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This business plan is a quick and dirty example of one that I wrote which helped secure $250k in investor money to help build an integrated mental health and substance abuse treatment center.
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      Marketing PlanningSWOT analysisBusiness Plans & Marketing StrategyStart-Up
With mass-market e-readers available on a large scale, digitization has finally reached book publishing, as well, having already conquered other creative industries like music and press publishing. Traditional definitions of books no... more
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      New MediaPublishingDigital MediaStrategic Management
La doctrine s’est déjà penchée à de nombreuses reprises sur les assurtechs, la menace concurrentielle qu’elles pourraient représenter pour les acteurs traditionnels de l’assurance ou encore sur les technologies dont elles font usage. Elle... more
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      Machine LearningStartupsStart UpActuary
How do we create a Start-up Ecosystem in India? This lecture explores this important topic based three factors: Social traditions, Govt policy, and personal discipline.
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      Business EthicsEconomicsIndian studiesIndia
startups, entrepreneurship, definition, rules
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipInnovation statisticsStrategic Management
Start-Up is ideal for anyone looking to start a business – whether you are a student or a professional preparing to launch your own business or social enterprise. It covers the crucial business processes you need to consider when starting... more
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      New Venture CreationStart-Up
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      Video GamesPhilippinesMarketing ResearchTechnology Entrepreneurship
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      South-East AsiaIndonesiaPhilippinesBusiness Start-Up
کتاب ثروت سریع اثر تی هارو اکر شامل آموزش گام های سریع رسیدن به ثروت
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کتاب گاو بنفش اثر ست گادین PDF
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Эта книга написана в рамках онлайн-курса «Юридическая поддержка стартапов» на платформе «Открытое образование». Перед вами учебное пособие и одновременно справочник по юридическим вопросам российского предпринимательства. Предназначается... more
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      EntrepreneurshipCivil LawCorporate LawBusiness Law
The following report was compiled for two reasons. The first, to define and explore the mechanics of hyperlocal start-up investing. The second, to analyze the start-up community of Greater Lafayette while attempting to make an investment... more
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      Venture CapitalInvestingStartupsStart-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial ventures
کتاب استارت آپ نوپای هفت روزه اثر دن نوریس
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      BusinessStartupsSuccessLean startup
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingBusiness AdministrationFinance
Collaborative relationships between businesses and nonprofits have grown tremendously in the last few years. These cross-sector alliances are different from within-sector alliances (business-business alliances) which has been examined in... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEducationCorporate Social ResponsibilityRehabilitation
Department Start Up sebagai department yang bergerak dibawah perusahaan internasional yang memiliki banyak karyawan di setiap area produksinya, maka data-data karyawan Department Start Up yang dianggap sebagai salah satu arsip penting... more
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      Start-UpSKPLspesifikasi kebutuhan perangkat lunak
There are more initiatives taken by the government of India to promote entrepreneurship among the young Indians with a lot more financial supports and schemes. In this background, it is the right time to evaluate schemes and supportive... more
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Many new product innovations are attributed to new venture creation. Although there are many success cases, many new ventures quit before they have fulfilled their greatest potential mainly because the team quits their effort. This... more
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      BusinessTeam CohesionEntrepreneurial TeamsStart-Up
Rövid értekezés a startup jogi fogalmának vetületeiről.
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      StartupsStart-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial venturesStart-Up
This chapter considers the relationship between the U.S. federal income tax system and innovation, using the sharing economy as a focal point for analysis. It makes two main points. First, the tax system is currently a questionable tool... more
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      Law And Economics (Economics)Tax LawTransactional AnalysisTransaction Costs
Semakin hari semakin banyak bermunculan model bisnis baru. Awalnya kita mengenal dengan sebutan bisnis UMKM namun, pada era sekarang bermunculan nama baru yakni bisnis start up. Kemungculan model bisnis ini membuat persaingan di dunia... more
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      Small BusinessOrganizational structureStart-Up
Юнит экономика: история появления.
The history of the term Unit-economy is considered.
