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Low back pain and degenerative disc disease are a significant cause of pain and disability worldwide. Advances in regenerative medicine and cell-based therapies, particularly the transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells and... more
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      Stem CellsStem Cell
Autophagy, a lysosomal degradation pathway for cellular constituents and organelles, is an adaptive and essential process required for cellular homeostasis. Although autophagy functions as a survival mechanism in response to cellular... more
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      CancerAutophagyStem CellApoptosis
Biological consequences and physical complaints were compared for donors randomly assigned either to blood stem cell (BSC) or bone marrow (BM) donation. In the period 1994-1999, 61 consecutive donors were included. The BSC donors were... more
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      AdolescentStem CellMedicineHematopoietic Stem Cells
Background. The interests in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and their application in cell therapy have resulted in a better understanding of the basic biology of these cells. Recently hypoxia has been indicated as crucial for complete... more
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      BioinformaticsStem CellsLife SciencesHypoxia
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      NeurosciencePsychologyStem CellsSkeletal muscle biology
We report six patients with acute leukemia characterized by the presence of a t(lo;ll) (pl l-p15;q13-q23), either as sole cytogenetic abnormality (three patients) or as part of a complex abnormal karyotype. The morphologic and... more
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      Stem CellAcute Myeloid LeukemiaTrisomy 21Immunophenotyping
With this letter, we wish to raise caution about interpretations of results owing to artifacts that may occur when cell lines are derived by culturing on cell-derived feeder layers. We recently reported the apparent derivation of rat... more
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      Stem CellsStem CellHepatologyArtifacts
Sox2 has yet to be determined. Sox2 can act synergistically with Oct3/4 in vitro to activate Oct-Sox enhancers, which regulate the expression of pluripotent stem cellspecific genes, including Nanog, Oct3/4 and Sox2 itself. These findings... more
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      BiochemistryGeneticsBiophysicsMolecular Biology
This protocol describes the immunofluorescence staining of floating neurospheres in culture plates. Although this protocol is similar to conventional immunofluorescence staining, the staining procedure of floating neurospheres in... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceStem CellsFluorescent Dyes and Reagents
When it comes to public opinion about controversial issues related to science and technology, many policy makers and scientists assume that increased public understanding of science will lead to increased public support. Yet, instead of a... more
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      Public OpinionPolitical ScienceStem CellCommunication and media Studies
Tissue stem cells have been linked to cancers of epithelial origin including the prostate. There are three relevant issues concerning stem cells and cancer that rely solely on functional studies: 1. Are there tissue-regenerating stem... more
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      Stem CellsProstate CancerStem CellTissue Regeneration
Insert size and SD are calculated from assembly of mates on contigs. †% Mates is based on laboratory tracking of sequencing runs. 825 bases contributed by all centers were shredded into faux reads resulting in 2.96ϫ coverage of the genome.
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      AlgorithmsTechnologyPolymorphismComputational Biology
We have developed a novel three-dimensional (3D) cellular microarray platform to enable the rapid and efficient tracking of stem cell fate and quantification of specific stem cell markers. This platform consists of a miniaturized 3D cell... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryReferenceStem Cells
Hox genes are clearly implicated in leukemia; however, neither the specificity of the leukemogenic potential among Hox genes of different paralog groups nor the role of the homeodomain is clear. We tested the leukemogenic potential of... more
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      Stem CellMultidisciplinaryHematopoiesisHematopoietic Stem Cells
The validity of the free radical theory of aging has been recently questioned. Our aim was to test whether there is oxidative stress in tissues critically involved in accelerated aging (senescence-accelerated mice, SAM) and whether this... more
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      Free RadicalsAgingOxidative StressStem Cell
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      TechnologyStem CellCell separationBiological Sciences
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      GenomicsHuman Embryonic Stem CellsComputational BiologyStem Cell
Cultured human myoblasts fail to immortalize following the introduction of telomerase. The availability of an immortalization protocol for normal human myoblasts would allow one to isolate cellular models from various neuromuscular... more
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      RegenerationAgingStem CellCell Division
Objective. Generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from human cord blood (CB)Lderived unrestricted somatic stem cells and evaluation of their molecular signature and differentiation potential in comparison to human embryonic... more
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      Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (I Psc)Stem CellTranscription FactorsStem Cell Transplantation
Analyses of genome orthologs in cancer on the background of tumor heterogeneity, coupled with the recent identification that the tumor propagating capacity resides within a very small fraction of cells (the tumor stem cells-TSCs), has not... more
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      Genetic DriftMolecular EvolutionDNA repairStem Cell
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      PhytochemistryStem CellCell CultureBiological Sciences
Periodic chronic myelogenous leukemia (PCML) is an interesting dynamical disease of the hematopoietic system in which oscillating levels of circulating leukocytes, platelets and/or reticulocytes are observed. Typically all of these three... more
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      Cell CycleStem CellTheoretical biologyHematopoiesis
Lately, understanding the role of cancer stem cells in tumor initiation and progression became a major focus in stem cell biology and in cancer research. Considerable efforts, such as the recent studies by Honeth and colleagues, published... more
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      Breast CancerStem CellCancer Stem CellEpithelial cells
To identify adult human buccal epithelial stem cells (SCs) on the basis of two parameters (high p63 expression and greater nucleus/cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio) and to evaluate clinical efficacy of ex-vivo expanded autologous epithelium in... more
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      ImmunologyConfocal MicroscopyAdult Stem CellsAdolescent
In this study, we describe a role for the mammalian Numb-interacting protein 1 (Nip1) in regulation of neuronal differentiation in stem cells. The expression of Nip1 was detected in the developing mouse brain, embryonic stem cells,... more
