Steel Design
Recent papers in Steel Design
The "slim deck" and the "slim floor" systems are typical examples of composite shallow floor systems that have been applied recently in the civil engineering industry, while various manufacturing companies developing their own systems.... more
Monografía de Análisis y diseño sismo-resistente de una edificación de acero de cuatro niveles a base de marcos arriostrados excéntricamente, propuesta de diseño para ejecución del proyecto en la ciudad de Managua, Nicaragua. Mediante... more
Clause 6.3.4 of EN 1993-1-1 describes a “General Method” for lateral and lateral torsional buckling of structural components, ideally suited to software applications. Although the UK National Annex places some limitations on the use of... more
L’acciaio, artefice di radicali metamorfosi dell’architettura moderna e contemporanea, è da sempre promotore di un’estetica nuova che privilegia leggerezza e trasparenza, qualità formali dissonanti in città come Roma in cui la storia... more
Commercial production greenhouses are widely used to produce plants and crops. From the structural engineering viewpoint, among the loads that act on greenhouses, wind and snow loads are the major ones. This paper focuses on the former,... more
Two novel demountable shear connectors for precast steel-concrete composite bridges are presented. The connectors use high-strength steel bolts, which are fastened to the steel beam with the aid of a special locking configuration that... more
American Iron and Steel Institute
North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structure
The document is copyrighted by AISI
North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structure
The document is copyrighted by AISI
This is the first Chapter of the book released by Oxford University Press, New Delhi. Design of Steel Structures is designed to meet the requirements of undergraduate students of civil and structural engineering. This book will also... more
Chapter 1 pages 1-15
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Pada tulisan ini, penulis ingin membagikan beberapa rumus rules of tumb untuk steel design yang penulis himpun dari berbagai publikasi dan pengalaman. Harap untuk mem-verifikasi terlebih dahulu jika ingin digunakan. Perlu diperhatikan... more
Commercial production greenhouses are widely used to produce plants and crops. From the structural engineering viewpoint, among the loads that act on greenhouses, wind and snow loads are the major ones. This paper focuses on the former,... more
comprehensive coverage for 16 hours structural engineering exam
This document is intended to become a standard reference that can be used in conjunction with the normal design codes and manuals for work in structural design offices. The objective has been to provide 'good practice' guidance within a... more
Load & Resistance Factor Design -Volume I & II - 2nd Edition AISC Publication
Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS) is seeing increased and widespread use around the world. AESS is steel that is a purposefully expressed part of the architectural design of a building and subject to normal views by... more
Dual-phase (DP) steel is the flagship of advanced high-strength steels, which were the first among various candidate alloy systems to find application in weight-reduced automotive components. On the one hand, this is a metallurgical... more
Developing strong, damage-tolerant, and functional steels shapes the backbone for industrial innovations in manufacturing, energy, transportation, and safety. Examples are Fe-Cr steels for emission-reduced turbines; weight reduced and... more
A moderately high carbon (0.61%) high silicon steel was subjected to a newly designed heat treatment cycle consisting of continuous cooling for different duration after austenitization followed by austempering at 300, 350 and 400 °C to... more
Chapter 3 Pages 125-140
This paper summarizes for practitioners the key recommendations of a recent ASCE report for utilizing the notional load approach to design steel columns in unbraced frames. This method, which has been employed successfully outside the... more
New SEN design was developed for improving steel quality and/or increase caster productivity for thin slab caster in an operating industrial plant. The new design has two main advantages; first is to reduce turbulence under meniscus to... more
Dieser Aufsatz beschreibt – als erster einer Serie von drei Teilen – im Wesentlichen die Details der so genannten „Allgemeinen Methode” von DIN EN 1993-1-1/Abschnitt 6.3.4. Diese softwarebasierte Methode für beliebige 2D- und... more
Truss structures are commonly used in almost maximum structures we build. analysing how it works and what are requirements to build it is very important.
Floor vibration is widely recognized as an important limit state in the design of steel-framed floors, and various evaluation methods have been developed over the years. These methods range from simplified methods that are suitable for... more
This report presents formal guidelines for the use of second-order inelastic analysis in the design and assessment of steel framing systems. This advanced analysis methodology focuses on the strength of the structural system as a whole,... more