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makalah star up bisnis
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    • Start-Up
The present document is an intrapreneurship proposal for reducing significantly the water consumption of selected domestic households by building customised rainwater collection systems. The value proposition for the client is to generate... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingInnovation statisticsIntrapreneurship
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector is a significant pillar of the Indian Economy that accounts for 30% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 45% of merchandise exports. India has a total of 63.3 million MSMEs, creating... more
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      PovertyManufacturingEconomics of InnovationIT and Innovation
The term globalisation suggests ideas that resemble a process of homogenisation in a global scale. However, empirical evidence suggests that in numerous places a revitalisation of the local has taken place. Free Cities are spaces of... more
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      GlobalizationCritical GeopoliticsPovertyDemocratic Theory
Istilah Start-Up yang diartikan sebagai perusahaan baru yang sedang dikembangkan, mulai berkembang akhir tahun 90an hingga tahun 2000, nyatanya istilah Start-up banyak dikaitkan dengan segala yang berbau teknologi, web, internet dan yang... more
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      EntrepreneurshipTeknologi PendidikanBusiness Start UpsStart-Up
Setiap kantor harus memiliki peraturan tata ruang dan peralata kantor sebaik-baiknya untuk bisa menjaga produktivitas karyawan dan membuat karyawan lebih betah dalam bekerja. Tata ruang merupakan cara penyusuran alat-alat kantor pada... more
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      Office ManagementStart-UpOffice Lay OutJurnal Manajemen Kantor
Emerging country like India, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have occupied an indispensable role in the planned industrialization of the economy. Most of the small industries have a low capital cost and high potential for... more
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      EntrepreneurshipDevelopment StudiesIndian studiesAgency Theory
The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and lean start-up template can be used as aid for developing a new, or analyzing and mapping an existing business model of a company. It is a visual chart with elements describing a firm... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Este trabalho pretende analisar como ocorreu o processo de surgimento e desenvolvimento do empreendedorismo no Brasil, com foco no período relativo ao século XXI. Além disso, confere destaque às suas principais formas de atuação nos... more
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      EntrepreneurshipDevelopment EconomicsBrazilian StudiesBusiness Angel Investment
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      CrowdfundingStart-UpEquity-Based Crowdfunding
Model scriere plan de afaceri, model scriere SUN 2018
Fara proiectii financiare.
Proiectul a fost creat pentru un cabinet de lactatie, cod caen 8690
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      BusinessBusiness PlanBusiness Start UpsStart-Up
Dunia ICT semakin luas dengan hadirnya berbagai startup dan juga telah terasa manfaatnya pada sektor kesehatan. Adanya teknologi ICT dan pertumbuhan startup juga membawa banyak peluang dan juga tantangan. Peluang itu banyak meningkatkan... more
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The LLEAD Project 2002 was written as a qualifying project for the Master in management of development. This edited version has been the subject of implementation leading to the production of numerous instructional materials in Lusoga.... more
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Stamen. La rivista pubblica numeri monotematici, a cadenza semestrale, il cui corpo centrale è costituito da articoli scientifici inediti. In linea con l'interesse per le pratiche filosofiche, l'indagine sul tema di ciascun numero potrà... more
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      NeurosciencePhilosophy of MindFilosofia Del LinguaggioStart-Up
Structural and systemic deficiencies that determine the gap between the Japanese start-up industry and other major countries
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial EconomicsModern and Contemporary Japan
This article is an initial step to reach a conceptual understanding on young entrepreneurs in sociological studies. Many studies pertaining to entrepreneurship have been found in various discipline of studies, however, nothing of note has... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial IdentityYouthStart-Up
In this paper, we examine strategies of business incubation in the following countries: the USA, Germany, and Russia using both a comparative theoretical analysis of different performance criteria of business incubators and interviewing... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship PolicyManagement of Innovation
The aim of this paper is to analyze the logics underpinning a district’ start-up. Since districts are based on a set of strategic relationships between the members, the role of leading-governing actor is of fundamental importance for the... more
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The business model construct is increasingly widespread among academia despite an ongoing debate on its being a blueprint of activities or a dynamic cognitive tool. However, in the dynamic perspective stream of literature based on a... more
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      EntrepreneurshipDigital TechnologyDigitizationBusiness Models
Individuals who create business and employment are entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is actually the ability to develop and sustain a business associated with risk, and ultimately make profit. Every entrepreneur aims to make profit for his... more
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      EntrepreneurshipGrowthWomen EntrepreneursStart-Up
Collaborative open innovation with technology startups is attracting considerable interest among large corporations around the world. Despite this practical relevance, an extensive and comparative analysis on collab-orative open... more
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      CollaborationOpen InnovationCorporate Innovation SystemsStart-Up
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      Strategy (Business)Start-Up
Izdelan večkriterijski odločitveni model, za izbiro agilne  metodologije, ki je bolj primerna za Start-Up podjetja. Izbor med 'Scrum' in 'Kanban' agilno projektno metodologijo, za analizo je uporabljen DEXi računalniški program.
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      Management Information SystemsInformation ManagementProject ManagementAgile Project Management
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      Video GamesPhilippinesMarketing ResearchTechnology Entrepreneurship
My blog-post for The Sociological Review.
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      Ibn KhaldunSociology of TechnologySilicon ValleyStart-Up
Small Scale Industry (SSI) is being the heart of Indian economy and employment. The developing country like India, its contribution is highly inevitable. It provides a platform for innovative, effective and efficient entrepreneurial... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationSmall BusinessSmall and Medium-scale Enterprises