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      Stem CellsBiological ChemistryStem CellCytoskeleton
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      Stem CellFasciaInguinal HerniaTensile Strength
Over the past few years, substantial progress has been made in the field of stem cell regeneration of the intervertebral disc. Autogenic mesenchymal stem cells in animal models can arrest intervertebral disc degeneration or even partially... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTissue EngineeringRegenerationStem Cells
Cytomics aims to determine the molecular phenotype of single cells. Within the context of the -omics, cytomics allows the investigation of multiple biochemical features of the heterogeneous cellular systems known as the cytomes. Cytomics... more
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      PharmacologyToxicologyKineticsFlow Cytometry
The differentiation and proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells (NPCs) depend on various in vivo environmental factors or cues, which may include an endogenous electrical field (EF), as observed during nervous system development and... more
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      TechnologyStem CellsMorphologyImmunohistochemistry
The aim of the study was to evaluate the activity of decitabine, our preliminary experience with decitabine in patients with a hypomethylating agent, in the treatment of patients with accelerated and blastic phases of CML. chronic... more
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      LeukemiaStem CellAcute Myeloid LeukemiaMyelodysplastic Syndrome
The continuous renewal of human epidermis is sustained by stem cells contained in the epidermal basal layer and in hair follicles 1,2 . Cultured keratinocyte stem cells, known as holoclones 3-6 , generate sheets of epithelium used to... more
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      Tissue EngineeringStem CellStem Cell TransplantationMice
AML patients (total 129; median age ¼ 50 years; range 16-72) in first CR received BU and melphalan (BU/Mel) as conditioning regimen before auto-SCT. In all, 82 patients (63.6%) received PBSCs and 47 patients (36.4%) received BM cells. The... more
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      AdolescentStem CellMultivariate AnalysisItaly
Myogenesis involves the determination of progenitor cells to myoblasts, their fusion to yield multinuclear myotubes, and the maturation of myotubes to muscle fibres. This development is reflected in a time pattern of gene expression, e.g.... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyCell AdhesionScanning Electron MicroscopyApplied microbiology
The thesis advanced in this essay is that stem cells-particularly those in the nervous system-are components in a series of inborn 'programs' that not only ensure normal development, but persist throughout life so as to maintain... more
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      Stem CellsWound HealingStem CellSignal Transduction
Cryopreservation currently is the only method for long-term preservation of cellular viability and function for uses in cellular therapies. Characterizing the cryobiological response of a cell type is essential in the approach to... more
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La peau et la cornée sont deux tissus de revêtement constitués d'un épithélium fermement ancré à un tissu conjonctif, le derme pour la peau et le stroma pour la cornée. Les cellules souches de la peau ont pu être amplifiées grâce à la... more
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      Tissue EngineeringChitosanStem CellExtracellular Matrix
Objectives To evaluate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of preterm patients with hydrocephalus for neural progenitors. Study design This report describes a prospective study of CSF obtained from preterm infants, either with progressive... more
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      PediatricsFlow CytometryStem CellCerebrospinal Fluid
Umbilical cord blood (UCB) contains a high number of primitive progenitor cells, allowing UCB to be used as a source of hematopoietic progenitors for clinical transplantation. However the rate of UCB CD34 z stem cells graft is low.... more
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      HematologyGamma RaysStem CellStem Cell Transplantation
The concept of tissue and cell guidance is rapidly evolving as more information regarding the effect of the microenvironment on cellular function and tissue morphogenesis become available. These disclosures have lead to a tremendous... more
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      Molecular BiologyTissue EngineeringDrug deliveryStem Cell
A lot of interest has been generated by the possibility of deriving gametes from embryonic stem cells and bone marrow stem cells. These stem cell derived gametes may become useful for research and for the treatment of infertility. In this... more
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      GeneticsInformed ConsentAdult Stem CellsStem Cell
The current issue of the Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods (JPTM) focuses exclusively on safety pharmacology methods. This is the 7th year the Journal has published on this topic. Methods and models that specifically... more
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      Research DesignBiotechnologyDrug developmentStem Cell
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      Gene regulationScienceStem CellTranscription Factors
Historical Perspective The year 1961 was momentous for skeletal muscle, being marked by publications that established the dominant model of the cell biology of skeletal muscle for the remainder of the 20th century. The first was the
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      Electron MicroscopyRegenerationSkeletal muscle biologyBiology
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      Stem CellSignal TransductionHematopoietic Stem CellsCell Differentiation
The chemokine receptor CXCR4 belongs to the large superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors, and is directly involved in a number of biological processes including organogenesis, hematopoiesis, and immunity. Recent evidence has... more
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      PathologyCancerBreast CancerStem Cell
The aim of this study was to evaluate the osteogenic potential and the vascularization of embroidered, tissue engineered, and cell-seeded 3D poly(3)hydroxybutyrate (PHB) scaffolds in nude rats. Collagen I (coll I)- and collagen... more
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      EngineeringTissue EngineeringStem CellsCalcium
825 bases contributed by all centers were shredded into faux reads resulting in 2.96ϫ coverage of the genome.
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      AlgorithmsTechnologyPolymorphismComputational Biology
Bone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cells have a specific function as a site of transmigration of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and mature blood cells between bone marrow and blood stream. However, the specific characteristics of... more
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      Cell AdhesionStem CellEndothelial CellsMice
The International Stem Cell Initiative characterized 59 human embryonic stem cell lines from 17 laboratories worldwide. Despite diverse genotypes and different techniques used for derivation and maintenance, all lines exhibited similar... more
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      GeneticsZoologyStem CellsHuman Embryonic Stem Cells