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Revista catalana de dret public, 44, ISSN 1885-5709, 2010 Classification source: Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
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      MathematicsAcademic FreedomEvaluation ResearchState and University Autonomy
This study focuses on university autonomy in Nigeria with a View to determining its efficacy in university administration. The study acknowledges that academic freedom and institutional autonomy are paramount to educational sector. Thus,... more
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      Higher EducationState and University AutonomyAcademic Freedom and University AutonomyUniversity Autonomy
RESUMEN La ley orgánica de universidades configura un servicio público único pero con dos estatutos jurídicos diferentes. En este trabajo, se analiza de forma crítica esta concurrencia imperfecta entre universidades públicas y privadas y... more
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      Services of General InterestState and University AutonomyUniversityUniversidad
This book is the product of a long-standing collaborative project, one that has its roots in Almaty coffeehouses, where colleagues from KIMEP University discussed the practical aspects of the Kazakhstan’s proposed university autonomy... more
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      State and University AutonomyAcademic Freedom and University AutonomyUniversity Autonomy
Graduates' retrospective program evaluations can provide relevant and reliable feedback on an institutions' performance in delivering quality instruction and services to its students. This descriptive survey research ascertains graduates'... more
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      Social SciencesScience EducationState and University AutonomyRetrospective Evaluation
La relación de Universidad –Estado ha sido largamente analizada a lo largo de la historia en virtud de su complejidad. Anclado en el contexto actual, este libro muestra tres formas diferentes de concebir el binomio “Autonomía –... more
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      State and University AutonomyUniversityUniversidadUniversity policy
Cuvinte-cheie: învățământ superior, dictatură, autonomie universitară, educație dirijată, șomaj intelectual * Doctor în Istorie (2014). Autor al lucrării Limitele meritocrației într-o societate agrară, Iași, Polirom, 2015.
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      Romanian HistoryDictatorshipsState and University AutonomyHigher Education and History of Universties
The Handbook introduces and discusses key concepts in quality assurance in higher education, supplemented by examples of practices and methods from different higher education systems around the world. The examples presented, mainly from... more
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      State and University AutonomyGovernance and Policy in Higher EducationUniversity Autonomy
This practical handbook provides a concise overview of the key aspects related to university autonomy, based on selected international studies and other higher education policy literature. It elaborates on specific practical dimensions of... more
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      State and University AutonomyGovernance and Policy in Higher Education
Se abordan algunos “momentos” del desarrollo del elitismo y del marxismo que implicaron un diálogo y una confrontación teórica entre ambas vertientes, recortando autores y cuestiones potencialmente fructíferos para enriquecer la búsqueda... more
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      Higher EducationHigher Education PolicyState and University Autonomy
The present work focuses on the potential conflicts that might emerge, in the university environment, between the professors’ academic freedom, on the one hand, and the exercise of the academic authorities inherent competence to organize... more
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      Academic FreedomState and University Autonomy
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      Universidad de Buenos AiresState and University AutonomyUniversityAcademic Freedom and University Autonomy
Computer network security plays a vital role in the information and communication technology (ICT) environment. This study investigates the status of the existing network security, potential risks, and the possible solutions to the... more
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      Information SystemsNetwork SecurityState and University AutonomyCyber Attacks
Tässä tekstissä erittelen ensin yksilön täyden autonomisuuden, itsemääräämisen, aspekteja, ja sen jälkeen tarkastelen kollektiivisen toimijan, kuten yliopiston, autonomisuutta. Oletus on, että itsemääräämisellä on useita puolia, jotka... more
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      PhilosophyAutonomyState and University Autonomy
The aim of the book is to present the author’s proposals on the reform of the governance model from a holistic and functional perspective. The first task when designing a system of governance should be to identify the function that it is... more
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      GovernanceUniversity Governance, Management And AccountingState and University Autonomy
Een andere universiteit is noodzakelijk en mogelijk. Hoogleraren Rens Bod, Remco Breuker en Ingrid Robeyns spijkeren met dit pamflet veertig stellingen aan de poort van de universiteit. Het moet anders. De universiteit verkeert in... more
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      Academic FreedomHigher EducationAcademiaThe role of University
En el presente informe se exponen algunas preocupaciones sobre diversos discursos y normativas proferidas durante la década de los 60, desde los cuales se construyó el andamiaje jurídico y narrativo de persecución y hostigamiento... more
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      Academic FreedomHuman RightsCuban StudiesCuban History
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      Academic FreedomHuman RightsPolitical ScienceTurkey
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      EducationEducation PolicyAutonomyState and University Autonomy
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      State and University AutonomyUniversity Autonomy
This chapter provides an analysis of the evolution of institutional autonomy and academic freedom in Europe since the launch of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It points to evidence suggesting diverging... more
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      Academic FreedomAcademic responsibility and freedomAcademic Freedom (Law)State and University Autonomy
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      State and University AutonomyUniversity Autonomy
Con motivo de la reciente crisis económica, se han tomado una serie de medidas que tenían por objeto la contención del gasto público. Estas medidas han afectado a toda la Administración Pública, incluyendo las universidades. Sin embargo,... more
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      State and University AutonomyAutonomía universitariaEstabilidad presupuestaria
This chapter studies the history of university autonomy in Austria during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through a specific lens: It explores the commemoration and reputation of Leo Thun-Hohenstein, the conservative Bohemian count... more
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      Academic FreedomCold War and CultureHistory of ScienceCentral European history
