIA... more
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      PhysicsStephen HawkingFísica
Convegno di studi "Gli universi di Stephen Hawking" (Liceo Statale “G. P. Vieusseux”, Imperia), 22/03/2019
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Quantum Gravity
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    • Stephen Hawking
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultureScience Fiction
En el siguiente artículo quiero referirme a aquello por lo cual Stephen Hawking es mundialmente conocido: el Big Bang, la teoría que explica el origen del universo, y que, por lo tanto, dejaría a Dios de lado. Al menos según Hawking ya no... more
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      Stephen HawkingFísicaTomás de AquinoAristoteles
The day that Hawking found God but couldn't believe his eyes This is the story how Hawking ducked and weaved to avoid the evidence that his theories kept leading him to, namely that God created the Universe. However, in the end he came... more
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      Ancient HistoryPhysicsQuantum PhysicsHistory of Science
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      History of TimeStephen Hawking
➤ Meaning in life and prayer are associated with greater psychological well-being.
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    • Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking was known for his groundbreaking work with black holes and relativity, and was the author of several popular science books including 'A Brief History of Time.' He was a Theoretical physicist, professor and author who... more
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    • Stephen Hawking
Exponemos y comentamos en este artículo la teoría cosmológica presentada en el libro de Stephen Hawking y Leonard Mlodinow El Gran Diseño (The Great Design, 2010), una perspectiva global sobre la física y el universo que pretende dar... more
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      Big BangStephen HawkingFilosofíaMundos Posibles
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      Quantum CosmologyDoctrine of CreationStephen Hawking
The author refers to my article "Stephen Hawking, the Foolish Wise, the Extraterrestrials, and Today´s Criminal Elites´ Main Fear", republishing long excerpts from it; he also mentions several of my publications about Assyrian -... more
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      Cosmology (Anthropology)SpiritualityMysticismComparative Mysticism
Stephen Hawking admired A.K. Raychaudhuri’s contributions to Physics. His contributions are widely recognized by the international scientific community. But AKR remains a hidden figure in his own homeland. Link:... more
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      History of Science and TechnologySocial SciencesGravitationGeneral Relativity
Durante toda su vida, Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) mantuvo un interés prácticamente ininterrumpido por la astronomía. Primero en calidad de historiador de la ciencia moderna y miembro de la Academia de Ciencias y Literatura de Mainz, luego... more
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      Edmund HusserlMartin HeideggerHans BlumenbergStephen Hawking
Ilmu metafizik adalah salah satu cabang ilmu falsafah yang membincangkan mengenai perkara-perkara yang melangkaui alam fizik. Menurut Aristotle, ilmu metafizik adalah ilmu yang membahaskan tentang hakikat segala sesuatu perkara atau... more
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      Stephen HawkingAgamaTuhanMetafizik
Albert Einstein, con su inmensa capacidad intelectual y dominio de la física cuántica, teorizó acerca de la continuidad y la relatividad del tiempo y el espacio. Lo resumió en una pequeña fórmula cuya sencillez todavía asombra a la... more
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      Albert EinsteinStephen HawkingMahatma GandhiApologetics
Aristóteles, en su libro De los Cielos estableció dos argumentos para creer que la Tierra era redonda: La sombra de la Tierra sobre la luna (en los eclipses lunares) era siempre redonda y la estrella polar aparecía más baja vista desde el... more
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    • Stephen Hawking
Physics is not physics anymore. Relativity, gravity, and coulomb forces have been united in new equations. This man mathematically researched light, gravitational waves, black holes of Stephen Hawking based on Albert Einstein's equations.... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
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      EpistemologyAtheismPhenomenologyRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)
Stephen Hawking ve Leonard Mlodinow'un The Grand Design (Büyük Tasarım) Kitabı Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme
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      Stephen HawkingFizikFelsefeTeoloji
Breve escrito a propósito de la muerte de Stephen Hawking y la manera cómo los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales sobredimensionan la estatura científica del científico británico.
