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The main aim of this paper is to provide some practical guidance to researchers on how statistical power analysis can be used to estimate sample size in empirical design. The paper describes the key assumptions underlying statistical... more
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      Sport PsychologyHealth SciencesSports MedicineStatistics
Recent years have witnessed a growing number of published reports that point out the need for reporting various effect size estimates in the context of null hypothesis testing (H0) as a response to a tendency for reporting tests of... more
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      Sport PsychologyHealth SciencesSports MedicineStatistics
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      PsychologyInformed ConsentStatistical InferenceMedical Care
We present a simple way of assessing dynamic or time-dependent changes in displacement during single-subject radioligand positron emission tomography (PET) activation studies. The approach is designed to facilitate dynamic activa tion... more
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      KineticsStatistical AnalysisPositron Emission TomographyNeurobiology
In this paper modelling time series by single hidden layer feedforward neural network models is considered. A coherent modelling strategy based on statistical inference is discussed. The problems of selecting the variables and the number... more
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      Computer ScienceEconometricsTime SeriesTime series Econometrics
I demonstrate the application of hierarchical regression modeling, a state-of-the-art technique for statistical inference, to language research. First, a stable sociolinguistic variable in Philadelphia (Labov, 2001) is reconsidered, with... more
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      PsychologyLanguage Variation and ChangeStatistical Modeling of LanguageLinguistics
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      LawStatisticsStatistical Inference
The development of school students' understanding of comparing two data sets is explored through responses of students in individual interview settings. Eighty-eight students in grades 3 to 9 were presented with data sets in graphical... more
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      StatisticsVisualizationTeacher EducationMathematics Education
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
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      EngineeringEconometricsStatisticsApplied Statistics
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      FinancePattern RecognitionTechnical AnalysisStatistical Inference
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      Genetic AlgorithmStatistical Inference
Recent developments in ecological statistics have reached behavioral ecology, and an increasing number of studies now apply analytical tools that incorporate alternatives to the conventional null hypothesis testing based on significance... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyResearch DesignEcology
This note is an answer to some open problems connected with recent developments for appropriate methodologies for making inferences on the tail of a distribution function (d.f.). Namely, in Fraga Alves and Gomes (1996), the Gumbel... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsStatistical InferenceDomain of attraction
Statistical inference on the Lagrange gamma distribution is considered in this paper. The method of moments, the maximum-likelihood estimation technique, and the estimation of the scale parameter by order statistics are discussed. A... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsOrder StatisticsStatistical Inference
Phylogenetic mixture models are statistical models of character evolution allowing for heterogeneity. Each of the classes in some unknown partition of the characters may evolve by different processes, or even along different trees. The... more
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      Algebraic GeometryData AnalysisMolecular EvolutionBiological Sciences
Informal inferential reasoning has shown some promise in developing students’ deeper understanding of statistical processes. This paper presents a framework to think about three key principles of informal inference – eneralizations... more
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      PsychologyStatistics EducationTeacher professional developmentStatistical Learning
Inductive inference allows humans to make powerful generalizations from sparse data when learning about word meanings, unobserved properties, causal relationships, and many other aspects of the world. Traditional accounts of induction... more
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      Probability TheoryCognitionIntuitionKnowledge Representation
Confidence intervals are in many ways a more satisfactory basis for statistical inference than hypothesis tests. This article explains a simple method for using bootstrap resampling to derive confidence intervals. This method can be used... more
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      MarketingPsychologyStatistical InferenceBusiness and Management
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
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      ProbabilityComputationStatistical InferenceConcept Formation
In this paper, we propose a new study of a stochastic lognormal diffusion process (SLDP), with three parameters, which can be considered as an extension of the bi-parametric lognormal process with the addition of a threshold parameter.... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsStatistical ComputingSimulated Annealing
Since publication use of the WHOQOL-Bre`f has rapidly risen. However, as yet no population norms have been published as a reference point against which researchers can interpret their findings. This study provides preliminary population... more
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      SociologyPsychometricsSocial IndicatorsGenre
In this paper, we develop and apply a framework for estimating the potential global-scale impact of reservoir construction on riverine sediment transport to the ocean. Using this framework, we discern a large, global-scale, and growing... more
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      Earth SciencesHydrologyGlobal changeStatistical Inference
This study examined the internal consistency and validity of a new rating scale to identify gifted students, the Gifted Rating Scales-School Form (GRS-S). The study explored the effect of gender, race/ethnicity, age, and rater familiarity... more
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The purpose of this paper is to pnxide a brief and selective survey of statistical inference in nonparametric, deterministic, linear programming-based frontier models. The survey starts with nonparametric regularity tests, sensitivity... more
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      EconometricsSensitivity AnalysisApplied EconomicsStatistical Inference
The Quinlain’s ID3 algorithm makes extensive use of decision trees. A decision tree is a tree in which each non-leaf node is labeled with an attribute or a question of some sort, and in which the branches at that node correspond to the... more
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      Statistical InferenceNetwork Intrusion Detection (NIDS)ID3 Decision Tree Algorithm
Testing for IIA with the Hausman-McFadden Test * The Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives assumption inherent in multinomial logit models is most frequently tested with a Hausman-McFadden test. As is confirmed by many findings in the... more
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      Statistical InferenceMultinomial Logit ModelMultinomial Logit
Statistical models and likelihood: Review (parametric, semiparametric and nonparametric models).