Cilj ovog rada je ponuditi pozitivnu argumentaciju direktne demokracije u prilagođenom obliku i bez obzira na njezinu učestalu isključivost u pogledu prevladavajućeg upravnog političkog mehanizma. U uvodu napominjem kako je pojavnost... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ParticipationAthenian DemocracyDeliberative Democracy
A partir del análisis crítico de diversas fuentes documentales, en especial sus normativas y actas de funcionamiento, el presente artículo analiza la actuación del Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN) en el período 1990-1999.... more
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      Higher EducationHigher Education PolicyState and University AutonomyUniversity Governance
The strong endorsement of neo-liberal policies by successive Indian governments has severely affected the education sector. Not just the funding cut but also growing privatization has significantly affected the quality of and access to... more
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      EducationHigher EducationWelfare StateElementary Education
The recent history of Venezuela's student movements illustrates the paradox of academic autonomy. The student left used autonomy to resist repression during Venezuela's liberal democracy (1958). Yet, after 1998, the former supporters of... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsLatin American Studies
It is possible to analyse in a systematic manner the evolution of university autonomy and academic freedom in Europe after 1999-2000, a distinct and remarkable period in the history of European higher education. A consistent, albeit... more
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      Academic FreedomPolitical ScienceAcademic responsibility and freedomAcademic Freedom (Law)
Este informe esboza las principales preocupaciones respecto al socavamiento de la autonomía universitaria y el derecho a la libertad académica en Cuba, todo en el contexto de la reforma de la enseñanza superior de 1962. Asimismo, se... more
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      Academic FreedomHuman RightsCuban StudiesState and University Autonomy
Our world has been rendered topsy-turvy by the current crisis and it is extremely difficult to predict its short-and long-term impact on our everyday lives, the political, economic and social realms including higher educational... more
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      Academic FreedomState and University Autonomy
La U. Nacional ene que comenzar por decir adiós a la guerra'
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      Higher EducationPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentPublic UniversitiesInsurgency
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      State and University AutonomyUniversity Autonomy
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      State and University AutonomyUniversity GovernanceAcademic Freedom and University Autonomy
We the undersigned condemn these actions and stand in solidarity with the students and faculty of Boğaziçi University. We call upon Professor Bulu to decline the position and we call upon the Turkish government to release any students... more
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      Academic FreedomSocial JusticeTurkish NationalismJustice
The article explores major milestones in reforming higher education in Ukraine, applying the methodology of case studies. It analyzes political and social conditions that influenced the process of reform. The author pays particular... more
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      State and University AutonomyHigher Education Reform in Ukraine
As students and academics in Poland are fighting to defend democracy and autonomy of the universities, this post is a battle cry. It outlines the threats to intellectual freedoms posed by the new law on higher education being introduced... more
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      Transformation of University SystemsProtestPolandAcademia
En el presente informe se expusieron algunas de las principales preocupaciones en relación a la política de adoctrinamiento y de socavamiento de la autonomía universitaria y el derecho a la libertad académica en Cuba en el contexto de la... more
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      Academic FreedomHuman RightsCuban StudiesCuban History
The article takes up an issue of the Humboldt's idea of university in two perspectives. In the first part of the analysis, in reference to the Max Weber's lecture Wissenschaft als Beruf, we present the reasons for the failure of the... more
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      Lifelong LearningWilhelm DiltheyMax WeberState and University Autonomy
The purpose of this article is to analyze the efforts that have been made to Islamize Iranian universities, specifically since the emergence of hardliners in 2005. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the Islamic regime relentlessly... more
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      Iranian StudiesState and University Autonomy
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      Critical TheorySociologyAnthropologyAction Research
The recent history of Venezuela's student movements illustrates the paradox of academic autonomy. The student left used autonomy to resist repression during Venezuela's liberal democracy (1958). Yet, after 1998, the former... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsLatin American Studies
Deeply rooted in custom, law, and historical memory, autonomy and self-rule or governance is an often combative reality in Hispano-America, intimately bound with questions of self-determination and sovereignty in their broadest possible... more
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      State and University AutonomyPueblos De IndiosRepúblicas De IndiosCogobierno universitario
The article deals with the student strike at the University of Zagreb, which occurred in the summer term of the academic year 1907/1908 and was motivated by the politically influenced forceful retirement and suspension of the university... more
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      Croatian HistoryHistory of Universities20th CenturyState and University Autonomy
The aim of the book is to present the author’s proposals on the reform of the governance model from a holistic and functional perspective. The first task when designing a system of governance should be to identify the function that it is... more
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      GovernanceState and University Autonomy
Se adelanta una descripción contextual acerca de algunos factores sociales y acontecimientos particulares que intervinieron en la configuración de la actual política en educación superior colombiana a la luz de tendencias y corrientes... more
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      Educational reformState and University AutonomyHigher Education InstitutionsEducational Planning, Educational Policy, Disability Rights and Education
Academic autonomy as institutional and individual self‐determination in the sphere of education and scientific research faces a wide scope of challenges, caused by the fundamental changes in the life of contemporary society. Both primary... more
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      Applied MathematicsLegal EducationInterdisciplinarityEconomical Analysis of Law
The implementation of the European Space for Higher Education has entailed a process of profound renewal and change in all European universities. This paper analyzes the development of the objectives of what has been called the «Bologna... more
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      Academic FreedomEvaluation ResearchState and University AutonomyTeaching Innovation