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      Cosmology (Physics)History of ScienceAstrophysicsStephen Hawking
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    • Stephen Hawking
According to Physics (HAWKING, 2017), time originated at the Big Bang. According to some religions, time originated at the moment God created the universe. Arda’s time originated with the music sung by the Ainur and the counting of the... more
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      IntermedialityJ. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteraturePhilosophy of Time
Oleh: Wiramanja Seseorang berasa dirinya kerdil apabila berada dalam sebuah perpustakaan. Sebuah perpustakaan adalah gedung ilmu yang melempah ruah terbit daripada keringat pemikiran manusia ciptaan Allah s.w.t. Segala pemikiran manusia... more
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      Ernest HemingwayAlbert CamusLeo TolstoyStephen Hawking
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    • Stephen Hawking
Spanish abstract: ´El Gran Diseño´, libro de Stephen Hawking y Leonard Mlodinow (Bantam, 2010) se propone responder científicamente a algunas cuestiones que en tiempos pasados se explicaban mediante mitos de creación: por qué existe el... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)Science FictionPhilosophy of TimeStephen Hawking
This is an epistemological research, concerning knowledge processes. The choice of African Cichlids as a subject has been stimulated mainly by the fact that these fishes are targeted by remarkably different observers: fishermen,... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of BiologyHierarchy TheoryStephen Hawking
Reseña con resumen y comentario de HISTORIA DEL TIEMPO, de Stephen Hawking, sintetizando las tesis principales del libro y evaluándolas desde el punto de vista de una filosofía del tiempo (tanto cósmico como humano) informada por la... more
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      PhysicsNarrativeTime StudiesEvolution
An exegesis of Grateful Dead's "Dark Star" masterpiece, as performed on the 1969 "Live Dead" album which attempts to demonstrate that the lyrics of the song anticipate and solve Stephen Hawking's "Information-loss" paradox, and also... more
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      MetaphysicsRelativityBlack HolesPhilosophy of Art
The present world order is an invalid fallacy, a mere delusion to please the fancy of the self-styled elites – all those who plunged the entire Mankind into injustice, bias, inhumanity, falsehood, discord, bloodshed, abject poverty for... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
An account of Deleuze's late philosophy, especially in the age of neoliberalism and our "society of control." Includes discussions of (1) the marketplace of idea and the emergence of the "New Philosophers"; (2) the relation between... more
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      MarketingThermodynamicsPolitical EconomyPhilosophy
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceHistory of PhysicsStephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking has flirted with the subject of time travel, off and on, during his career but he is most famous for his argument that history should be safe for historians, due to the fact that although he has revisited the subject... more
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      ParadoxesTime TravelClosed Timelike CurvesStephen Hawking
El problema del origen de la vida persiste como asunto pendiente de solución. Pero ya no se trata de un asunto inexplicable. Entre las aproximaciones teoréticas que se han propuesto está la del ARN y las ribozimas como eslabones... more
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      Stephen HawkingAstrofísicaAnalisis De La VidaTeoria Sobre El Origen De La Vida
This paper is based on my lecture at Christ Church, University of Oxford, on 30 November 2016 [Oxford Talks]: 'Science and Religion: Moving Beyond the Conflict'... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScience and ReligionCosmologyStephen Hawking
Goodbye to Albert Einstein's erroneous relativity based on two major mistakes. Unfortunately, Stephen Hawking's black hole ideas are based on erroneous relativity. General relativity is not the best comprehesion of gravity. Gravitational... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 7 , 2 0 1 0 TRANSFORMASI ILHAM RASA KE SEBUAH KARYA Seseorang berasa dirinya kerdil apabila berada dalam sebuah perpustakaan. Sebuah perpustakaan adalah gedung ilmu yang melempah ruah terbit daripada... more
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      Ernest HemingwayAlbert CamusLeo TolstoyStephen Hawking
Researchers at Weizmann Institute of Science and Cinvestav recently carried out a study testing the theory of Hawking radiation on laboratory analogues of black holes. [32] One of the most cataclysmic events to occur in the cosmos... more
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    • Stephen Hawking
This paper takes issue with the onto-theological presuppositions of Stephen Hawking’s cosmology. I argue that Hawking’s position exemplifies and confirms Emanuele Severino’s interpretation of modern science as the historical process of... more
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      Science and ReligionNihilismScientific RevolutionHistory of Science and Religion
Stephen Hawking
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      HistoryAncient HistoryQuantum ComputingQuantum Physics