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      Theory and MethodStatistical Inference
The internationally accepted definition of biodiversity creates difficulty in measuring difference and change. The authors suggest that well-sampled data can be used to generate a range of numerical indices reflecting species group... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesStatistical InferenceEcological Indicators
The Weibull and Log-Normal distributions are frequently used in reliability to analyze lifetime (or failure time) data. The ratio of maximized likelihood (RML) has been extensively used in choosing between the two distributions. The... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsInformation TheoryApplied Statistics
She is currently teaching in the English and Technical Communication department at Missouri S & T. Ms Bashyal has published several conference papers in the area of sustainability and is ready to submit her Master ' s thesis related to... more
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      MarketingPerformance MeasurementCustomer Relationship ManagementStatistical Inference
The usage of statistics. Evaluation and logical Self-Defence.
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      StatisticsArgumentationInferenceArgumentation Theory
Jan. 8, 2016: Perhaps wherever I noted "the estimated standard error of the random factors of the estimated residuals," I should have said "the estimated standard deviation of the random factors of the estimated residuals." I saw some... more
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      Applied StatisticsSurvey MethodologySurvey ResearchSurvey Research (Research Methodology)
The bootstrap, extensively studied during the last decade, has become a powerful tool in different areas of Statistical Inference. In this work, we present the main ideas of bootstrap methodology in several contexts, citing the most... more
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      Statistical InferencePrediction errorCross ValidationCensored data
This paper is concerned with modern approaches to mechanistic modeling of the process of cancer detection. Measurements of tumor size at diagnosis represent a valuable source of information to enrich statistical inference on the processes... more
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      Stochastic processesBiological SciencesStatistical InferenceComputer Simulation
A novel semiparametric regression model for censored data is proposed as an alternative to the widely used proportional hazards survival model. The proposed regression model for censored data turns out to be flexible and practically... more
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      Survival AnalysisParameter estimationStatistical InferenceMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
A prominent problem in actuarial science is to define, or describe, premium calculation principles (pcp's) that satisfy certain properties. A frequently used resolution of the problem is achieved via distorting (e.g., lifting) the... more
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      EconomicsStatistical InferenceMathematical SciencesWeight Loss
Partial least squares regression Partial least squares path modeling PLS Symmetric PLS Asymmetric PLS Task PLS Behavior PLS Seed PLS Multi-block PLS Multi-table PLS Canonical variate analysis Co-inertia analysis Multiple factor analysis... more
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      AlgorithmsExperimental DesignBrainDiscriminant Analysis
Extreme events are defined as extreme high (or low) values of whatever statistics of the output of the system we are interested in. These values play an important role because they may correspond to abnormal or dangerous operating... more
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    • Statistical Inference
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      Big BangStatistical InferenceMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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    • Statistical Inference
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      AlgorithmsPerceptionPattern RecognitionNeural Network
Adolescence period is characterised by various incidences. This allows for confirmed inferences of different magnitude. This study looked into contemporary clothing habits and sexual behaviour of adolescents in the South Western Nigeria... more
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      GeneticsHuman EcologyGeographySexual Behaviour
This guide book is especially designed for beginners in SPSS ans have some background knowledge of Statistical techniques. For ease of students and users different renowned books which are easily available and taught in universities are... more
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      StatisticsData AnalysisTime series analysisStatistical Design of Experiment (DoE)
Diagnosis and prognosis are processes of assessment of a system's health -past, present and future -based on observed data and available knowledge about the system. Due to the nature of the observed data and the available knowledge, the... more
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      PhysicsMachine LearningData AnalysisModeling
is Professor of Integrated Marketing at the Centre for Integrated Marketing, University of Luton Business School, and the founder and CEO of Stepping Stones Consultancy Ltd. He has made a signifi cant contribution to practical thought... more
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      MarketingPerformance MeasurementCustomer Relationship ManagementStatistical Inference
This paper presents the usage of different types of inferential statistics, the relevance of statistics to various disciplines, its usage in different types of research, and its relevance to the writer. ABSTRACT Inferential statistics... more
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      StatisticsStatistics EducationInferential StatisticsStatistical Inference
A solid understanding of inferential statistics is of major importance for designing and interpreting empirical results in any scientific discipline. However, students are prone to many misconceptions regarding this topic. This article... more
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      StatisticsResearch MethodologyResearch DesignStatistics Education
Generalized Information (GI) is a measurement of the degree to which a program can be said to generalize a dataset. It is calculated by creating a program to model the data set, measuring the Active Information in the model, and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation TheoryMachine LearningStatistical machine learning
Sampling of a population is frequently required to understand trends and patterns in natural resource management because financial and time constraints preclude a complete census. A rigorous probability-based survey design specifies where... more
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      AlgorithmsResearch DesignEnvironmental ManagementNatural Resource Management