Recent papers in Starcevo
Earliest Neolithic cultures brought significant changes in Southeast Europe – domesticated plant and animal species, new forms of material culture, innovations in settlement patterns, architecture. Completely new forms of economy and... more
Published in: Proceedings of the 8th World Salt Symposium, (urednik R.M. Geertman, Elsevier Science B.V.), Amsterdam 2000, vol. 2, 1139-1144. ISBN: 0-444-50065-0
The Bandkeramik Culture beginns wit its "Formative Phase" in NW-Hungary and Lower Austria (Sites Pityerdomb and Brunn a.G.). This phase has strong connection with the Starcevo culture (similar but different), but it can be shown, that... more
Helios Publishing House – Iaşi, ISBN 973-86217-4-7 format A5, 232 pages text and 120 figures.
This paper is the result of research conducted in the Banat settlement Starčevo, a suburban town near Pančevo. There is recognized a high degree of plurality and identity negotiations at the national, religious, regional and local level.... more
Adresa pentru corespondenţă: Sabin Adrian LUCA, Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu, Institutul pentru cercetarea şi valorificarea patrimoniului cultural transilvănean în context european, B-dul Victoriei, nr. 5-7, Sibiu 550009; Tel. /... more
In this paper, the author focuses at Anzabegovo, one of the most important Neolithic sites in the Central Balkan region. The importance of this site, which was excavated by Milutin Garašanin in the early seventies, lays in the fac that it... more
This paper discusses the concept of fine pottery, including the criteria for its identification, the relations between surface treatment and fine fabric, and its physical and mechanical properties. The main focus is the frequency of fine... more
Cuvinte cheie: prima neolitizare din Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est, Starčevo-Criş IA, sanctuar format din gropi rituale. Rezumat: Descoperit pe traseul Autostrăzii Orăştie-Sibiu, în situl Cristian I (km 76+450 -76+900), sanctuarul format... more
Helios Publishing House – Iaşi, ISBN 973-99952-9-2, format A5, 272 pages text and 12 figures.
The scope of this paper is to update our knowledge of the radiocarbon chronology of the Starèevo-Criº and Körös Cultures, whose distributions cover a territory that includes .
"Attrition of interior walls is often visible in the form of pitting and surface erosion. This is mostly wrongly interpreted as being a result of depositing of friable, underfired pottery in the acid environment. However, these traces... more
Stariji i srednji neolit jeste period velikih promena u ljudskom društvu. Pored uvođenja domestikovanih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta, neolitski način života donosi čitav niz promena ne samo na ekonomskom, već i na društvenom i širem... more
In the Linear Pottery Culture, two types of anthropomorphic figurines are distinguishable: type 1 figurines have a columnar body without legs and hips while type 2 figurines show more details in the shape of their body. These two types... more
The earliest Neolithic cultures in the Southeast Europe brought significant changes in many aspects of everyday life, in subsistence, settlement patterns, architecture, and also in ritual aspects. Very important are technological changes... more
Deskripcija nasuprot interpretaciji: odnos tradicionalne i savremene arheologije prema problemu impreso-barbotin ranog neolita * Apstrakt: U radu se razmatraju nedoumice sa shvatanjem funkcije i tehnika izrade impresa i barbotina u... more
НАРОДНИ МУЗЕЈ БЕОГРАД MUSÉE NATIONAL DE BELGRADE 2017 оригиналан научни рад ЗБОРНИК НАРОДНОГ МУЗЕЈА XXIII-1/2017 Археологија УДК 903.23"6343"(497.11) Примљено: 3. март 2017. Прихваћено: 22. мај 2017. 123-133 Јасна Б. ВУКОВИЋ Универзитет у... more
Abstract: Bone spoons are among the most interesting and most attractive Early Neolithic osseous artefacts. They were carefully manufactured, finely shaped and used for long time. They were noted on numerous sites in Anatolia and... more
Sormás-Török-földek településtörténeti áttekintése.
In this paper the results are given of revised analysis of the prehistoric bone industry from the site of Grivac. The assemblage comprises nearly 100 objects, most of them belonging to the Starčevo (Early/Middle Neolithic) and Vinča (Late... more
Izgubljeni u tranziciji: problem prelaza ranog/srednjeg u kasni neolit centralnog Balkana u jugoslovenskoj/srpskoj arheologiji druge polovine XX veka* Apstrakt: U radu se razmatraju nedoumice i slabosti tradicionalne, kulturno-istorijske... more
Orice corespondenţă referitoare la această publicaţie rugăm a se adresa la: Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal -Muzeul de Istorie Casa Altemberger, Str. Mitropoliei, nr. 2, Sibiu, 550179.
Tools from osseous materials were used for a variety of tasks during prehistoric times – for processing organic materials such as leather, hide, plant fibres; but they may have been also used for the manufacture of flint tools, as... more
This study is based on the first author’s scientific analysis of 854 potsherds from the early Neolithic Impressed Ware, Starčevo-Criş and Korenovo cultures in south and south-eastern Europe. Neolithic pottery is usually heavily tempered,... more
Апстракт: Неолитски период обележен је крупним променама у начину живота човека, од којих је свакако међу најзначајнијима почетак узгајања биљака и животиња. Лов, међутим, остаје као битна активност, не само за прибављање хране, већ може... more
In the C25 feature, belonging to the Early Neolithic settlement, from Miercurea Sibiului –Valea Gârbovei there was found an incised ceramic fragment with linear and clear signs that have analogies in what is called Danube Script. The... more
For every human settlement, the environment has a very important role, not just in economic aspects, but also in social and cultural life. The perception of both the natural landscape and the animal world has a notable impact on economy... more
НАБАВКА И РАСПОЛАГАЊЕ КОШТАНИМ СИРОВИНАМА У РАНОМ И СРЕДЊЕМ НЕОЛИТУ БАЛКАНА Коштане сировине (кост, рог, зуби, љуштуре шкољки) широко су коришћене у праисторији за израду различитих предмета, од алатки до уметничких представа. С једне... more
Although in recent decades bone industry is not a neglected archaeological topic any more, there are still many open questions. One of the important problems in analysing bone industry is the question of reconstructing the chaîne... more
A strategy is proposed for sampling for macro-plant remains at Neolithic/Eneolithic sites in Serbia, informed by the previous archaeobotanical experience and results, and following guidelines in the relevant literature. In designing the... more